TWiNS - Terengganu Windsurfing N Sailing  



Mission to provide the qualities of sailing training program and activities  especially to the Terengganu's and also open to others.

What are the values that bring people together in your club?.


Latihan di pusat latihan pelayaran T-WiNS di Duyong Marina Resorts


What we've done

Starting from 2011 we are growing improve in numbers of participants in Introduction to sailing re known later as My Try Layar
Most of them stay sailing or getting involve in the activities did
Before 2012 Terengganu did not got any medal in Malaysian Games (SUKMA) 

at SUKMA 2012 Terengganu was second ranked for sailing event,  1st ataSUKMA 2014 , 2nd at SUKMA 2016 and 1st again at SUKMA 2018 with 8 gold medal out of 14 events 

TWiNS sailors also was elected as national sailors since 2013 till now. Best achievement was Bronze medal at 2018 Asian Games from Illham Wahab on RS-One event. 


Program My Try Layar 2018
Caption for the presentation above