
Research Interests

Commutative Algebra, Algebraic Geometry: Combinatorial and Computational, and Interactions with Combinatorics 

Research groups:


1. Newton-Okounkov body, Rees algebra, and analytic spread of graded families of monomial ideals (with Huy Tài Hà), accepted, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, preprint at arXiv:2111.00681

We characterize the Noetherian property of the Rees algebra of a graded family of monomial ideals via its Newton-Okounkov body; and present a combinatorial interpretation for its analytic spread. A related result for Newton-Okounkov body of m-primary ideals is obtained. We also apply these results to bound the generation type and the Veronese degree of the symbolic Rees algebra of a monomial ideal.   arxiv

2. Chudnovsky's conjecture and the stable Harbourne-Huneke containment for general points (with Sankhaneel Bisui), Journal of Algebra, 649 (2024) 245-269.

We show stable Harbourne—Huneke Conjectures and Chudnovsky's Conjecture for ideals of any number of general points in n.   arxiv  journal

3. Duality for asymptotic invariants of graded families (with Michael DiPasquale and Alexandra Seceleanu), Advances in Mathematics, 430 (2023), 109208.

We establish a duality in two important algebro-geometric contexts: one is between the sequence of initial degrees of symbolic powers of a radical ideal and the sequence of regularity of a quotient by ideals generated by powers of linear forms; the other one is between the multipoint Seshadri constant and the asymptotic regularity of a set of points in projective space.   arxiv  journal

4. The initial degree of symbolic powers of Fermat-like ideals of planes and lines arrangements, Communications in Algebra, 51(1) (2023) 29–45. 

We calculate the initial degree of almost all symbolic powers and Waldschmidt constant of Fermat-like ideals of planes arrangement in 3 and of the lines arrangement corresponds to group A3 , and show that Harbourne-Huneke Conjectures for these ideals can be checked purely by these invariant and the maximal generating degrees.   arxiv  journal 

5. Initial degree of symbolic powers of ideals of Fermat configuration of points, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 53(3) (2023) 859-874.

We calculate the initial degree of symbolic powers of Fermat ideals in all unknown cases and show that Harbourne-Huneke Conjectures for these ideals can be verified by these invariant and the maximal generating degrees. We also calculate the Waldschmidt constant and resurgence number in the unknown cases.   arxiv  journal

6. Chudnovsky's conjecture and the stable Harbourne-Huneke containment (with Sankhaneel Bisui, Eloísa Grifo, and Huy Tài Hà), Transactions of the American Mathematical Society Series B, 9(12) (2022), 371-394.

We show Chudnovsky's Conjecture for ideals of sufficiently many general points in ℙn, by showing the stable versions of the Harbourne—Huneke conjectures. We also verify Chudnovsky's Conjecture for ideals of fat points with general support and with uniform multiplicities at least 2.   arxiv  journal

7. Demailly's conjecture and the containment problem (with Sankhaneel Bisui, Eloísa Grifo, and Huy Tài Hà), Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 226(4) (2022), 106863.

We show each of Demailly's inequalities holds for ideals of sufficiently many general points in ℙn  by showing that the Harbourne-Huneke containment that would imply Demailly's bound holds for infinitely many values.  We also verify the containment for star configurations and generic determinantal ideals.   arxiv  journal

8. Generalization of f-graphs and their algebraic aspects (with Muhammad Ahsan Binyamin, Hasan Mahmood, and Fazal Ur Rehman), Journal of Mathematics, (2023) 7984489.

We introduce quasi f-ideal, which is a generalization of f-ideal, and investigate some basic properties and classification of them. We introduce quasi f-complexes and show that they are connected. We also give a construction of Cohen-Macaulay quasi f-graphs.   arxiv  journal

9. Finding points on varieties with Macaulay2 (with Sankhaneel Bisui, Zhan Jiang, Sarasij Maitra, and Karl Schwede), Journal of Software for Algebra and Geometry, 13(1) (2023) 33-43.

We present RandomRationalPoints, a package in Macaulay2 designed mainly to identify rational and geometric points in a variety over a finite field.  An application is to obtain non-vanishing minors of a given size in a given matrix, by evaluating the matrix at a point.   arxiv  journal


1. Lower bounds for Waldschmidt constants and Demailly's conjecture for general and very general points (with Sankhaneel Bisui), in revision, Collectanea Mathematica, preprint at arXiv:2401.11297

We prove Demailly's Conjecture when m=2 for any set of very general points, any set of at least 2^N general points in n and any set of general points in 3,4,5 except four cases in 5.   arxiv

2. Simplicial complexes and matroids with vanishing T2 (with Alexandru Constantinescu, Patricia Klein, Anurag Singh, and Lorenzo Venturello), submitted, preprint at arXiv:2406.02440

We completely characterize and give a full list of one dimensional complexes with vanishing T2. We compute the graded components of T2 of uniform matroid simplicial complex. We also show that for all matroids of corank at most 2, T2 vanishes, and conjecture that all connected matroids with vanishing T2 are of corank at most 2.   arxiv

3. Limits of length functions of multi p-families of ideals (with Vinh Anh Pham), submitted, preprint at arXiv:2404.17712

We show the asymptotic relationship between the limit of the normalized length function of a multi-$p-$family of ideals and that of its shifted family under a linear growth assumptions in a local domain of characteristic $p$. We obtain a generalized version of a formula due to Wantanabe-Yoshida for certain $p-$families and give an instance of the existence of a mixed multiplicity version of multi-$p$-families of ideals.   arxiv

4. Three invariants of geometric vertex decomposable ideals (with Jenna Rajchgot and Adam Van Tuyl), submitted, preprint at arXiv:2311.08541

We obtain recursive formulae for regularity, a-invariant, and multiplicity of geometrically vertex decomposable ideals. We apply these results for several classes of gvd ideals including toric ideals of bipartite graphs.   arxiv

5. Resurgence number of graded families of ideals (with Huy Tài Hà, Arvind Kumar, and Hop Dang Nguyen), submitted, preprint at arXiv:2308.16410

We introduce and study the resurgence and asymptotic resurgence numbers associated to a pair of graded families of ideals in a Noetherian ring. These notions generalize the well-studied resurgence and asymptotic resurgence of an ideal in a polynomial ring, thus, provide a general framework to study (non)containment between ideals in graded families.   arxiv

Working Projects



Finding points on varieties with Macaulay2 (with Sankhaneel Bisui, Zhan Jiang, Sarasij Maitra, and Karl Schwede), Journal of Software for Algebra and Geometry, 13(1) (2023) 33-43.

We present RandomRationalPoints, a package in Macaulay2 designed mainly to identify rational and geometric points in a variety over a finite field.  An application is to obtain non-vanishing minors of a given size in a given matrix, by evaluating the matrix at a point.