
Homophobia is the fear, hatred, intolerance or discrimination towards people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer/questioning (LGBTQ+).

Types of Homophobia

Internalised Homophobia

This refers to negative attitudes, beliefs, and behaviours that an LGBTQ+ person may have towards themselves and their own sexual orientation or gender identity. This can be a result of societal stigma, discrimination, and prejudice against LGBTQ+ individuals.

Example: A gay man seeks conversion therapy because he thinks his sexual desires make him sinful. 

Interpersonal Homophobia

This refers to homophobia that is expressed by individuals towards LGBTQ+ people. This can include verbal harassment, physical violence, and discrimination in areas such as employment, housing, and healthcare.

Example: A person who openly expresses their disapproval of gay people and uses derogatory language when talking about them.

Institutional Homophobia

This refers to homophobia that is embedded in the policies and practices of institutions, such as schools, workplaces, and religious organisations. This can include policies that exclude LGBTQ+ people from participating in certain activities or accessing certain services.

Example: A school that refuses to allow same-sex couples to attend prom together, or a company that doesn't offer domestic partner benefits to its LGBTQ employees.

Structural Homophobia

This refers to homophobia that is embedded in the broader societal structures, such as laws, policies, and cultural norms.

This can include laws that criminalise same-sex relationships or restrict the rights of LGBTQ+ individuals.

"Homophobia is a social disease that affects everyone. While it is deemed to be directed at homosexual people, it actually is an attack on diversity, difference and freedom in general."
- Diane Watson