Cylindrical Form

Cylindrical Form Shape - 

Cylindrical form shape is a based eclipse shape which made from many eclipses which have joined up together in differents way

BLue Pencil Sketch

I've uses eclipses to design the shapes. and joined them up in variety of ways. I also have added the centre line to make the shape straight or sway in the direction I wanted it to be. 


I used a technical pen to outline the shape. I have used thicker line for the edge of the shape that we cant see the back and thin for line for places like corner. As you can see I have also fineline my centre line but I decided to make the line thinner.

Highlight and shadow

I have added shadow as always. This time you can see that I have make the shadow lighter than before because I have got comment to go lighter on my shadow which I think now look better. I have also added highlight as always where I think it would catches light.