Interview with the most Influential People in Agile
2024年01月11日(四)21:00 線上專訪
獨家專訪Zombie Scrum作者講座免費報名】
獨家專訪Zombie Scrum作者講座免費報名】
👉檢視有沒有報名成功及編號並紀錄網址 :
【專訪影片】Zombie Scrum作者教你如何活化敏捷
2023年11月15日( 三)21:00 _
Peter Stevens, CST 專訪
Peter Stevens, CST 專訪
Nov 15, 2023,Wed 21:00_Dr. Roger, CST Interview with Peter Stevens on Zoom
Peter Stevens
The Most Influential People in
Agile Worldwide
建立敏捷國際觀,跟國際大師標竿學習 ~
Roger 博士幫大家邀請到一位國際級的敏捷大師來專訪,他就是Peter Stevens,他是住在瑞士的蘇黎世。一般人對瑞士只是覺得這是全世界最富有的國家,但是這位大師年紀已經63歲,還是保持著赤子之心。我跟他合作翻譯過程會發現他本人充滿著許多個人的魅力,為人謙卑,且散發熱情。
Hello everyone, Dr. Roger has invited an international agile master for an exclusive interview, and he is Peter Stevens, who resides in Zurich, Switzerland. Most people simply regard Switzerland as the wealthiest country in the world, but this master, at the age of 63, still maintains a youthful spirit. During our collaboration in the translation process, I found him personally very charming, humble, and always radiating passion.
When he became a CST in 2012, he adopted the habit of learning, producing many creations each year, and sharing his intellectual property freely with other trainers. It was only when he met me that he began sharing with the Chinese community. What everyone admires about him is that he invented the "Personal Agility System (PAS)." I have translated his book, which is expected to be published in November. I've invited him to meet with you all on November 15. There are only 200 slots available, so please register in advance. I believe I'll have the opportunity to invite him to Taiwan in the future.
Peter Stevens 的作品 (繁體中文版)
這部影片深入探討了Scrum團隊內的運作機制。推薦給大家,也謝謝 Roger老師的中文翻譯。
👉Peter Stevens專訪_全球個人敏捷性系統創始人Live直播報名表:
【專訪影片】Peter Stevens 國際敏捷大師專訪: 個人敏捷性
English Version
【花絮欣賞】Peter Stevens 國際敏捷大師專訪: 個人敏捷性
當你在生活中毫無目標時,或是缺乏動力,你可以用” 個人敏捷性”的觀點來解決
首先,Peter 鼓勵界定一件對你來說真正重要的事情——也就是問自己“真正重要的是什麼”(What Really Matters, WRM)。這將成為你的短期目標。此時,你需要明確地告訴自己,你做什麼你會最快樂,並且思考這件事情所帶來的益處。
接著,第二和第三個問題圍繞“檢查與調整”(inspect and adapt)。一旦你的動機明確,這兩步則是你的行動方案。問題二要求你回顧上周你為實現目標所採取的行動,而問題三則讓你計劃本周你可以採取哪些具體步驟。
欲了解更多歡迎觀看上方Peter Steven 的Live 專訪影片 (中文口譯)
【Roger老師話敏捷: 自己“真正重要的是什麼” 如何使用Peter Stevens的個人敏捷性原理】
個人敏捷性的應用 Roger, CST說敏捷
👉Peter Steven 書籍六大問題範例整理_20231103
(使用電腦或 Prezi App才能看到動畫)
2023年7月4日( 二)21:00 _Geoff Watts 專訪
July 4, 2023,Tue 21:00_Interview with Geoff Watts on Zoom
Geoff Watts
The Most Influential People in Agile Worldwide
Geoff Watts,英國首位 Scrum Allianc 認證 CST 及 CEC/TED x 重量級講師,撰寫多本敏捷、教練相關之排行榜冠軍暢銷書籍,敏捷社群中最活耀且最受歡迎的耀眼巨星,在敏捷界可說是無人不曉,每當談到Scrum,您會立即想到他!這位大神級人物的作品,是每一位Scrum Master必讀之作。
Geoff Watts, the first certified CST (Certified Scrum Trainer) and CEC/TED x heavyweight speaker in the UK, is the author of several best-selling books on Agile and coaching, topping the charts. He is the most active and popular shining star in the Agile community, known by everyone in the Agile world. Whenever Scrum is mentioned, he immediately comes to mind! The works of this legendary figure are a must-read for every Scrum Master.
