Past Programmes

Learn more about Te Hononga-ā-Kiwa through the stories of those who have lived and experienced it.

Read some of our past participants' profiles and gain insight into why they applied for and participated in Te Hononga-ā-Kiwa and why they were selected

Past Programmes

Hear directly from the participants themselves as they reflect on their Te Hononga-ā-Kiwa experience through collaborative daily diary entries

What our students say

"I am still blown away by what I learnt about myself, my journey and our true potential as an indigenous collective."

"Very grateful for the experience and hope to be involved in the future! It was LIFE CHANGING. And I think it was important for me to share that with as many people as I could."

Japan, 2019

“The aspect that resonated with me most was bonding with my fellow business owners and all of our tauira in some way shape or form. The power and value of relationships, which I prioritise in both my personal and professional life.”

“The visits throughout the programme were very 'grassroots', indigenous based businesses. These visits exceeded my expectations to learn about indigenous businesses that feed into their communities because every place we went did just that.”

“I’m really thankful for the trip and for me it truly changed my life. I now want to be involved in the Māori business world. I’m way happier, more open and more willing to give new things a try. Since the trip I feel more like I have something in life that I’m willing to pursue, particularly in the Māori business world.”

"This is a once in a lifetime experience that I will be sharing and talking about with all those close to me. I would recommend and encourage others to apply!"

“I didn’t expect to fall in love with the culture and the people as much as I did. It was truly life changing for me.”

As written by the participants

See participant profiles

All you need to know to apply