Additional Marker Rendering - Kettle



For this task we will get a blue pencil sketch template prepared for us. All we need to do is to fineline it and finally marker it. The thing that make this project harder than the last project is that we need to learn how to marker a clear object which have reflection.


I have fineline all the object already. I used a thicker tip for the outside to make the product stand out and used a thinner tip for the inside.


I started on the first object I design the handle, base, tip to be wood and make the main body metal. I used blue for water because it make us feel like the water is clean.


I then start the next shape. While I done the first layer of marker, for it to dry I started the next shape and come back for the first shape again. Then I repeat the step until it is done.


I repeated the same pattern of work until the last shape. I make the outline to be darker as always, and leave spaces for a light reflection. I then make sure that everything is ready before I started on the soft black pencil.


After I finished my marker rendering I then started on my soft black pencil. I used the soft black pencil to add a layer of shadow on to the object. As you can see the different of before and after I added the shadow, it really make the kettle more interesting. I added the shadow by analyze the kettle and think where the shadow should go. For example when the top part of the object is bigger than the lower one, the shadow of the top part will cast to the bottom one.


Chinagraph pencil is a white pencil which are very soft. I used it to add a light reflection where the part of the object that should catches light. It will normally be the part that is the top or the tip of the object, it also most of the time appear on the middle of the object.


I uses colour pencil for make the button brighter and stand out from the kettle.