Assesment Creativity project- Power Tool Toys

Main Point

The point of this project is for us to design a power tool toys which are for pre preps. This project measured our work on the real customer which are the pre preps. We needed to turn Power tools which are use for a professional work purpose into a children toy. This make me think and remember the memories which as a kids we try to imagine that we are doing a particular job and got to play around with some toy tools.

Design idea and sketching

I've decided to make the design based on animals that would go well with it. For this task I have decided to use procreate which is a digital design skill.


I have chosen Narwhale for the drill because I think that the horn of the narwhale would match the drill screw of the hand drill.

Circular Saw

I have chosen snail because the first time I saw the safety guard of the saw, an image of the snaikl's shell pops up in my head

Measuring Tape

I have chose the giraffe for the measuring tape because I have an idea of when measuring tape extended it would be cool if the giraffe neck extend too because the giraffe have known for having a long neck.

Leaf Blower

I've decided to choose the sharkwhale for the leaf blower because of the big mouth of the sharkwhale which should suit the leaf blower

Jig Saw

As I were researching for an idea, I've found that the chameleon tail hang down just like a jig saw blade.

Chain Saw

The saw fish itself have the clue in its name, so I have decided to use that clue usefully so I decided to make it as a chain saw.


Blue pencil

I have use the same technique as always by using a blue pencil to sketch first because if we fineline it with black the black would stand out. The bit this time I did differently from the other time is that I have. for some of them done a draft first and then change its opacity. I then draw over it one more time which this time add a detail I wanted. As you can see for the design, I have uses technique such as cylindrical form and two point perspective boxes to draw.


I have done like always by finelining the edge bit with a thicker line and the inner part with a thinner line.


For this time I have tried many way of render and coloring, but I finally choose to use airbrush or color drop because of the way the most of the shape is.

Shadow and highlight

I have like always uses a Soft dirty airbrush as a shadow and soft clean air as a highlight. For the shadow I have to think which that where I'm making it darker. I make the bottom right the darkest because my light source woul come from the top left. I also added the shadow at the place I think shadow would cast for example like at the eyes which would pops up and make the shadow cast. for the high light I just think of where light would cast and add the high light. 

Background Shadow and linking box

I have added the background shadow to make the object like it hovering out of the canvas and make it more realistic. Also that I've also added the linking box which are rendered in plain colour or the earth tone colour which will make the object stand out.


I have added the description of the part of the object by describing what it is and what material im planning to use.


I decided to add a rubber grip to the handle for a fimer grip for children. I also changed the design of the tail to a more cartoon looking tail so the children would enjoy the design more. The tail is also a battery socket which are seperated from the main body. I also have added a little cosmetic for it so it can be customize and changed by magnet which stick to it head, I made it this way so it can become more playful and fun to use and play with.


We uses foam block and then make it in to the pieces we need as a guide before doing the real products.


I sketch a seperate parts on paper before I cut it out and stick it to the foam which I will use later. I used the hot wire cutter to cut the foam parts out after.


The first part I did is the main part which is needed to be curved so I need to turn a foam block into the shape I wanted. So I decided to use a tool that look like a cheese grater which will quickly tare the thing in to shapes.


I needed to sand the faom to make it smooth after I have used the cheese grater. I used the wet and dry sand paper for it. I used the 1200 which is a fine one which is suitable for foam 

Finished main part


I have made a drill part off a slightly denser foam which is used for detail work. I have made its base longer than I wanted because I will drill hole in the main body which will fir right in to it.


I have made all the parts I needed and assemble everything togrether.

Hat Yee-Hawwwww

After I finished assemble everything I then realise to make a hat for it, and it fits him :D.

Final Touch

I glued the part together to strestrengthen it and I have drawn to show the air hole to cool the motor of the real product which I designed it as the grill of the fish. I also added the rubber grip at the end.