Technical Visits

Technical visits

Due to space limitations on the individual tours we require that delegates sign up to attend the tours. These tours are for TE2024 registrants only and not open to the general public. 

TE2024 delegates - to sign up to these tours, you need to go to your ConfTool account, browse the Conference Agenda and click on the relevant tour session and follow the instructions there to sign up via EventBrite, using the password provided in the session description.

NOTE: On Monday 8th there are also open workshops going on - one in the morning and one in the afternoon, so please plan your technical visit on Monday with your interest to attend these workshops in mind.


Monday 8th July 

UCL Marshgate Labs tour - Marshgate, UCL East campus. Eventbrite sign up required. There are a total of 80 spaces across all 4 Marshgate tours.

Morning tours 10.00-11.00. To sign up for this tour, please go to the ConfTool Conference schedule for this session (Monday 1000-1100) and follow the instructions there. There are 2 x parallel tours in this slot, each with a maximum of 20 participants (i.e. 40 in total).

Afternoon tours 15.00-16.00. To sign up for this tour, please go to the ConfTool Conference schedule for this session (Monday 1500-1600) and follow the instructions there. There are 2 x parallel tours in this slot, each with a maximum of 20 participants (i.e. 40 in total)

* Please note: Due to the capacity of the labs, we will be running two morning tour groups and two afternoon tour groups in parallel. The overall programme will be the same.


Friday 12th July 2024

11.00-14.00 - Visit City University Augmented VR lab - City University, London. To sign up for this tour, please go to the ConfTool Conference schedule for this session (Friday 1100-1400) and follow the instructions there. There is a limit of 25 places for this visit.

12.00-13.00 - Visit PEARL (Person-Environment-Activity Research Laboratory) - Dagenham, London To sign up for this tour, please go to the ConfTool Conference schedule for this session (Friday 1200-1300) and follow the instructions there.  There is a limit of 20 places on this tour.

Space is limited on the Friday tours to so please sign up sooner to secure your place.