UMU Research & researchers

Umeå University Researchers and their Social AI research

(retrieved from Scopus, which may miss some authors and publications, please contact us if you want to be part of this list)

Number of retrieved authors: 102

Size of the set of papers produced by the active authors throughout their career (i.e. beyond the biblometric database): 527

Number of appearances of active the active authors on papers fitting the query througout their career: 763

Ait-Mlouk Addi 3/5/19

datum:0.112 Arabic:0.072 semantic:0.058 analytic:0.056 federation:0.051 knowledge:0.050 embedding:0.046 heterogeneous:0.043 query:0.038 language:0.036

2022 FedQAS: Privacy-Aware Machine Reading Comprehension with Federated Learning

2022 Arabic named entity recognition in social media based on BiLSTM-CRF using an attention mechanism

2020 KBot: A Knowledge Graph Based ChatBot for Natural Language Understanding over Linked Data*

2020 Winfra: A web-based platform for semantic data retrieval and data analytics*

2019 Graph-based interactive data federation system for heterogeneous data retrieval and analytics*

Aler Tubella Andrea 3/3/10

ai:0.092 moral:0.077 fairness:0.071 bound:0.053 system:0.047 responsible:0.044 autonomy:0.042 guideline:0.042 variable:0.040 output:0.039

2023 ACROCPoLis: A Descriptive Framework for Making Sense of Fairness*

2021 Let Me Take Over: Variable Autonomy for Meaningful Human Control*

2019 Governance by glass-box: Implementing transparent moral bounds for AI behaviour*

Bensch Suna 8/8/34

robot:0.106 dialogue:0.055 sentiment:0.051 semantic:0.050 embedding:0.046 probe:0.044 understanding:0.039 human:0.038 action:0.036 triplet:0.035

2022 Incorporating Social Practices in Dialogue Systems*

2020 Bias in machine learning - what is it good for?*

2020 How Can a Robot Trigger Human Backchanneling?*

2020 Tell Me Why You Feel That Way: Processing Compositional Dependency for Tree-LSTM Aspect Sentiment Triplet Extraction (TASTE)*

2020 Probing Multimodal Embeddings for Linguistic Properties: the Visual-Semantic Case*

2019 Inferring robot actions from verbal commands using shallow semantic parsing*

2018 Understandable robots*

2010 L systems as bio-MAS for natural language processing*

Berglund Martin 4/4/22

language:0.168 shuffle:0.159 interleaving:0.159 parse:0.120 string:0.100 membership:0.097 complexity:0.097 tokenization:0.090 mildly:0.090 parameterized:0.060

2023 Formalizing BPE Tokenization*

2016 Uniform vs. nonuniform membership for mildly context-sensitive languages: A brief survey*

2013 Shuffled languages-representation and recognition*

2011 Recognizing shuffled languages*

Bhuyan Monowar H. 4/4/37

serverless:0.107 anomaly:0.106 security:0.076 cloud:0.070 smart:0.066 edge:0.053 detection:0.039 blockchain:0.033 network:0.032 reconstruction:0.032

2023 Semi-Supervised Range-Based Anomaly Detection for Cloud Systems*

2023 COGNIT: Challenges and Vision for a Serverless and Multi-Provider Cognitive Cloud-Edge Continuum*

2022 A survey on blockchain, SDN and NFV for the smart-home security*

2020 Identification and Classification of Cyberbullying Posts: A Recurrent Neural Network Approach Using Under-Sampling and Class Weighting*

Björklund Henrik 5/5/38

parse:0.181 grammar:0.168 uniform:0.136 language:0.135 replacement:0.131 shuffle:0.121 interleaving:0.121 membership:0.118 hyperedge:0.101 complexity:0.084

2021 Uniform parsing for hyperedge replacement grammars*

2016 Between a rock and a hard place ? Uniform parsing for hyperedge replacement DAG grammars*

2016 Uniform vs. nonuniform membership for mildly context-sensitive languages: A brief survey*

2013 Shuffled languages-representation and recognition*

2011 Recognizing shuffled languages*

Björklund Johanna 10/10/28

tree:0.114 language:0.067 algorithm:0.062 t:0.044 embedding:0.043 probe:0.041 automata:0.039 automaton:0.037 taxonomy:0.035 semantic:0.034

2022 Improved N-Best Extraction with an Evaluation on Language Data*

2020 Probing Multimodal Embeddings for Linguistic Properties: the Visual-Semantic Case*

2019 Z-Automata for Compact and Direct Representation of Unranked Tree Languages*

2018 Tree-to-Graph Transductions with Scope*

2017 Finding the N best vertices in an infinite weighted hypergraph*

2017 An evaluation of structured language modeling for automatic speech recognition*

2016 A taxonomy of minimisation algorithms for deterministic tree automata*

2016 Learning tree languages*

2013 Simulation relations for pattern matching in directed graphs*

2013 Shuffled languages-representation and recognition*

Björnfot Patrik 6/6/10

telepresence:0.134 remote:0.092 robotic:0.079 control:0.066 pilot:0.059 double:0.057 presence:0.051 user:0.049 remotely:0.049 robot:0.048

