Scientific Activities

One-to-one meetings

We have bi-weekly one-to-one meetings with each lab members to review results, plan future work or discuss scientific projects and future career. These are informal meetings ideal to discuss problems and details that might not find space during joint group meetings.

Journal Club

JCs offer the chance to discuss current and classic seminal papers. They are also a good place to practice critical and analytical skills. Presenters present the paper briefly and mainly focus on discussion of the paper's strengths, weaknesses, overall impact and conceptual advance with the entire group.

The LINdoscope

For the first time in 2023 the A-Lab takes part in the LINdoscope at the Leibniz Institute for neurobiology in Magdeburg. We are in for two intense weeks of teaching, learning and just plane fun adn we look forward to welcome the 16 students that will attend this fantastic EMBO course.

Current eventsÂ