Info for Parents
Parents/caregivers must phone the school office to advise of any absence from school and the reason why, or leave a text message on the school cell phone 027 278 2807 or freecall 0800 236 555 or use our School Loop App to register the absence. If we do not know why your child is absent we have to class them as truant on the Ministry of Education’s database. Students should bring a note from parents/caregivers explaining their absence, on their return to school. Attendance= Learning
We also record student arrival at school. All learning time is crucial and being consistently late means that your child's learning is impaired.
In case of accidents or illness at school, essential first aid will be carried out in the medical room by staff that have had First Aid training. In the event of a more serious accident/illness, we will contact you or the emergency phone contact person(s). If we are unable to contact anyone, we make the best possible decision on your behalf. If your child has any health or associated problems requiring immediate treatment please inform the office. Parents will be informed as to any head injuries that occur with their child.
Whole school assemblies are held on Friday each week at 9.45am in the school hall. Parents are welcome to attend.
If your child rides a bike or scooter to school please ensure they can ride safely and that a safety helmet is worn. Bicycles and scooters should be securely locked into the bicycle stands in front of the office. Bicycles and scooters are not to be ridden in the school grounds (unless part of a planned programme).
Civil Defence
If a Civil Emergency occurs, students will be kept at school until a known adult collects them. Regular fire and earthquake drills are held at school for all staff and students. The emergency plan is on the school website.
Class Trips
A number of trips are planned each year to enhance the school programme. Parents are advised of the nature and cost of trips (other than local ones which are walked to and from) and your permission is sought. Every effort is made to keep costs to a minimum. Parent help is welcome and essential to enable us to make trips.
Communication with the school
Communication is encouraged between staff and parents/caregivers. If you have any matters you wish to discuss with a staff member, contact them so an appointment can be made. The principal is happy to meet with parents and an appointment can be made through the school office.
Damage to School Property
Accidental damage and vandalism is paid for out of the school operations grant by the Board of Trustees. When a student is responsible for breakage or damage to school property through carelessness or breaking a school rule, the Board of Trustees will request that the student or parent/caregiver make a reasonable contribution towards the cost of the repair.
Dental Hub
The Dental clinic for all Bay schools is situated at Titahi Bay School. Bee Healthy Clinic, Kura Street opening hours 8am – 4.30pm Phone number 0800 825 583 Opt.1. The Mobile Unit comes to TBNS from time to time for routine check ups.
Public Health Nurse
Titahi Bay North School have a Nurse who visits our school to check on any Health concerns the school may have. If you have any health concerns about your child please let the office know. Or you can contact her directly
Nicki Hector
027 2589659
Dress Code
Students are required to wear wide brimmed sun hats which protect the face, neck and ears when they are outside at school during the summer months. SPF 30+ broad spectrum, water resistant sunscreen is provided for student use during this time but we request you put some on your child before they leave home as well. Clothing should be practical and suitable for normal school activities. Children should always be sent to school with suitable footwear on. They must not arrive barefooted as many activities during the learning day will require footwear for safety.
Emergency Contact
Please keep the school informed of changes of your work or home telephone numbers, cellphones and email addresses. We need an emergency contact(s) in case your child is unwell at school.
Children may officially enrol on their fifth birthday and must be enrolled by age 6. A copy of their birth certificate or passport will be needed to verify their age before they are allowed to start school. Immunisation certificates to verify immunisation status must also be provided. We welcome pre-visits to settle the children in before they turn five. Up to 4 visits over a 4 week period prior to starting is recommended.
Our school is committed to the importance of ensuring that all students irrespective of gender, race or religion receive equal and fair consideration and opportunity.
Head lice
Please notify the school if you find your child has head lice and we will send a notice home asking parents/caregivers to check their child’s hair in that class to help minimize your child getting them again. We also have lice/nit shampoo and combs available free of charge thanks to the Kids Can Foundation.
Vision & Hearing
Sight and/or hearing tests are given to all children in their first year at school and on request of teachers or parents. If your child has any allergies or conditions which require immediate treatment, please contact the school office.
The school policy on homework is available in the School docs section of the website. Ask your child’s classroom teacher for more details on specific classroom programmes and approaches.
Hours of Attendance
Regular attendance of students at school is essential. Children need to be at school no later than 8.50am each morning and they need to be away from school by 3.15pm each afternoon..
School Office Hours are 8 am – 3.15pm
Telephone (04) 236 7559
Free Call 0800 236 555
Cellphone (Txt only) 027 278 2807
For their own safety children should not arrive at school earlier than 8 am as teachers are busy preparing for the day and are not available for the supervision of children. If your child is absent please leave a detailed message as to why your child is away on our school answer phone or text the absentee cell phone.
If children want to go to someone’s home after school they must have their parents’ permission before they leave home in the morning.
If you need to get a message to your child during school time we will do our best to do this for you. You can help by keeping messages to a minimum and leaving plenty of time for the message to be delivered. Please ring by 2.30pm if you want a message to be delivered to a child by 3pm. You can also leave a text message on the school cell phone number above (no later than 2.30pm).
Our library is computerised and the collection is added to as funds allow. Classes have regular library periods. Children take books out to add to their classroom library. Library books are to be looked after and returned by the due date. An account will be sent home if a child has lost their book.
