Call for Abstracts



With the world facing intense challenges socially, politically, environmentally what is the role of engineering to help steer communities to safer havens? Engineering is the bedrock of modern society but how can we ensure engineers work not just to delivering effectively projects, but also more widely for society and the environment?


The theme of TE2024 is Engineering for Social Change. We want to explore how engineering design and manufacturing processes – whether they are digital twins or systems models, new innovations or the use of machine learning – can be turned towards a wider good? How can product design be better, not just for the business wanting to make a new, better version, but also for wider society and for the environment more generally? How can systems approaches address these challenges and what are the ethical, philosophical and justice considerations hidden in them? What is the role of the engineer in this? How do we train or educate engineers to see the opportunities for inclusive design, sustainable construction or ethical manufacturing? What skills, analytic approaches, design or collaboration practices are effective? What challenges are encountered in working across boundaries – between academia and industry, interdisciplinary practice experiences and insights, especially with the social sciences.


We invite engineering researchers, educators and industry practitioners, and researchers of engineers and engineering, to submit abstracts addressing these questions or related issues in transdisciplinary engineering. 


Topics historically of interest to the TE community are always welcome, including:


We invite new collaborators from industry & non-engineering academia exploring:


The submissions portal for abstracts will open on the 15th November 2023 with a deadline of 31st January 2024 29 FEBRUARY 2024

PLEASE NOTE: No more workshop ideas are being accepted - thanks for your proposals. If you missed this chance look out for TE2025.

Abstract submissions

Submission portal is NOW OPEN. 

Go to submissions portal.

In preparation, visit the Guidance & Templates page to see what is in scope for TE2024 and to download the formal abstract submission template.

Workshop proposals

No more workshop proposals are being accepted as we have filled the slots. Thankyou for your ideas and if you missed this year think about TE2025!