Analysing Film

Anatomy of a Film

Anatomy of a Film 

Read through the slides to get a better understanding of the terms we use to describe parts of a film. In these slides, you will see definitions and examples of a scene, a shot, a frame and a cut. 

Six Points of Film Analysis

The different choices that can be made in a movie can be broadly categorised into six categories. Each one of these categories organise the types of authorial choices that can be made in film; therefore, they make up the possibilities of the things we can look up for our Level One Analysis. Click the images below to explore each of these categories.




Look out for Visual Metaphors!

A visual metaphor is when one thing is used to stand in for another. Movie makers can do this to strengthen the meaning that they are creating in any given moment. Read through the slides to learn more about visual metaphors and see examples.

*Visual Metaphors
IB - How do we provide evidence when analysing films?

Evidence in Film Analysis

As with all other forms of textual analysis, your claims have to be supported with evidence. Look through the slides to see the ways in which visual evidence is presented and contextualised.

Examples of Film Analysis 

*Explode an Shot - Parasite
Example of Film Analysis Table

Click the image to follow access some extra material related to analysing cinema. Use these resources to deepen your understanding of the different ways in which authors develop meaning in movies.