特輯土產 全面適配 Apple Vision Pro / Meta Quest 3

Gifts of Taiwan Land Fully compatible with Apple Vision Pro / Meta Quest 3
Technology provided by thetu.co.uk

VR Virtual Reality 環景攝影

SUPER VR 是特輯土產結合VR與環境音效製作成為的特殊聲歷其境體驗,需使用行動裝置與附贈的VR紙盒觀看。支援Google vr cardboard、Samsung Gear VR、HTC VR 等所有符合Youtube協定的VR設備體驗。(目前已適配 Apple Vision Pro / Meta Quest 3)

SUPER VR is a special audio immersive experience made by combining VR and environmental sound effects. It requires a mobile device and the included VR carton to watch. Support Google vr cardboard, Samsung Gear VR, HTC VR and other VR device experiences that conform to the Youtube protocol.

*Apple Vision Pro 使用者請搭配 Sphere360  *Meta Quest 3 使用者請搭配 4XVR / DeoVR / Youtube VR
如需體驗極致UltraPixel,請聯繫 thetu.co.uk 官方客服

Gifts of Taiwan Land | VR Sanyi  特輯土產 | 三義

Gifts of Taiwan Land | VR Pingtung Fangliao  特輯土產 | 屏東枋寮

Gifts of Taiwan Land | VR Miaoli  特輯土產 | 苗栗

Gifts of Taiwan Land | VR Yilan Sanxing   特輯土產 | 宜蘭三星

Gifts of Taiwan Land | VR Nantou Puli   特輯土產 | 南投埔里

Gifts of Taiwan Land | VR Ruifang 特輯土產 | 新北瑞芳

Gifts of Taiwan Land | VR  Tainan Qigu   特輯土產 | 台南七股

Gifts of Taiwan Land | VR moon world  特輯土產 | 高雄月世界

Gifts of Taiwan Land | VR  Qigu Yantian   特輯土產 | 七股鹽田

Gifts of Taiwan Land | VR  sun moon lake   特輯土產 | 日月潭

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