Liberal Racism

Liberal racism is a subtle form of racial bias manifesting in well-intentioned individuals who, while believing themselves to be progressive, perpetuate systemic discrimination through unexamined beliefs and assumptions.

Liberal racism, also sometimes referred to as "colourblind racism," is a term used to describe a subtle form of racial bias that often manifests among individuals and groups who believe themselves to be enlightened, progressive, or non-prejudiced. Some characteristics and examples of liberal racism include:

Belief in Meritocracy: The idea that everyone starts from an equal place and that success solely depends on individual effort, ignoring systemic barriers faced by marginalised groups.

Colourblindness: Asserting that one "doesn't see colour" and treating everyone "equally," thereby ignoring the unique cultural experiences, histories, and challenges of racialised groups.

Tokenism: Highlighting a few individuals from minority backgrounds as evidence of inclusivity or lack of prejudice, without addressing larger systemic issues.

Overemphasis on Intent: Arguing that actions or words aren't racist because they weren't intended to be, even if they have a racially discriminatory effect or outcome.

Avoidance: Evading conversations about race or getting defensive when the topic arises.

Cultural Appropriation: Adopting elements of a minority culture without understanding or respecting its history, significance, or context.