2005年,在敏捷剛開始推動的英國可說是敏捷沙漠,Geoff Watts是英國第一位取得Scrum Alliance官方認證講師(CST)的人,同時也是最早被認證為Certified Agile Coach的教練。
In 2005, at a time when Agile was still in its early stages in the UK, which could be considered an Agile desert, Geoff Watts became the first person in the UK to obtain the official Scrum Alliance certification as a Certified Scrum Trainer (CST). He was also among the earliest coaches to be certified as a Certified Agile Coach.
Subsequently, he founded his own company, providing guidance for Agile transformations across various industries, including publishing, pharmaceuticals, education, and utilities. In recent years, he has been instrumental in assisting numerous online service companies with their transformations. When Scrum is mentioned in the UK, Geoff Watts immediately comes to mind, as he is a prominent figure in organizational leadership in the country
【專訪影片&共筆】Geoff Watts全球敏捷領域最具影響力的人物
👉專案經理雜誌Scrum Mastery翻譯精彩報導:
【花絮欣賞】Geoff Watts全球敏捷領域最具影響力的人物
2022年4月13日( 三)21:00 _Lyssa Adkins 專訪
Apr 13, 2022,Wed 21:00_Interview with Lyssa Adkins on Zoom
Lyssa Adkins
The World's Most Influential Female Agile Coach
Lyssa Adkins 是全球最有影響力的女性敏捷教練,同時也是ICF國際教練協會的PCC。
Lyssa Adkins has been promoting Agile for over 20 years. Starting as a regular project manager, a senior executive, to an Agilist, she has strived to empower the global Agile community with her remarkable influences.
她發行的<Coaching Agile Teams 教練敏捷團隊>一書,在全球各地發行,是敏捷教練的必讀之書,也是「敏捷經典」之一。Lyssa Adkins 為敏捷教練提供了新思維方式,並指導團隊重新在充滿活力的工作環境中取得非凡表現所需的見解。透過這本書將深入了解敏捷教練的角色,發現哪些有效,哪些無效,並學習如何適應環境的強大技能,包括專業教練和指導領域。相信繁體中文版問世後,會對臺灣推動敏捷教練養成提供非常大的幫助。
Her worldwide distributed book Coaching Agile Teams is a must-read masterpiece for all Agile coaches and one of the "Agile classics". The book provides Agile coaches with new ways of thinking and the inspiration they need to facilitate incredible team performance in a dynamic work environment. Through this book, you will gain insight into the role of an Agile coach, discover what works and what doesn't, and learn powerful skills for adapting to your environment, including the professional coaching and mentoring world. The traditional Chinese version of the book is believed to be a powerful boost to the development of Agile coaching in Taiwan.
首度在台灣線上 Live 直播,同步中文口譯提供,精彩可期,不可錯過與國際大師最近距離的面對面交流的機會。只有500席搖滾區席次。
For the first time in Taiwan, the event will be broadcast live online with simultaneous Chinese interpretation. Don't miss out on the opportunity to meet face-to-face with the international master. Only 500 front seats are available.
【專訪影片&共筆】Lyssa Adkins全球最有影響力的女性敏捷教練
【花絮欣賞】Lyssa Adkins全球最有影響力的女性敏捷教練
2021年6月14日_Mike Cohn 專訪
June 14, 2021_Interview with Mike Cohn
Mike Cohn
The most influential Agile people in the world International Scrum guru
Mike Cohn是Agile Alliance創始成員,也是其Article Program的總監。他自1984年起從事專業編寫程式碼的工作,1988年起開始代表富達投資、Viacom、P&G、NBC以及花旗銀行等客户管理軟體專案。Mike現任於Fast401k工程副總裁,Fast401k是為401(k)計畫提供網際網路記錄保存及解決方案供應商的領導者,可為金融服務產業提供自有品牌的e401k產品,並利用專有技術推動規模經濟。Mike已經撰寫或與人合著了四本程式設計書籍。
Mike Cohn is a founding member of the Agile Alliance and the Director of its Articles Program. He has programmed professionally since 1984 and managed software projects since 1988 on behalf of clients such as Fidelity Investments, Viacom, P&G, NBC, and Citibank. Mike is currently the Vice President of Engineering at Fast401k, a leading provider of Internet-based record-keeping and administration solutions for 401(k) plans. Fast401k provides private-labeled e401k products to the financial services industry, leveraging proprietary technology to drive economies of scale. In addition, Mike has authored or co-authored four programming books.
