
"Train up your child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it. " Proverbs 22:6 

American Marxism 

by Mark R. Levin

If you have not read this book then look at my notes on the book as it explains a lot of what we are seeing in society today that affect every aspect of our lives, especially the indoctrination of our youth and children.

Purpose: dispiriting and demoralizing the public, undermine the citizenry’s confidence in the nation’s institutions, traditions, and customs to create one calamity after another to weaken the nation from within; ultimately destroying what we know as American republicanism and capitalism 


Breeding Mobs like BLM

Hate of America

Racism, Genderism, and Marxism

Critical Race Theory

Climate Racism and Environmental Justice


Curriculum of the oppressed

School Policies

2024 Update 

The lie of the medical narrative that promotes hormone blockers and mutilation of children has been exposed. 

A child mutilation and sterilization cult pushed by the WPATH, UN, WHO, Planned Parenthood, the government, medical associations, human rights NGOs, universities, schools, counselors, unions, judges, and child protective services? Truly, the most insane movement in human history.  

World Professional Association for Transgender Health Uncovered