
The belief that heterosexuality is the norm or default sexual orientation, and that all other orientations are deviant or abnormal. 

"Heteronormativity isn't about being anti-gay, it's about being pro-straight to the point where it's assumed that everyone is straight and anything else is deviant and abnormal."
- Tegan Quin

Heteronormativity is a social system that assumes heterosexuality as the normative and expected sexual orientation. It creates a binary understanding of gender, where people are categorized as male or female based on their sex assigned at birth, and that gender identity is expected to align with that sex. This system enforces the idea that romantic and sexual relationships between individuals of opposite sexes are natural and superior to all other relationships, thereby marginalizing and stigmatizing people who do not conform to these standards.

The impacts of heteronormativity can be seen in various aspects of society. For example, it can contribute to the lack of representation and acceptance of LGBTQ+ individuals in media, politics, and public life, leading to invisibility and erasure of these identities. Moreover, it can create an environment where LGBTQ+ individuals are at a higher risk of experiencing discrimination, harassment, and violence, resulting in mental health issues and trauma. Additionally, it can cause individuals to internalize negative attitudes towards their own non-conforming identities, leading to shame, self-hatred, and social isolation.

Heteronormativity can also perpetuate rigid gender roles and expectations, limiting people's expression of themselves. It reinforces gendered norms, such as men being dominant and women being submissive, which can be oppressive for people who do not conform to these expectations. This can limit access to education, healthcare, and employment opportunities, as well as access to social and political power. In sum, heteronormativity can have negative impacts on people's mental and physical health, interpersonal relationships, and overall quality of life.

"Heteronormativity creates a world where same-sex attraction is seen as a flaw or a mistake, rather than a natural part of human diversity."
- Sarah McBride

Examples of Heteronormativity 

A lack of representation of LGBTQ+ relationships in the media.

Parental expectations around relationships, marriage and life choices.

Assumptions about a relationships

Further Reading