Mike Cohn的使用者故事
Mike Cohn’s User Stories Applied
Thoroughly reviewed by members of the Agile community, Mike Cohn’s User Stories Applied is published with eager anticipation. This book offers a requirements process that saves time, eliminates rework, and leads directly to better software.
要打造出符合使用者需求的軟體,最好的方式是從「使用者故事」開始:針對實際使用者有價值的功能,提供簡單明瞭的說明。在《Mike Cohn的使用者故事》中,Mike Cohn提供了一個前後貫穿的藍圖以撰寫使用者故事,並將這些步驟融入開發週期中。你會知道好的使用者故事的要素,也會了解故事成效不彰的原因。你會發現蒐集使用者故事的實用方法,就算你無法與使用者親自溝通也很適用。接著,一旦將使用者故事彙整完畢後,Mike Cohn展示了如何統整、安排優先順序,以及如何運用故事進行規劃、管理與測試。
The best way to build software that meets users' needs is, to begin with, "user stories": simple, clear, brief descriptions of functionality that will be valuable to real users. In Mike Cohn’s User Stories Applied, Mike Cohn provides you with a front-to-back blueprint for writing these user stories and weaving them into your development lifecycle. First, you will learn what makes a great user story and what makes a bad one. Next, you will discover practical ways to gather user stories, even when you cannot speak with your users. Then, once you've compiled your user stories, Cohn shows how to organize them, prioritize them, and use them for planning, management, and testing.
【專訪影片&共筆】Mike Cohn教你化腐朽為神奇的使用者故事
Global giant: The most influential Agile management guru delivers his first lecture in Taiwan
端午節與Mike Cohn隔空與 展開敏捷「人與人的連結」
Agile connection online with Mike Cohn at Dragon Boat Festival
因應快速變遷的時代,全球專案管理界近幾年盛行敏捷管理風潮,打破過往對專案的既定印象,透過快速迭代彈性應變,不斷推出以客戶價值為依歸的產品,更貼近瞬息萬變的市場生態。這股銳不可擋的氣勢,也從全球延燒到台灣。隨時查閱人力銀行職缺資訊,不僅看到國內企業對敏捷人才求賢若渴,需求不斷成長,更開出每月平均6萬元以上的高薪。可見,敏捷人才超級供不應求,尤其具有專業證照人才。 全球最有影響力的敏捷管理權威大師Mike Cohn,也注意到台灣這股熱潮,即將在2021年6月14日(一)端午佳節晚上21:00線上開講,首次跟台灣敏捷人士公開對話,成為國內粉絲親炙大師風範,向大師致敬的最佳機會。
The rapid evolution of the times has triggered a trend of Agile management in the global project management industry in recent years, which shatters the established image of projects in the past. Agile responds flexibly to the fast-changing market ecology through rapid iterations and continuous launch of products based on customer value. Such a wave of unstoppable momentum also extends from the world to Taiwan. Checking the job vacancy of staffing banks, you will see the growing and urgent demand for Agile talents from domestic enterprises with even a high salary of over NTD 60,000 per month on average. It is clear that Agile talents are in super short supply, especially those with professional licenses. Mike Cohn, the world's most influential guru of Agile management, has also heeded this craze in Taiwan and will soon give a talk online at 9:00 pm on June 14, 2021 (Monday), the Dragon Boat Festival, where he will have his first public dialogue with Agilists in Taiwan. This is the best opportunity for fans in Taiwan to learn from the master and pay tribute to him personally.
