The Schedule
From here to... July 2024
Submitting papers
This stage of the conference involves you planning what paper you want to submit, or if you want to attend without submitting or presenting a paper.
A Call for Abstracts has been announced (November 2023).
Submissions for presentations or posters will open in mid November 2023 and close end January FEBRUARY 2024. Now closed.
Initial submission
Abstract following a specific format - see the guidance and templates section for a good understanding of how to write a successful submission.
Review & response
Initial submissions will be rapidly reviewed by the conference team and an 'accept' or 'revise' will be sent to the authors from February.
Once your abstract is accepted a full paper is needed. For academic papers this follows a strict format (a template has been provided) limited to 10 pages including references (around 5000 words excluding references and abstract).
The deadline for full papers was 8th April 2024. After which the paper is reviewed and the outcome is communicated ideally within 2 weeks of submission or by May. This can be earlier if you need a letter of invitation.
Early bird registration closes midnight (UK) Friday 7th June.
Conference week
The conference week is the 8th July to the 12th July 2024, with the main conference days 9th - 11th July 2024.
We plan to have workshops and/or technology visits on the Monday of conference week (8th July) and/or the Friday 12th July.
Therefore you are likely best to plan your arrival into London for the 7th July and departure no earlier than the 13th July if you wish to take part in all elements of the conference.
You might also be interested in the UCL Festival of Engineering which is happening the week after TE2024 at UCL East Campus.
Workshop proposals
We have now filled all the workshop sessions so no more proposals are being accepted at the moment. Please consider a workshop for TE2025 if you weren't able to organise one for this year.