Per Square Mile

The Reservation Tracker has collected statistics on over 52000 Cybertruck reservations. We have used those statistics, along with adjustment assumptions, to estimate total outstanding Cybertruck reservations. We then scale our data and use geographical statistics to arrive at and estimate of outstanding Cybertruck reservation per square mile. Our estimates will improve as more people contribute to the tracker.  In many cases reservations per square mile will increase as reservations increase, in other cases it may decrease. Decreases may happen in the case that the rate of growth of contributions to the tracker is  faster than the rate of growth of reservations, leading to an improved estimate of regional distribution of reservations.

Estimated Booked Cybertruck Orders per Square Mile by Region. Hover cursor over maps for live context sensitive information

Below tables exclude regions with 5 or fewer contributions to the Reservation Tracker.

Below are the regions we use to define NorthWestern US, SouthWestern US, NorthCentral US, SouthCentral US, NorthEastern US, and SouthEastern US along with accompanying Statistics.