Takaharu Saito 

Political Scince



Research / CV here


Official (Nagoya University of Commerce and Business) 

Takaharu Saito is Assistant Professor (Tenured) at Nagoya University of Commerce and Business, Department of Economics. Takaharu’s research studies the presidency and bureaucracy in advanced democracies with a specific focus on the United States and Japan. 

Takaharu uses a broad range of methods in his research, including machine learning (natural language processing), causal inference, and formal models.

He is a 2020-2021 Japan Society of Promotion of Science Overseas Challenge Program for Young Researchers Fellow at the University of California,  Berkeley.

Takaharu's papers have been published in Preventive Medicine Reports, Japanese Journal of Behaviormetrics. and Public Administration Review Quarterly

More information on his studies is available  here.

What's New

June 11, 2024. Uploaded New WP "Natural Disaster and Public Support for Presidential Unilateralism: Natural Experiment Approach"  Working Paper 

June 11, 2024. Uploaded New WP "Unilateral Power for Saving Lives: Presidential Policymaking under COVID-19" (Working Paper )

April 14, 2024. Uploaded New WP "Supervision among Agencies for the President" (Working Paper )

March 25, 2024. The New Paper "Legislative Incapacity and Underreporting of COVID-19 Mortality" is published in Preventive Medicine Reports (Article )

March 11, 2024. Uploaded New WP "Does Business Experience Lead to More Unilateral Policymaking? Evidence from CEO Governors in the United States" (Working Paper )

January 28, 2024. Uploaded New WP "Female Legislators Decrease Epidemic Deaths" (Working Paper )

August 31, 2023. WP "Does Divided Government Control Unilateral Policymaking? Evidence from Chair Elections" will be Presented in the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting.

e-mail: takaharu_saito[@]nucba.ac.jp