
原著論文 Original papers, peer-reviewed

Shotaro Hiraiwa, Shumpei Takeshita, Tensho Terano, Ryuhei Hayashi, Koyo Suzuki, Reiko Tajiri, Tetsuya Kojima*. "Unveiling the cell dynamics during the final shape formation of the tarsus in Drosophila adult leg by live imaging." Dev Genes Evol (2024).  Open Access

Reiko Tajiri, Ayaka Hirano, Yu-ya Kaibara, Daiki Tezuka, Zhengyang Chen, Tetsuya Kojima*. “Notch signaling generates the “cut here line” on the cuticle of the puparium in Drosophila melanogaster. ” iScience 26 (8), 107279 (2023).  Open Access 

Reiko Tajiri*, Haruhiko Fujiwara, Tetsuya Kojima*. “A corset function of exoskeletal ECM promotes body elongation in Drosophila.” Communications Biology 4, Article Number 88 (2021).  Open Access 

Reiko Tajiri*, Nobuhiro Ogawa, Haruhiko Fujiwara, Tetsuya Kojima*. “Mechanical control of whole body shape by a single cuticular protein Obstructor-E in Drosophila melanogaster.” PLOS Genetics, 13(1): e1006548 (2017). Open Access 

Kohei Natori, Reiko Tajiri, Shiori Furukawa, Tetsuya Kojima*. “Progressive tarsal patterning in the Drosophila by temporally dynamic regulation of transcription factor genes.” Developmental Biology 361, 450-462 (2012). Open Access 

Reiko Tajiri*, Kazuyo Misaki, Shigenobu Yonemura, Shigeo Hayashi*. “Joint morphology in the insect leg: evolutionary history inferred from Notch loss-of-function phenotypes in Drosophila.”  Development 138, 4621-4626 (2011). Open Access 

Reiko Tajiri, Kazuyo Misaki, Shigenobu Yonemura, Shigeo Hayashi*. “Dynamic shape changes of ECM-producing cells drive morphogenesis of ball-and-socket joints in the fly leg.” Development 137, 2055-2063 (2010). Open Access 

Reiko Tajiri, Takuya Tsuji, Ryu Ueda, Kaoru Saigo, Tetsuya Kojima*. “Fate determination of Drosophila leg distal regions by trachealess and tango through repression and stimulation, respectively, of Bar homeobox gene expression in the future pretarsus and tarsus.” Developmental Biology 303, 461-473 (2007). Open Access 

Takashi Okumura, Reiko Tajiri, Tetsuya Kojima, Kaoru Saigo, Ryutaro Murakami*. “GATAe-dependent and -independent expressions of genes in the differentiated endodermal midgut of Drosophila.” Gene Expression Patterns 7, 178-186 (2007).

Shintaro Kozu, Reiko Tajiri, Takuya Tsuji, Tatsuo Michiue, Kaoru Saigo, Tetsuya Kojima*. “Temporal regulation of late expression of Bar homeobox genes during Drosophila leg development by Spineless, a homolog of the mammalian dioxin receptor.” Developmental Biology 294, 497-508 (2006). Open Access 

総説, 解説など Reviews, commentaries etc. 

田尻怜子*クチクラタンパク質による昆虫の体形づくり:体形を“表面的に”制御する分子の働き蚕糸・昆虫バイオテック 93 (1), 7-12 (2024)

田尻怜子*クチクラの変形による昆虫の形づくり」 昆虫と自然 2023年2月号 Link

田尻怜子*うじ虫の皮が体を形づくるしくみ 生体の科学 73 (4) 348-352 (2022). Link

Reiko Tajiri*. “Cuticle itself as a central and dynamic player in shaping cuticle.” Current Opinion in Insect Science 19C, 30-35 (2017). Link

田尻怜子*「ぴったりとはまり合って動く関節は、どのようにできるのか?どうやってできたのか? -昆虫の肢の関節の発生と進化」 生物科学 63(3), 157-165 (2012).