Local partners

1. Institutions

1.1 Loei Education Province Office, Thailand is the cooperative organization connecting between Loei Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 and Loei Province Office.

1.2 Loei Province Office is the important organization supporting some budget for long time continuously running overwhelming project.

1.3 U.S. Embassy in Thailand: the U.S. Embassy is the organization that we request for a partner to support some budget, knowledge and other necessaries for implement the project.

1.4 Malaysia Embassy in Thailand is another partner that we call for cooperation while process the project.

1.5 Thai Embassy in Malaysia is a partner that we contact for some supports during the project running in Malaysia.

1.6 The Department of ASEAN Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affair of Thailand is the partner we request for support some budget and facilitation in project process.

1.7 True Corporation Public Company Limited, Thailand is the private section supporting budget, information technology, place, and materials for the project especially during the follow up phase in Jiarawanonutit fourth school that will be developed to the English Learning Center in Loei.

1.8 Educational Innovation Development of the Office of the Basic Education Commission of Thailand gives some suggestions to develop the project and contacts other organizations for budget supporting.

1.9 The Government Lottery Office is the organization that we request for budget support.

1.10 Teaching Toys Company Limited, Thailand is the network company of Dynamic Education International, Inc (DynEd) who is the world’s leading provider of English language learning software in the United State of America. Teaching Toys will guide for using software for English learning and support the trainers for program coaching in the follow up phase including some budget for the project.

1.11 University of Malaysia Kelantan is the higher education level organization supporting the trainers and knowledge for learning English in this project.

1.12 The Policy and International Relationship Division of Ministry of Education Malaysia is the cooperative organization connecting between Loei Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 and the government educational organizations in Malaysia include facilitating during the project process in Malaysia.

1.13 Kelantan State Education Department is the local cooperative organization connecting between Loei Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 and the target schools in Malaysia and facilitates during the project process in Malaysia.

1.14 Wadi Sofia International School is the Excellence Center of English Learning where we will hold on students English camp, teachers training and school principals training. In addition, it is also the accommodations for all participants from Thailand and the place for teachers to join English learning activities together with the local teachers.

1.15 Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Panji is a public school in Kota Bharu where the Thai teachers will join English learning activities together with the local teachers.

1.16 Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Getting is another public school in Tumpat where the Thai teachers will join English learning activities together with the local teachers.

2. Individual Partners

2.1 Mr. Chaiwat Chuenkosum, the Loei province governor, he always guides for this project and supports some budget.

2.2 Dr. Supachai Janpum, the director of Loei Education Province Office, helps to contact the Loei Province Office, gives some advices and supports for personnel administration.

2.3 Mr. Ponchai Chumpunya, the director of Loei Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 is a person who suggests for the project and is another help for the legalization and the continuity of the project. 2.4 Datuk Dr.Hassan Harun, Wadi Sofia International School principal and the educational expert of Ministry of Education Malaysia, is the very important per son who coaches for the project, facilitates the activities running and accommodations in Malaysia. Furthermore, he helps to contact the trainers from University of Malaysia Kelantan and always gives the valuable suggestions.

2.5 Ms. Sharifah Nor Arinawati Bt Long Ibrahim, the principal of Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Panji, will discuss with her teachers for designing the English learning activities that will join together between Malaysian and Thai teachers. Moreover, she will facilitates and monitors while the activities in progress.

2.6 Ms. Noor Azlina bt. Omar, the principal of Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Getting, will do the same way of Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Panji principal that consist of designing the English learning activities, monitoring and facilitating.

2.7 Ms. Rohasmawati binti Abdullah is a special education teacher of Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Panji. She is always a cooperative person from the starting point of the project. In addition, she will look after about transportation in Malaysia through the project running.

2.8 Ms. Liyana Leng Abdullah is the registrar of Wadi Sofia International School. She is very significant person for cooperation. She always support for information and contact other for fostering this project. Moreover, she will work about document and look after all Thai people during staying in Malaysia.