
The participants attending the projects consist of 25 students, 20 teachers, and 15 school principals in 13 different schools in Loei. People in this group have the high motivation to learn more experiences and apply for participation. They are selected by Loei Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. The students age is between 11-15 years old that will joy the English Camp designed by English Excellence Learning Center of Wadi Sofia International School. The teachers are trained communicative English language skills and teaching techniques by the trainers of University of Malaysia Kelantan. Then, they will participate the English learning activities at 3 schools in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. The school principals will be trained communicative English language skills and English for administration. Moreover, the first change agent group, target group, will come back and continue the project at their schools so we expect to reach about 4,000 students and 500 teachers in our area.