Musicians and Media


The following list is a sampling of Muslim musicians and artists (including Twitter/Instagram handles, if available) and is intended to diversify student exposure and understanding of world music. Music is a wonderful way to share and learn about different cultures. Given the diversity of Muslims around the world, songs are shared in many languages and styles. Artists who sing nasheeds (devotional songs, similar to Christian gospel, Jewish pizmonim and Hindu bhajans) have traditionally been popular; however, music has evolved over time and includes contemporary styles that are popular in the western world, such as spoken word and hip hop. Keeping with current trends, a sample selection of podcasts is also included in this section.

How music is understood in Islam varies, and is dependent upon complex cultural, generational and interpretive textual differences that exist within the Canadian Muslim community. Administrators and educators may encounter some Muslim parents who would prefer not to have their children listen to music or participate in music classes. Keeping open communication with parents on this issue and sharing this document may help them understand the purpose of the lesson/activity planned.


The lyrics and views of the artists in this section are solely their own and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the Toronto District School Board. Neither the Toronto District School Board, its employees, partner institutions nor any person acting on their behalf may be held responsible for artistic opinions or information contained therein. Educators are strongly encouraged to use their discretion and professional judgement when selecting songs by the artists featured in this section.

“15 Amazing Muslim Hip Hop and Spoken Word Artists.” Creative Ummah. N.p., 08 Sept. 2015. Web. 13 Aug. 2017.

Petersen, Kierran. “10 Muslim musicians you should already be listening to.” Public Radio International. N.p., 16 Dec. 2015. Web. 13 Aug. 2017.