Lost Property
We ask that all clothing and belongings are named. Lost property is at the main gates and you are welcome to come and check through this at any time.
If children bring medication to school, please label it clearly. If it needs to be administered by staff there is a special form which needs to be filled in to give staff permission to do this. This form is available from the office. There is also an asthma medication form to be filled in.
Scooters may be ridden to and from school. A suitable safety helmet is recommended. Scooters must be walked in the school grounds.
Children may only ride bikes to school if they wear a cycle helmet. Bikes must be walked in the school grounds. There is a bike rack by the office. Adults riding bikes to school are also asked to walk them in the school grounds.
Footwear is essential at all times in the playground as the grass can hide lots of sharp objects.
Sun hats and sun block are strongly encouraged, particularly during the summer months.
Drink bottles need to be plastic and unbreakable.
Matches, lighters, razor blades, knives, fireworks and chewing gum and Energy/Fizzy drinks are forbidden.
To keep parents/caregivers informed about school activities we send out a newsletter every Friday with each family. It would pay to check your child’s bag or ask them for the newsletter. A copy is also displayed on the website (in the doc station area). The newsletters are printed on white paper.
Parent Involvement
The school encourages all parents and caregivers to take an active interest in the education of their children. There are opportunities to be involved at all levels whether serving on the Board of Trustees, helping in classrooms or on trips or with other activities from time to time. Remember this is how you can help us with your child’s education. If you wish to help in some way please contact the school.
Support Agencies
The school staff have regular access to pupil support agencies. These agencies either regularly check student health or are available on request from either the school or parents/caregivers. Should you require a service, request this yourself or through the class teacher/principal.
Dental Nurse 0800 825 583 Opt.1
Special Education Services 237 6670
Public Health Nurse 0272278091
Hearing/Vision tester 237 5549
Puketiro Centre 237 5222
Speech/language therapist 237 7112
Social workers in schools 0297713594
Reporting and Interviews
Interviews are held regularly throughout the year. Parents are invited to make an appointment to discuss their child’s progress with their class teacher. While these interviews are formally arranged for you to meet with teachers, you are welcome to request an interview with any teacher at any time by making an appointment.
Reading/Panui, Writing/Tuhituhi and Maths/Pangarau are reported on twice a year (end of Term 2 and end of Term 4).
There are some steps parents/caregivers should take regarding safety on the way to and from school:
- Inform school if your child is going to be absent or late.
- Make sure the school has your latest home, emergency contact and work numbers.
- Telephone the school if your child is late home.
- Know where your child is playing after school.
-Contact the parents of any friend your child brings home after school.
School Photographs
These are taken each year and families are notified through the school newsletter of the date and any other arrangements that are made. They will be paid for before having them taken, but can be refunded if you do not like them.
School Charter, Policies and Procedures
These documents are on the school website in the School docs section (see homepage).
School Donations
Titahi Bay North School does not ask for school donations, however all koha are accepted with great appreciation. In 2020 the school joined the Ministry of Education "donations exempt scheme."
Upon enrolment and at the beginning of each school year your child will be issued with a list of stationery requirements. For all stationery List please ask at the office throughout the year.
Students are taken to a local indoor pool facility for lessons once a year. These lessons are taken by fully qualified swimming instructors.
Technology Fee Yr 7/8’s only
This exciting program has been developed for our students only. We offer the students learning in food technology, hard materials, soft materials and challenge technology. We are looking to include all elements of the new digital learning curriculum.
Please ensure that students do not bring valuable items or toys to school. The school cannot be held accountable for loss or damage to student belongings. If it is necessary for students to bring money to school they should entrust this to the class teacher for safe keeping.
Behaviour Management Procedures
At Titahi Bay North School we operate under the maxim that busy, happy, engaged students tend to be well behaved students.
Managing behaviour relies on applying expectations and strategies to promote positive student behaviour. We’re whanau here at TBNS so we look after, look out for and care about one another.
-We have policies and procedures in School docs on this area
-Teachers work to maintain positive learning environments and relationships with students
- We make clear statements of expected behaviour known to staff, parents, and students
- All members of the school, including the students themselves, have a responsibility to recognise bullying and to take action when they are aware of it happening
-We use a number of approaches to try to address unacceptable behaviour
-Individual programmes and strategies for students with particular behaviour difficulties are devised with staff, parents and outside agencies as necessary, and these students may be dealt with outside the school's usual behaviour plan.
-The school uses procedures outlined by the Ministry of Education for the stand-down, suspension or exclusion of students in cases of extreme and persistently bad behaviour
What is expected from all who use Titahi Bay North School
Our conduct
- We are kind and use good manners.
- We are respectful to each other.
- We take responsibility for our actions.
- We display fair play.
- We take responsibility for our actions.
- We try to solve problems in a fair manner.
- We make positive choices.
- We take ownership of our learning.
- We always try our best in all we do.
- If we are not sure we ask.
- We listen to others carefully.
- We encourage one another to learn and try new things.
We utilise our weekly assembly time to talk about expectations, desired behaviours, areas we need to focus on and/or things that need to stop (or start) happening. These weekly reminders and expectations are then reinforced consistently by all staff. Weekly assembly is, also, a time when good behaviour and meeting expectations is acknowledged, celebrated and recognised.