Mike Cohn是Scrum Alliance(敏捷聯盟)創立者,旗下國際級敏捷證照CSM全球超過200萬名持有者,他撰寫的敏捷書籍暢銷全球,最廣為人知的《使用者故事User Stories Applied》更是創下超過500萬本銷售量,被喻為敏捷經典之作。台灣敏捷部落Scrum教練周龍鴻特地帶領志工透過敏捷手法,歷經3個月翻譯完成繁體中文版《Mike Cohn的使用者故事》,也即將在台灣面世,提供讀者們用熟悉的語言親覽敏捷經典好書。《Mike Cohn的使用者故事》提出要打造出符合使用者需求的軟體,最好的方式是從「使用者故事」開始,針對實際使用者有價值的功能,提供簡單明瞭的說明。除此之外,Mike還提供前後貫穿的藍圖撰寫使用者故事,將這些步驟融入開發週期,讓讀者了解什麼是好的使用者故事,什麼是壞的使用者故事。不僅可幫助專案省下寶貴時間,還能減少重工。新冠疫情讓全球措手不及,面對越來越不可知、無法掌握的未來,「一成不變,只會讓你越來越焦慮」。管理專案需要更彈性適應的作法,唯一的不變就是變,「敏捷」是最佳解方。歡迎大家把這次握千載難逢的機會,在 6月14日(一) 晚上9:00透過網路隔空與大師展開敏捷「人與人的連結」。
Mike Cohn is the founder of the Scrum Alliance, whose international Agile license CSM has been issued to over 2 million practitioners worldwide. His Agile books have sold around the world, and his most popular book, User Stories Applied, is considered an Agile classic with over 5 million copies sold. Scrum Coach Roger Chou of Taiwan Agile Tribe led volunteers to complete the traditional Chinese version of Mike Cohn's User Stories Applied using Agile approaches over three months. It will be released in Taiwan soon, providing readers with a familiar language to read the classic Agile book. The book suggests that the best way to build software that meets users' needs is to begin with "user stories": simple, clear, brief descriptions of functionality that will be valuable to real users.
Moreover, Mike provides a front-to-back blueprint for writing user stories and weaving them into the development lifecycle, enabling readers to learn what makes a great user story and what makes a bad one. He helps projects save time and eliminate rework. The world has been caught off guard by the COVID-19 outbreak. Facing an increasingly unpredictable and uncontrollable future, "being stuck in a rut will only make you grow more anxious". As the saying goes, the only thing that never changes is that everything changes. Project management requires a more flexible and adaptive approach, and Agile is the optimal solution. You are welcome to take this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to have an Agile connection with the master via the Internet on June 14 (Monday) at 9:00 pm.
【感謝信】Mike Cohn教你化腐朽為神奇的使用者故事
Dear Mike,
以下是我們的大合照。合照時雖然僅有500多人,但是現場實際的尖峰人數是在602人,您已經創我們社群的最高紀錄375人了(Roman Pichler的interview)。我將所有的觀眾組合成一張照片,供您留念。再次感謝您對台灣敏捷社群的貢獻。
Dear Mike,
Thank you for accepting our interview on June 14, 2021. It caused a huge trend in Taiwan's Agile community. You can't imagine our Agile progress in Taiwan is like your ancestors pioneering the Americas. Our Agile penetration and acceptance are much lower than in other Asian countries. From the number of CSMs, you can know that we only have 1,600 CSMs, which is far behind Singapore's 10,000.
You wake up at 0500 in the morning and join the live interview with us. You also need to complete our interview questions before the live broadcast. Your hourly fee must be sky-high. I believe we cannot afford it, and I can understand that your passion for Scrum is really great.
And the moment you bring Taiwan Agile will make Taiwan take a big step forward. I believe there will be more international Agile experts willing to communicate with Taiwan. On behalf of the Taiwan Agile Community, I would like to thank you sincerely.
The following is our group photo. Although there were only 500 people in the photo at the time, the actual peak number of people at the scene was 602. You break a record of 375 people in our community (Roman Pichler’s interview). I combined all the audience into a photo for you to remember. Thank you again for your contribution to the Taiwan Agile community.
