Coming Out

The process by which a person publicly reveals their LGBTQ+ identity to others

"Coming out is not a one-time thing; it's an ongoing process."
- Melissa Etheridge

"Coming out" may include disclosing their sexual orientation, gender identity, or both. It is often seen as an important step in the formation of LGBTQ+ identities, as it involves a rejection of the cultural norm of heterosexuality and gender binary. It can also be a way for individuals to find support and a sense of community among others who share their experiences.

The term "coming out" is derived from the idea of "coming out of the closet," which refers to the idea of hiding one's LGBTQ+ identity and then revealing it to others. This metaphorical closet represents the societal pressure to conform to heteronormative standards and hide any non-conforming identities or desires. "Coming out" challenges this normative pressure and can be seen as a political act of resistance to heteronormativity. It is important to note, however, that "coming out" is not a one-time event, but an ongoing process that may involve multiple disclosures in different contexts.

Further Reading