Analysing Poetry

* Guiding Questions for Analysing Poetry

Two Major Categories of Poetry

It helps to separate poetry into two different categories: narrative poems and lyrical poems. A narrative poem seeks to tell a story. In this regard, its content might feel familiar given that we encounter stories in our daily life and engage with them in other texts, such as plays, novels or films. A lyrical poem, on the other hand, doesn't seek to tell a story; it aims to capture a particular moment, emotion or thought. In this regard, a lyrical poem is like a montage or a photograph. 

Aspects of Poetry

*Common Choices That Poets Make
*Analysing Poetry - Poetic Forms

Quoting Poetry 

Like all other forms of analysis, we need to support our claims with evidence. Read the slides to see the three different ways that evidence can be provided for poetry, and make sure that you're using the method that is appropriate for your purpose. 

Explode a Stanza - War Photographer

Example of Poetry Analysis
War Photographer

Look at the slides to see an example of poetry analysis. Pay attention to the types of authorial choices that were chosen from the text. 

Click the image to follow access some extra material related to graphic novels. Use these resources to deepen your understanding of the different ways in which authors develop meaning in poetry.