千葉大学理学部生物学科 大学院理学研究院生物学研究部門


Laboratory for Extracellular Morphogenesis 

Department of Biology, Faculty & Graduate School of Science, Chiba University


Tajiri lab is interested in the amazing ability of insects to create elaborate 3D structures outside of cells.

Of extracellular matrices that shape organisms, such as the vertebrate bones and the plant cell walls, the insect cuticle is known for its wide variety of material properties: extreme rigidity of the beetle cuticle, iridiscence of the jewel bug cuticle, water repellency of the water strider leg cuticle, and so on. Those properties depend on nano- to micro-scale 3D structures of the cuticle. We focus on the molecular mechanisms of their development.

What's new

6 March 2024

東大・新領域・小嶋研究室(田尻の前所属)の平岩さんの論文プレプリントが出ました。ショウジョウバエの肢の形態形成過程を細胞レベルで追跡した研究です。田尻も共著で研究に参加させていただきました。A preprint on cell dynamics during Drosophila leg morphogenesis, a work done by Shotaro Hiraiwa and collegues of Kojima lab (U. Tokyo) is out. Link to the preprint

1 April 2024

新しい大学院生と研究生が研究室に参加してくれました。 We have a new graduate student and a research student.

これまでの出来事はこちら Past events


July 2024

米国の発生生物学会でトークします。R.T. is giving a talk  in the Society for Developmental Biology 83rd Annual Meeting (Atlanta).

研究室への参加に興味のある方へ  For students and post-docs


学部・大学院の入試情報はこちらから> 学部・大学院website

博士号をお持ちの方は日本学術振興会特別研究員(PD, RPD)としての参加を歓迎します。研究計画・応募書類についてのご相談に乗りますまずは田尻までお問合せ下さい。

Our lab welcomes people who are eager to discover beauty in small bugs and to understand the biology behind it. Potential postdocs and students are welcome to contact R. T.