Basic Sailing Reference

My Try Layar-Sailing for All

Bagaimana Melancarkan bot  anda

Bersempena dengan bulan pelayaran Terengganu- MonSTer 2021

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- Secara umumnya launching adalah salah satu perkara asas yang penting.

- pastikan kedalaman yang cukup supaya rudder tidak tersangkut dasar

- Kesilapan atau cara yang salah boleh menyebabkan berlaku kerosakan dan masalah untuk memulakan pelayaran anda

- Arah bot hampir :head to wind" semasa memasang adalah penting supaya bot stabil

- teknik memasukkan pintle di rudder blade ke gudgeon di bot sedikit sukar jika bot tidak stabil

- Jangan berada terlampau dalam nanti susah pula nak masuk ke dalam bot

- daggerboard boleh juga dimasukkan semasa berada dalam bot tetapi sebaiknya masukkan sebahagian sebelum menaiki bot

- setelah masuk terus pegang tiller halakan bot ke tempat yang diarahkan oleh coach

- tarik mainsheet untuk gerakkan bot. Berapa banyak? sehingga hilang flapping pada layar

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Your first sail session can be exciting, and perhaps a little daunting.  This playlist shows you some good targets to aim for on your first sail.  But remember you must never sail alone, and only sail where other people are around to rescue you when you get into difficulty. 

This video introduces you to what you may like to aim at on your first sail.  The video shows you how to start and stop, the principles of turning around, what the wind means and how to identify where it is blowing from.  This is sailing at its most basic form.  On the channel are many more specific videos about other aspects of sailing.

How to Sail - Single Handed First Sail: Part 2 of 7: Where to sit

Where to sit?  This is important to understand.  This video shows you where to sit on your single person dinghy.  We are using the Laser dinghy in all our training videos, but the same principles apply to pretty much any boat you come across. 

How to Sail - Single Handed First Sail: Part 3 of 7: Sails

Sails, what are they and what do they do?  How does a sail work and how do I control the sail?  these are all regular questions and this video shows you what to do and how to identify what happens on the sail as you adjust it.

How to Sail - Single Handed First Sail: Part 4 of 7: Turning Around

Turning around.  This video shows you a very basic way of turning.  Watch the tacking playlist for a much more detailed explanation but this explanation is a good one to follow first day out 

How to Sail - Single Handed First Sail: Part 5 of 7: Simple Manoeuvres

Basic maneuvres for your first sail afloat.  This video will show you a few to try and achieve and also how to avoid being stuck in irons when the boat is head to wind. 

How to Sail - Single Handed First Sail: Part 6 of 7: Common Mistakes

On your first sail there is a lot to watch out for.  What is the wind doing, where is it blowing from, how do I start and stop and control my speed.  You will be full of enthusiasm and questions but will also make lots of really basic mistakes.  This video illustrates just a few of the common mistakes that I spot when people are learning to sail. 

How to Sail - Single Handed First Sail: Part 7 of 7: Key Learning Points

Watch this video for the Key Learning Points for your first sail.  As with the Key learning points for the other videos on our channel, I have tried to make these easy to spot and help you to identify what they might be so you can look out for them and try and avoid the trips. 

What to do on your first sail.  Here we show some good objectives for your first time afloat 

Taking a boat out for the first time is exciting.  What do I do, and where do I sit and what do I do with all the ropes.  This is an introduction to what you should aim for on your first sail.  Watch this in conjunction with the other videos in this playlist and return to watch them over again if you need to. 

How to Sail - 2H First Sail - Part 2 of 7: Where to sit

Where to sit is important.  This video will show you, and help you to identify where this is.  Good crewing position is a key skill to learn. 

How to Sail - 2H First Sail - Part 3 of 7: Sails

This online sailing lesson introduces you to the sails, and how to use them.  As this is your first day out these are the most simple but easiest to understand.  It is all about the sail not flapping......  I hate that term, but it explains what you need the sail to do.  Release the control lines until the sail flaps or flutters and then pull them in until they just stop flapping, 

How to Sail - 2H First Sail - Part 4 of 7: Turning around

Turning around on your first sail should be a tack which is where the bow of the boat turns through the wind.  For a more detailed explanation of this process please watch the playlist on tacking.  This video is the lowest common denominator for taking.  Follow the instructions to understand how to turn in its simplest form, but remember that this is a complex process with more information needed. 

How to Sail - 2H First Sail - Part 5 of 7: Simple Manoeuvres

Here is a couple of simple maneouvres to practice on your first sail.  Good exercises to practice boat control 

How to Sail - 2H First Sail - Part 6 of 7: Common mistakes

After teaching people for many years there are common mistakes that apply to large numbers of people.  All of our common mistake videos follow this principle and this one looks at the mistakes often made on your first sail 

How to Sail - 2H First Sail - Part 7 of 7: Key learning points

Recap of the things you should aim to do on your first sail.  This is how to start and stop, and how to turn around.  Simple things to start with allow you to become familiar with how the boat behaves and responds to your control 

Often called the 5 essentials.  We think that Wind Awareness is so important that it should be added to this list making 6 essentials!  Each factor is are as important as the other and crucial to get to grips with. 

The essential factors are most commonly known as the five essentials.  These are factors considered the most important to allow a boat to sail to its full potential.  Each factor is as important as the other, and as one changes there is a knock on effect on the others.

When you go on a course you will most probably find this called the 5 essentials. However we think that what the wind is doing is SO important that this should be included in this section as well and have made ours a list of six essentials.

Wind awareness is the only essential that happens outside of the boat but it has a DIRECT impact on absolutely everything that happens on board a boat.

You MUST understand where the wind is blowing from at all times afloat to allow you the best chance to then look at and understand the other factors in turn.  Without understanding where the wind is blowing from there is a risk you will be lost and not fully understand what to do with regard to the remaining factors.  This video introduces the concept of the essential factors and illustrates what to look for.