Teaching and Learning Philosophy

My philosophy is...

As an educator I am constantly involved in working with students towards learning skills, knowledge, and abilities. Whether I am cognizant of it or oblivious to it, there are underlying assumptions and values that affect my conscious actions and decisions. These underlying assumptions, if applied correctly, can become a blueprint to assist me as I navigate the complexities of the teaching profession. This blueprint needs to be clear yet adaptable since it will become my system of beliefs, my philosophy. In order to have my philosophy manifest itself, I need to bring these latent assumptions and values to the surface. Some of them may need to be spruced up, while others may need to be thrown away. This is not a one and done procedure. It will need to be done periodically for me to be successful as a teacher and educator.

I will do this by questioning my inner self. What is learning to me? I believe that learning is a process that occurs over time, and it is lifelong. It involves change that may be in action, thought, or behaviors. It can occur from experience, from viewing others, or thru study. Other people may assist someone in their learning, but the learning is ultimately done by that person alone. How can I assist students in their learning? I can make exercises and sessions that are personal to the individual student, that way their curiosity and motivation can be harnessed. I can involve other people, so that there is a social obligation. I can help the student create associations and connections that build on their existing knowledge and experience. I can role model reflective practices so that the students may continue to do this throughout their learning journey. These are all important actions I can take to assist the needs of each student that align with my ideas of learning.

I also need to question my beliefs surrounding the social structures of education. How should a school function? A school should be connected to the community it resides in thru the decisions that are made and the learning of the students. In this way, the responsibility of the community to their school should increase, as well as that of the students. A school should be transparent to all stakeholders. Its curriculum should involve equal parts of developing people skills, focusing on the processes of learning, and the products of learning. What is the purpose of education? I believe that education is a society’s attempt to develop and advance its newest members. It hopes to inform them and provide direction. It is a process that has many different means to varying ends. By developing ideas around schools and education, I can continue to find strength and value in my work as a teacher.

As a teacher working within the frameworks of a school and educational system, I need to consider how my beliefs and values will translate into action and influence those around me. What approaches should I utilize within my classroom? I will have unconditional positive regard towards all people. This embraces not just the students of my class, but everyone that I work with. I will develop professional relationships and rapport building with my colleagues, supervisors, and students. I will continue to develop a growth mindset and be aware of when mine may be fixed. That way I will not discard unfamiliar or different ideas, and others may follow my example. I will use a teaching style spectrum where different approaches will be used based upon the needs of the individual students, the knowledge and skills to be learned, and the context of the learning environment. I will develop with my students an effective and appropriate classroom culture that extends to the culture of the school. This will include the expectation to strive for personal excellence. These are all fitting ways to promote a positive social environment that enhances and embraces student learning.

This is the foundation of my philosophy as an educator and teacher. These beliefs and values will become my blueprints for how I will construct my classroom and culture with the students, colleagues, and supervisors that I work with. It will be an organic philosophy that grows and changes with me. At its heart will be the notions of enduring curiosity, respecting dignity, and cultivating humility.