
Series of products: Soil Scrolls, Native Seals, Short Films, Soil Music Albums, Earth Books, Guide Cards, UI Online Interface and VR Earth Reality.

About us

「特輯土產Gifts of Taiwan land」設計一套包含視覺、觸覺與聽覺的紀念禮品,讓來台旅客回到自己國家時,可以時時感受與回味屬於台灣的記憶。本專題蒐集全台灣共10個獨特鄉鎮市區的土壤,並製成一套精美禮品,該禮品包含土壤卷軸、土產印章、土壤專輯、系列短片與VR環景將整體做搭配。而本專題選擇的區域都有著與土壤特殊關聯的故事,讓人感受到最真切的台灣味。

"Gifts of Taiwan Land" is a new brand that designs products through soil elements from 10 places in Taiwan. Let the world know the life and beauty of Taiwan through the element of soil. Tourists who come to Taiwan can bring a gift back to their own country, and experience the beautiful memories of Taiwan through sight, touch and hearing. "Gifts of Taiwan Land" contains a series of works including short films, gifts, scrolls, stamps, VR, music albums and artworks.

In order to present the soil texture, the work does not adopt the general CMYK printing method, but uses Taiwan soil in the design to obtain a real touch. Because the soil is taken from the original material of the earth, it will eventually return to the earth, which is also a "circular design".

The work also imitates the form of traditional Chinese painting, allowing people to place soil stamps on maps. People can watch ten videos on the online platform simply by scanning a QR code on their mobile phone. "Gifts of Taiwan Land" allows the world to fully experience Taiwanese local culture in this design that integrates technology and tradition.

『Official Revel & Demo』官方指南

標準色彩系統 Color Standard

「特輯土產」採用雙色系分為深色與淺色各 3 個,並以 Pantone 色票呈現,運用在包裝設計與視覺搭配中使用。包含 結晶藍、湖水綠、泉水藍、土壤黃、苔蘚綠、晴空藍。

"Special Local Products" is divided into 3 dark colors and 3 light colors in a two-color system, and is presented in Pantone color chips, which are used in packaging design and visual matching. Contains Crystal Blue, Lake Green, Spring Blue, Soil Yellow, Moss Green, Clear Sky Blue.

Pantone 彩通 (534C) (548C) (319C) (7548C) (7719C) (2173C)

土壤捲軸 Soil Scroll


The Soil Color Ink Scroll is a map of the entire Taiwan Island drawn with pigments prepared from soil, and the vector illustration is presented in the form of computer graphics. The mountain itself is painted with soil pigments. After special glazing technology. the soil is embedded in the scroll. We can "touch the texture of the mountain" and the texture of the soil. In each region, local seals can be matched. After matching the correct region, it is like the concept of using seals that the ancient emperors will be impressed with when they read them. The stamps can be scanned and linked to the online platform through mobile phones to watch the videos of that place and listen to the Regional ambient sound.

來自台灣 10 個地區的土壤,我們經過特殊的消毒殺菌與過濾後製作成 10 個來自不同地方的印章。從北到南,不同的 城市鄉村,將這些土壤逐一排列放入印章 中,每一個印章都可以蓋出一個經過設計的QR Code,掃描可以觀看影片與聆聽當地的聲音與自然環境的結合。採用 CNC 製作將土壤封裝在印章管中, 搭配雷雕方式將該區域的名稱繪製上去, 並從外觀觀看土壤質感,同時讓使用者將印章蓋到捲軸上,掃描觀看系列影片。在印章外可以清楚看見土內部的土壤紋理,每個地方的土壤依次排看會發現每個地方土壤的色澤與質地密度都有所差別,用最直觀的方式感受土壤的美感。

「特輯土產」透過系列影片快速呈現出土壤與環境的美感與價值,透過影像傳遞台灣土壤的故事,並且兼具旅遊推廣功能,讓更多人看見台灣。本專題共拍攝了 10 部系列短片,由 北到南挑選了 10 個獨特的土壤區域並結合土壤的故事拍攝成故事短片。這之中包含了:北投、瑞芳、三星、三義、大甲、 埔里、鹿港、七股、枋寮與田寮。「特輯土產」實際探訪部落並一同與在地的居民討論土壤價值,了解到每一種土壤所孕育的價值都不相同,同樣都是土壤有些透水性好適合種植蔬菜類,同時也會有保水性強的土壤,正適合種植水稻。土壤也會有分為營養成分好與貧瘠,不同的土壤地貌與該區域的經濟作物與生活型態就會形成差異,每個地方都會有屬於自己適合種植的蔬果甚至是工業性質的經濟產物,例如鹿港的海岸的沙子中就含有矽的成分,進而發產成為工業區,提煉成為玻璃等經濟發展。

「特輯土產」專為本專題開發了一套數位平台,結合 UI 設計提升便利性與數位的流通性。透過手機簡單的掃描,就可以立刻體驗,從影像到故事與介紹。其中最重要的部分是可以結合 VR 環 景體驗。這將會是最能夠身歷其境的呈現方式,是觸覺與聽覺的結合體。將現實生活中的環境成功結合科技展現,從視覺到聽覺的整合,無論身在何處都能夠一再的回味關於台灣的美好。讓自己彷彿置身上帝視角感受台灣的美好與價值。

土壤專輯收錄了台灣數百種聲響,將這些來自大地的聲音收錄在我們的土壤專輯中。並且透過四首土壤音樂,透過現代的科技進行數位混音處理,分為四種土壤 價值,從豐富的城市到鄉村風格的音樂, 結合城市的豐富音效組成的系列專輯。 收錄在訂製的卡式 USB 中留存。我們選擇了卡式 USB 來呈現「特輯土產」的數位專輯,裡面收錄的所有本專題所錄製的影像與聲音,像是一張大地種子般的存在,透過一片薄薄的卡片感受台灣的美好與價值。



Image integration



Visual drawing



Digital typesetting



Soil craft




「特輯土產」是一款結合傳統與現代科技的可互動地圖書組合,透過傳統的出版物結合傳統的物件卻能夠將平面與線上數位連結,讓整個體驗流程更加豐富且多元。「特輯土產」整體組合結合觸覺、視覺與聽覺,讓訪台貴賓與旅客可帶回自己的家鄉,透過來自台灣的 「特輯土產」一再感受關於這裡美好的回憶與感受。

"Gifts of Taiwan Land" is an interactive book combination that combines traditional and modern technology. Through traditional publications combined with traditional objects, it can digitally connect the plane and online, making the entire experience process richer and more diverse. The overall combination of "Gifts of Taiwan Land" combines touch, vision and hearing, allowing VIPs and tourists to take back to their hometowns and experience the beautiful memories and feelings about this place again and again through the "Special Local Products" from Taiwan.