【花絮欣賞】Mike Cohn教你化腐朽為神奇的使用者故事
2021年2月25日_Roman Pichler專訪
February 25, 2021_Interview with Roman Pichler
Roman Pichler
國際級Product Owner大師專訪
國際級Product Owner大師專訪
Interview with international Product Owner guru
Roman Pichler 是Scrum與敏捷產品管理的頂尖專家。他在教授與指導Product Owner及協助企業有效運用產品管理實務方面聲譽斐然。除本書外,他還以《Scrum—Agiles Projektmanagement erfolgreich einsetzen》(Scrum—Applying Agile Project Management Successfully)(dpunkt.verlag,2008)榮登Scrum暢銷書作家。身為Scrum認證培訓師,他也領導Scrum Alliance積極制定Scrum Product Owner認證培訓課程。歡迎前往romanpichler.com了解更多資訊。
Roman Pichler is a leading Scrum and Agile product management expert. He has a long track record in teaching and coaching Product Owners and helping companies apply effective product management practices. In addition to this book, he is the bestselling author of Scrum–Agiles Projektmanagement Erfolgreich Einsetzen (Scrum–Applying Agile Project Management Successfully) (Dpunkt, Verlag, 2008). In addition, as a Certified Scrum Trainer, he has led the Scrum Alliance effort to develop a curriculum for the Certified Scrum Product Owner training. Find out more at
Roman Pichler
Agile Product Management with Scrum: Creating Products that Customers Love
在本書中,Scrum頂尖顧問Roman Pichler以實際範例說明Product Owner如何運用Scrum打造成功的產品。他廣泛地介紹多項敏捷產品管理實務,包括:促使敏捷產品成功之法、善用需求湧現的裨益、創造最小可銷售產品、儘早採納客戶回饋,以及與開發團隊密切協作。透過作者的豐富經驗,你將了解Scrum產品主導責任與傳統產品管理的區別,以及如何避免與克服Scrum Product Owner常面臨的各項挑戰。對於擔任 Product Owner或有意加入Product Owner行列的人們,以及對於建立敏捷產品管理有興趣的管理高層及教練們,本書都是不可或缺的參考來源。 用者故事的實用方法就算你法與使用者親自通也很適用。接著,一旦將使用者故事彙整完畢後,Cohn展示了如何加以整、安排優先順序,以及如何運用故事進行規劃、管理及測試。
In this book, leading Scrum consultant Roman Pichler uses real-world examples to demonstrate how Product Owners can create successful products with Scrum. He describes a broad range of Agile product management practices, including making Agile product discovery work, taking advantage of emergent requirements, creating the minimal marketable product, leveraging early customer feedback, and working closely with the development team. Benefitting from Pichler’s extensive experience, you’ll learn how Scrum product ownership differs from traditional product management and how to avoid and overcome the common challenges that Scrum Product Owners face. This book is an indispensable resource for anyone who works as a Product Owner or expects to do so, as well as executives and coaches interested in establishing Agile product management. You'll discover practical ways to gather user stories, even when you can't speak with your users. Then, once you've compiled your user stories, Cohn shows how to organize them, prioritize them, and use them for planning, management, and testing.
【專訪影片】國際級Product Owner_Roman Pichler
Roman, the master of writing the PO Bible, accepts the interview at Project Staff Show!
經典的Scrum名著—《SCRUM 敏捷產品管理:打造客戶喜愛的產品》,相隔7年後在台灣上市《PO聖經繁中版》,加速縮減台灣落後的敏捷進度。
The classic Scrum book, Agile Product Management with Scrum: Creating Products that Customers Love, is available as PO Bible Traditional Chinese Version in Taiwan after a gap of 7 years, making up for the slow progress of Agile in Taiwan.
一位好的Product Owner(PO)是產品的靈魂人物,更是開發團隊最重要的角色,引領團隊開創新格局,想了解一位偉大的PO該如何養成,並如何有系統地實現嗎?那就趕緊觀賞本次精采的影片分享吧!
A good Product Owner (PO) is the soul of the product and the foremost role of the development team, who guides the team to break new ground. Want to know how a great PO is shaped and how to achieve it systematically? Well, watch this wonderful video presentation!
受訪者/國際級 PO 大師 Roman Pichler
Produced by PM Magazine
Interviewee/International PO Master Roman Pichler
Interviewer/Roger Chou, Editor-in-Chief
► Watch more celebrity interview videos at