Interclub Results 2013

From the fourth round of the Hawkes Bay Smallbore Rifle Association Inter-club Competition which was shot at the Pakowhai Miniature Rifle Club range on Thursday night. The result of the round was a draw but the Hastings Club has won the competition with 10.5 points from Pakowhai on 9.5 points. The results of this round are as follows (with Name, Grade, Off the Rifle Scores 1 & 2, Handicapped Score. Total is top 4 scores)

Hastings Club Team

Annaliese Paton D, 97.7, 91.1, 200.8

Graham Chester B, 96.4, 99.2, 200.6

Jared Neilson D, 94.2, 95.3, 200.5

Ashton Van Workum C, 93.3, 93.2, 200.5

Noel Mann M, 97.5, 99.6, 199.11

Total 800.24

Pakowhai Club Team

Brian Halse B, 99.7, 99.4, 200.11

Peter Youren B, 98.4, 99.5, 200.9

Jenny D, 97.1, 93.2, 200.3

Vanessa Langman D, 93, 90.1, 200.1

Graeme Devery A, 98.3, 94.1, 198.4

Total 800.24

Overall Results