
A7: invite legislative officials to speak at meetings/conferences

At the Annual TALE conference, we partnered with Raise Your Hand Texas to host TX SBOE member Pam Little and Plan Schools Trustee Nancy Humphrey in a panel about public schools and literacy.

A12: utilize media resources

A13: other activation efforts - Annual Leadership in Literacy Awards

Dr. K. wijekumar

Texas A&M Professor and Researcher

Listen to the interview

Ashlee Nouri

High School English Teacher

Listen to the interview

A1: arrange for legislative or advocacy booth at state/provincial conference

In May of 2022, members of the Advocacy Development Committee hosted a booth at the San Antonio Book Festival to share information about TALE and discuss ways to advocate for literacy

2022_06_14 SBOE edTPA Stakeholder Letter_Final (1).pdf

A6: give testimony to legislative committee or state/provincial board of education

TALE joined a variety of other educational organizations in a petition to the TX SBOE regarding concerns about edTPA and how it will affect educators.