Sponsoring the Future

Sponsorship is a collaboration: We benefit from your sponsorship, and we also want your organization to benefit from us. Corporate and private sponsorship of the workshop contributes to its successful outcome and has been key to its 25 year successful record of accomplishments. The workshop and its participants appreciate your financial and logistic support because it allows us to reduce registration fees, to offer scholarships to students, and to offer travel support to attract first-time senior experts. It forms a connection between the participants and the sponsor.

Private donations are also appreciated by the organizers and participants, and can be named or anonymous. Private donations are also gratefully accepted in the name of a late researcher.

Corporate Sponsorship


    • Exposure to over 100 leaders and participants of the fields over an extended period
    • Recruiting opportunities
    • Promotion as a sponsor on website
    • Recognition of sponsor as a supporter of open fundamental R&D in AI technology and neuroscience
    • Donations are fully tax deductible to a non-profit organization (see below)

2018 Levels of Corporate Sponsorship

Diamond $50,000 USD

    • Acknowledgment at Opening Reception and Closing Banquet
    • Company name and logo on website with link and sponsorship type
    • 2 company participants possible for the entire workshop
    • 6 sponsored workshop participant scholarships selected by organizers
    • 30m morning time slot to present your company or vision to workshop participants

Platinum $25,000 USD

    • Acknowledgment at Opening Reception and Closing Banquet
    • Company name and logo on website with link and sponsorship type
    • 1 company participant possible for the entire workshop
    • 3 sponsored workshop participant scholarships selected by organizers
    • 15m morning time slot to present your company or vision to workshop participants

Gold $10,000 USD

    • Acknowledgment at Opening Reception and Closing Banquet
    • Company name and logo on website with link and sponsorship type
    • 1 sponsored workshop participant scholarship selected by organizers
    • 1 company participant at the final demo event, final presentations, and banquet

To sponsor the workshop

For sponsorship, please contact the fundraising committee at neuromorphs18-fundraising@googlegroups.com.

Private Donations

Private donations to support the workshop are appreciated by the organizers and participants, and can be named or anonymous. Donations are gratefully accepted in the name of a late researcher. The donation can be directed to a named scholarship to support a deserving workshop applicant.

Tax deductions

Donations to the nonprofit educational Inst. of Neuromorphic Engineering Foundation are tax deductible in the USA as a charitable contribution. The Institute of Neuromorphic Engineering, Inc. is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization that promotes the broad field of neuromorphic and cognition studies. It administers the Telluride Neuromorphic Cognition Engineering Workshop as an outreach. Our corporate ID number is 47-0914736.

How to donate

Donations to the Institute of Neuromorphic Engineering Inc. to support the workshop can be made with credit card or Paypal account, using the Donate button.

For anonymous donations and/or donations to a named scholarship please enter these instructions in the field "Add special instructions to the seller:", e.g. "Anonymous" and/or "In the name of XXX".

Private donations can also be made by check payable to "Institute of Neuromorphic Engineering Fdtn", mailed to

Institute of Neuromorphic Engineering Fdtn., P. O. Box 275, College Park, MD 20741-0275

Logistic sponsorship

The workshop appreciates the generous logistic support it has received from companies that have supplied equipment and software used in the workshop. Logistic sponsorship is acknowledged by the workshop at the opening and closing events and on the website as a Supporting Sponsor organization.