
Here are some online resources I use with my biology students.

Here are some online teacher resources to plan your biology lessons.

Choice boards

Resource Available on my TPT Store

Supplemental Aids

What are supplemental aids? Supplemental aids are visual organizer that are blank and have no information on them, like a punnet square. They may also be mnemonic devices such as "Apples in the Tree and Cars in the Garage" which only helps students remember a concept (A goes with T, and C goes with G when referring to DNA bases) but does not provide the answer.

Using supplemental aids during the school year are a great resource for your SPED and 504 students. Students may then use the same resource during the STAAR State exam as a supplemental aid.

Supplemental Aids- What is allowed? by TEA

Pre and Post Assessments

Its critical to measure student growth to be able to measure student understanding. This can be done through formative and summative assessments. 

Practice PreTest Available on my TPT store

Guided Scaffolded Worksheets

What are guided scaffolded worksheets? 

Guided Scaffolded worksheets are handouts that help both the teacher and student follow the 5E model which include the following:

The teacher and students are sure to review key vocabulary and assess student understanding during the lesson. Students can easily go back and use their notes as support for their guided and independent portions of the activity. This is a great way to have your student begin to learn how to take and use their notes.

Available on my TPT Store

Available on my TPT Store