
Publications, Presentations & Articles

Journal Articles

Invited Articles & Editorials

Posters & Presentations

05/2022 – RCPsych Annual Medical Education Conference

·    Evaluation of online General Adult Higher Psychiatry Trainees Regional teaching program during Covid19 pandemic using Postgraduate Virtual Learning Environment (PGVLE) (poster)


05/2022 – TASME Annual Conference

·    Improving Core Surgical Trainee's management of acute urology issues with region-wide online modules Reference number: TSC2020-044 (poster)


12/2021 – DEMEC

·      Rise of the Digital Teaching Fellow (ePoster)

·      Educational Supervision in Practice (ESIPS) – supporting trainers on a digital platform (Poster)

·      The evolution of a virtual learning environment for the core surgical training curriculum (Poster)

11/2021 – RSM - The future of virtual learning 


11/2020 – Health Education England – Educators’ Conference - The Virtual Learning Environment – The Regional Perspective

10/2020 – ASIT/Medall Virtual Surgical Summit

·      Shaping the Virtual Learning Environment: Emojis as a novel feedback modality for content delivery in postgraduate medical education (poster) 

06/2020 – Health Education East Midlands Webinar (4th June) - Virtual Teaching Webinar – Development & Optimisation of Resources (UA)