Classroom Podcast

Student voice is something I strive to give my students and I consider it to be an important component in my classroom . Student voice “is the individual and collective perspective, and action of students within the context of learning and education". One way I incorporate student voice is through Podbean. Podbean is a site that hosts podcasts for all types of learning and interests. Incorporating a classroom podcast has created another way for my students to share their learning globally. I believe when students know they are sharing with the world their desire for learning increases.

How does it work?

  • Create a Podbean account - You can try it for Free
    • You can sign up through facebook, twitter, your google plus account, or you can create a new account using an email.
    • There is also an app you can download from the app store. This is a handy tool because I can record podcasts straight off my phone. I love this tool because my students get so excited when they know they are about to be featured on the channel.
    • I also allow students to create recordings of their own. They use a google extension called voice recorder. Students are able to save their recording in their google drive and share with me. I review their recording(s) and then upload to our station.

Check our podcast channel below

Salim, A. S. (2015, September 17). The importance of giving students a voice. Retrieved September 10, 2017, from voice/