Summer school

First ediction of the i-Bio summer school "Artificial intelligence for biologists" took take place at Banyuls-sur-mer with participation of Jean-Christophe Gelly and myself for animation of courses and practival tasks.

Master courses

I am an author and teacher in two master courses at the Biological faculty of the Engineering school EIDD:

Big data exploration in medicine and biology (Master 1, 50h)

In this course we address different methods for big data analysis and visualization. We explore the main principles of different dimensionality reduction and clustering techniques and apply them to biological and medical data.

Data mining and machine learning (Master 2, 60h)

We learn how to develop and compare predictive models using supervised machine learning techniques. Starting from the simplest linear regression model, we explore diverse approaches of increasing complexity such as decision trees, support vector machines and deep neural networks.

I also participate in the following modules at the Faculty of Life Sciences at Université de Paris:

Student supervision

Students  currently under my supervision:

and former students: