When packing for Niagara, remember to pack the appropriate clothing. The average temperature throughout August in the Niagara Region is upwards of 26-27°C. You can expect that the weather will be extremely humid and similar to what we see in Saskatchewan, so come prepared for varied summer temperatures!

  • Please leave valuables at home. If you don’t need it, don’t bring it.

  • A pillow, pillow case, sheets, blanket and towels will be provided.


  • Team Sask ceremonial uniform

  • Sport competition uniform and equipment

  • Personal medications

  • Personal ID (drivers license, passport, etc.)

  • Health card (physical and photocopy)

  • Proof of vaccination

  • Summer clothing (tops, bottoms, underwear, socks, hats, etc.)

  • Saskatchewan clothing (green, rider, etc.)

  • Rainbow coloured clothing for pride day

  • Sweater/ sweat pants for evening

  • Pajamas

  • Rain gear

  • Sandals, runners, etc.

  • Personal toiletries (shampoo, body wash, tooth brush, tooth paste, make-up, deodorant, cleanser, etc.)

  • Hair tools (straightener, curler, etc.)

  • Shower sandals

  • Laundry soap

  • Charging cords and technology

  • Sunscreen, bug spray, etc.

  • Snacks and entertainment for the plane

  • Spending money

  • We encourage you to bring one, two or three containers of green play-doh in your checked luggage for the Niagara Children's Centre!


    • Ensure to pack all prescriptions, change of clothes, competition clothing, Team Sask uniform, and any other necessities within your carry-on luggage!

    • Please ensure to bring a meal and snacks with you on the plane!