Design Process

Rocket Design Process

We began designing our rocket by experimenting with the RockSim program and exploring its capabilities. We looked through the sample rocket database to try and find a 3-stage rocket to base our design off of but didn't have any luck. After watching a few Youtube tutorials, we began designing our own rocket, step-by-step. We found that the specifications for an engine were the same for a 1 and 3 stage rocket; the only difference being how many engines there were. We used these videos and sample rockets as a guide in the design of our own rocket. After a while, we came up with a complete design, but there were some problems in the trial runs. We found that the rocket didn't reach as high altitudes as we had anticipated, and we also found that the line the rocket traveled back to the ground after the parachute was deployed was very shallow, almost at a 45 degree angle. We wanted the rocket to travel higher and land closer to its launching point, so we added stronger engines and a smaller parachute. These two features fixed our problems, and our final design was complete.

Carbon Capture Device Design Process

We started our design for the CO2 Device by brainstorming and researching possible methods we could use to filter out carbon dioxide from air. We found a new technology called a graphene filter than works very well at allowing carbon dioxide to pass through while keeping everything else out. After deciding which filtering method to use, we brainstormed some possible designs, which we have included bellow. After we decided on what our final design should look like, we started working in TinkerCad. After creating a first draft, we decided we had to make the carbon capture chamber a little bigger and add parachute hooks to the top.

Week 4 sketch.pdf

Initial Sketch