Warning System

Stage 1: Warning

People here will be given a warning based on the rules broken. No penalty is given here, and depending on the rules broken people may be removed from this Stage after 1-3 months.

People Here


Stage 2: Warning + Penalty

People here will receive a warning based on the rules broken and will receive a penalty. People here will not be able to purchase/obtain any MYOs or Rights for two weeks (14 days), and may not be allowed to participate in some Events, Contests, and Raffles for two weeks (14 days). If they were a Staff Member they will be stripped of their status and they are not allowed to apply for a Staff position again. If they were a Community Helper they will be stripped of their status and barred from applying for any Community Helper positions for two months (60 days). If they have Rights their Rights will be temporarily revoked for two months (60 days).

People Here


Can obtain Tikry, Sivk, Rih, and Quetil Kahvs, Healthy Kahvs, Kahvs with Non-Rarity Mutations, and Kahvs with Uncommon, Rare, and Legendary General Mutations. Cannot obtain Kahvs with Figurine Disorder and Kahvs with Kahvs with Tikry, Sivk, Rih, Quetil, and Figurine Disorder Infected Specific Mutations for three months (90 days). Can not obtain Kahvs with Nychta Disease, Kahvs with Nychta Disease Infected Specific Mutations, and Kahvs with Unseen Mutations. This counts for Adopts, Customs, MYOs,  and related Items. This does not count for Kahvs they already own.

Stage 3: Warning + Penalty

People here will receive a warning based on the rules broken and will receive a penalty. People here will not be able to purchase/obtain anything from the Shop for two months (60 days), and will not be allowed to participate in Events, Contests, and Raffles for two months (60 days). If they were a Staff Member they will be stripped of their status and they are not allowed to apply for a Staff position again. If they were a Community Helper they will be stripped of their status and they are not allowed to apply for a Community Helper position again. If they have Tikry Rights or Sivk Rights their Rights will be temporarily revoked for six months (180 days). If they have Rih Rights, Quetil Rights, or Unlimited Rights their Rights will be permanently revoked.

People Here


Can obtain Tikry, Sivk, Rih, and Quetil Kahvs, Healthy Kahvs, Kahvs with Non-Rarity Mutations, and Kahvs with Uncommon, Rare, and Legendary General Mutations. Can not obtain Infected Kahvs of any kind, Kahvs with Tikry, Sivk, Rih, Quetil, and any Infected kind Specific Mutations, and Kahvs with Unseen Mutations. This counts for Adopts, Customs, MYOs,  and related Items. This does not count for Kahvs they already own.

If they have Rights the permissions their Rights give them will be modified to comply with this.

Stage 4: Penalty

People here will receive a warning based on the rules broken and will receive a penalty. People here will not be able to purchase/obtain anything from the Shop for six months (180 days), and will not be allowed to participate in Events, Contests, and Raffles for six months (180 days). If they were a Staff Member they will be stripped of their status and they are not allowed to apply for a Staff position again. If they were a Community Helper they will be stripped of their status and they are not allowed to apply for a Community Helper position agains. If they had any Rights their Rights will be permanemtly revoked.

People Here


Can obtain Tikry Kahvs, Healthy Kahvs, and Kahvs with Non-Rarity Mutations. Can not obtain Sivk, Rih, and Quetil Kahvs, Infected of any kind Kahvs, Kahvs with Uncommon, Rare, and Legendary General Mutations, Kahvs with Tikry, Sivk, Rih, Quetil, and any Infected Specific Mutations, and Kahvs with Unseen Mutations. This counts for Adopts, Customs, MYOs, and related Items. This does not count for Kahvs they already own.

If they have Rights the permissions their Rights give them will be modified to comply with this.

Stage 5: Ban

People here are banned, meaning all their Kahvmas and their Pack are voided and must be stripped of any information tying them to The Celestial council, any sort of status they had will be stripped from them, and they are not allowed to do anything related to The Celestial Council.

People Here

greatblueikran/firelight12/greatblueikran(?)/greatblueikran#7895 - Banned from everything owned by Bluekittyhorse due to multiple counts of rule breaking, manipulation, and stalking+repeated verbal harassment on G+ and Amino

Turukmakto/greatblueikran(?) - Banned from everything owned by Bluekittyhorse due to multiple counts of attempted manipulation to try and help the person above with getting out of any sort of trouble (may have helped them stalk Bluekittyhorse's accounts on G+ and Amino to see what she were doing at the time)

Think you were punished unfairly?

You can appeal any Stages you're placed in. Please contact Bluekittyhorse, the Owner, about the situation with information on why you were warned/punished, which Staff Member handled the situation, when it happened, and why you're appealing the decision.