The Resolution

  1. We are creating a network of birth workers, midwives, doctors, therapists, and healers who desire to create and maintain safe space for the total well being of birthing women of color.

  2. We are partnering with H.E.R. Initiative and other domestic violence organizations to provide the necessary support and toolkits for women of color.

  3. We are partnering with the Anti Poverty Group and other farm & garden initiatives to provide immediate relief to women of color and their families.

  4. We are creating ecologically sustainable refuges to provide safe spaces for worship, prayer, meditation, reflection, restoration, birth, and healing for women of color.

  5. We are establishing a consistent rotation of events and programs to help create and fortify an interdependent support system for the psychological, emotional, financial, and physical benefit of women of color and their families.


H.E.R. Initiative

We are partnering with H.E.R. Initiative to provide housing and supplies to women in need.

H.E.R. facilitates the Healing, Exaltation and Restoration of black women by providing support systems, mentorship to youth parents, Mother-child emergency housing, and immediate need response for women & youth.

Community Food Garden

We are partnering with the Anti-Poverty Group to Inspire and motivate community living by establishing sustainable food resources in the form of raise bed gardens for the feeding of those who have little or no food.

This model will be implemented on each property secured by The Birth Guru Organization.

Click Here to learn more about Anti-Poverty Group.

Baby Mama Thrift Shop

We will be using donations from the Baby Mama Thrift Shop to supply our clothes closet and food pantry on each property.

Our Baby Mama Thrift shop is Thrift organized by The Birth Guru Organization to ensure Families can find essentials that Babies and Mothers need. It is supplied by generous donors and in-kind items.

Visit the Baby Mama Thrift Shop on Instagram