Global Issues

One of the goals of reading is to develop empathy. When we read, we attempt to occupy a different space and encounter an alternative reality to our own. This practice is absolutely necessary for developing the ability to relate to others from different backgrounds and circumstances to ourselves. By doing this, we learn to appreciate different conflicts and challenges in the world, some of which we can strive to improve: sometimes through social action, other times through awareness and sensitivity. Therefore, focusing on global issues in the texts that we read will allow us to emphasize with people experiencing or tackling current challenges in the world, which will in turn help us understand or resolve those issues. 

Furthermore, not only does literature allow us to better understand global issues, using global issues as a lens to interpret literature, allows us to better understand literature: its capabilities, roles and limitations in the world. In order to do this, consider asking yourself the following questions: 

Exploring Global Issues In English

Global Issues - IB Website

Use this document to help you refine global issues. It allows you to make sure that your global issues aren't too specific or too vague. There is an example linked in the document. 

What Global Issues Might A Text Explore?

Below, you can find links to some powerful themes related to global issues that are negatively impacting the world in profound ways. Please note, these aren't specific enough to be considered global issues: they need refining.

Gender Inequality

Racial Inequality


Climate Change

Identifying Global Issues By Yourself

Click this image to access Time’s collection of The Most Influential Images of All Time. These images capture powerful moments of history. Take a look at them and consider what global issues are captured in the images. Remember, you need to identify challenges, conflicts and injustices that are transnational, widely significant and visible in local contexts.

2020 was a chaotic year. Clicking this image will take you to the National Geographic's article 2020: The Year in Photographs. These images capture a lot of the challenges that people had to endure. Explore each one a consider what global issues are at play in each image. Remember again, you need to identify challenges, conflicts and injustices that are transnational, widely significant and visible in local contexts. 

One of the ways that the global community tries to solve global issues is through the systematic research and projects ran by the UN. Click this image to access the UN's current sustainable development goals (SDGs). Each one of these goals is in response to great issues that challenge different communities.