Welcome to Terauchi Naoko's page!



Japanology course, Graduate School of Intercultural Studies, Kobe University 


B.A., Musicology, Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music,1984.

M.A., Musicology, Graduate School of Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, 1987.

D.L., Given from the Graduate School of Osaka University, 1999.

  Doctoral Dissertation: Temporal Structure and Concepts of tôgaku in the late Heian period


Historical Study on Japanese Traditional Music, especially Court Music gagaku

Okinawan Performing Arts

Traditional Performing Arts in Japanese Communities Abroad

Transformation of traditional musics in the contemporary society


Toyo Ongaku Gakkai (Society for Research in Asiatic Music)

Nippon Ongaku Gakkai (Musicological Society of Japan)(editorial board)

Okinawa Bunka Kyokai 

International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM)(Chair of the Study Group on Musics of East Asia, 2014-2016)

Society for Ethnomusicology (SEM)

Fourth symposium of ICTM, Study Group on Musics of East Asia  was held in Nara, August 21-23, 2014  

Fifth symposium of ICTM, Study Gourp on Musics of East Asia, Taipei 25-27 August, 2016


"Gigaku in the 21st century" , the 4th international symposium, Study Group on Musics of East Asia, ICTM,   Nara University of Education, August 21, 2014.

"L'univers du gagaku. " Conservatoire National Supérieure Musique et danse de Lyon, février 25, 2015.

"L'univers du gagaku. " Maison de la culture du Japon a Paris, février 26,27,28, 2015.

"Le gagaku et Tôru Takemitsu :  « In an autumn garden », " Maison de la culture du Japon à Paris, novembre 10, 2015.

"Gagaku in the Kasuga wakamiya onmatsuri festival: from the sound of imperial authority to the sound of local identity,"  International symposium "Presence through sound:  place and contemporary music in and from East Asia", Sydney Conservatorium of Music, Sydney University, March 30, 2016; London University, School of Oriental and African Studies, April 18, 2017.

"Development of a city and its musical circumstance: the activities of craftsmen and merchants of musical instruments in the modern period of Nagoya, Japan". The 3rd Forum of the International Council for Traditional Music, 中央音楽学院(北京)July 14, 2018.

"Art or Record? An Exploration of a Japanese Bugaku Scroll through Cross-cultural and Inter-disciplinary Approaches." In the 45th World Conference, International Council for Traditional Music, Chulalongkorn University (Thailand), July 17, 2019. 

" 'Locality’ and ‘centralization’ of the performing arts: introduction of gagaku into local shrines in the Meiji period." in Symposium 'Gagaku: Cultural Capital, Cultural Heritage, and Cultural Identity.' Critical Interventions Lab (Symposium, Workshops, and Performances) at the University of California, Santa Barbara, June 2021.

“A local song or a court song?: a‘discovery’of a saibara song“Sakurabito”in Nagoya.” 7th Symposium of the Study Group on Musics of East Asia, International Council for Traditional Music. May 15, 2022 (online).