2021 Evaluating Input Devices for Robotic Telepresence**

2020 Performance, Power, and Place: User Experience of Contactless Object Manipulation in Robotic Telepresence*

2018 Non-technical users' first encounters with a robotic telepresence technology: An empirical study of office workers*

2017 Mobile remote presence enhanced with contactless object manipulation: An exploratory study*

2017 A semantic scale for evaluating the UX of a MRP system*

2015 Focus group foci: Employing participants? hci and application domain expertise in interaction design*

Björnsson Gunnar 1/3/32

responsibility:0.173 moral:0.163 opinion:0.105 amoralist:0.090 intuition:0.090 manipulation:0.087 deep:0.080 joint:0.074 internalism:0.072 motivational:0.062

2016 Outsourcing the deep self: Deep self discordance does not explain away intuitions in manipulation arguments*

2013 Internalists beware-we might all be amoralists!

2011 Joint Responsibility Without Individual Control: Applying the Explanation Hypothesis

Bliek Adna 1/2/5

stiffness:0.455 impedance:0.210 elastic:0.210 backchanneling:0.105 backchannele:0.105 backchannel:0.105 robot:0.087 human:0.079 virtual:0.076 noticeable:0.070

2023 Exploring the Just Noticeable Interaction Stiffness Differences of an Impedance-Controlled Series Elastic Actuator

2020 How Can a Robot Trigger Human Backchanneling?*

Brännström Andreas 2/2/3

emotional:0.157 transition:0.119 planned:0.113 emotion:0.100 reasoning:0.098 action:0.096 state:0.092 correspond:0.091 theory:0.078 causality:0.067

2022 Emotional Reasoning in an Action Language for Emotion-Aware Planning*

2021 Modelling human mental-states in an action language following the theory of planned behavior*

Brännström Mattias 2/2/2

ai:0.229 ethic:0.095 responsible:0.089 rain:0.086 operationalise:0.086 high:0.073 assessment:0.072 technical:0.063 guideline:0.056 level:0.053

2023 Operationalising AI Ethics: Conducting Socio-technical Assessment*

2022 Let it RAIN for Social Good*

Brännström Åke 10/11/73

cooperation:0.077 dispersal:0.064 population:0.049 size:0.035 prefer:0.034 cost:0.033 harvesting:0.032 discriminator:0.032 evolution:0.031 rider:0.027

2022 Sharing the Burdens of Climate Mitigation and Adaptation: Incorporating Fairness Perspectives into Policy Optimization Models*

2020 Emergence of social inequality in the spatial harvesting of renewable public goods*

2019 Parent-preferred dispersal promotes cooperation in structured populations*

2018 Indirect reciprocity with negative assortment and limited information can promote cooperation*

2018 Effects of relatedness on the evolution of cooperation in nonlinear public goods games*

2017 On the performance of four methods for the numerical solution of ecologically realistic size-structured population models*

2015 First carrot, then stick: How the adaptive hybridization of incentives promotes cooperation*

2012 The take-it-or-leave-it option allows small penalties to overcome social dilemmas*

2012 Synergy and group size in microbial cooperation*

2008 Synergy in social communication

2006 Stochastic analogues of deterministic single-species population models*

Cleophas Loek 2/4/80

clone:0.151 metamodel:0.097 gram:0.075 taxonomy:0.072 detection:0.063 sentence:0.062 tree:0.053 minimisation:0.050 model:0.044 deterministic:0.039

2019 Metamodel clone detection with SAMOS

2017 An evaluation of structured language modeling for automatic speech recognition

2016 A taxonomy of minimisation algorithms for deterministic tree automata*

2015 N-Gram Representations for Comment Filtering*

Coelho Mollo Dimitri 2/2/10

fairness:0.150 intelligence:0.123 notion:0.072 situation:0.072 algorithmic:0.067 ai:0.059 hypothesis:0.057 responsible:0.046 revolve:0.045 refined:0.045

2023 ACROCPoLis: A Descriptive Framework for Making Sense of Fairness*

2022 Intelligent Behaviour*

Danielsson Johannes 1/1/1

fab:0.230 stress:0.218 companion:0.218 futuristic:0.172 assistant:0.171 management:0.143 intelligent:0.133 Autobiographies:0.115 digital:0.086 theme:0.073

2022 Employing Futuristic Autobiographies to envision emerging human-agent interactions: The case of intelligent companions for stress management*

Danielsson Karin P. 4/4/27

remote:0.124 telepresence:0.110 meeting:0.109 double:0.099 pilot:0.089 control:0.085 object:0.073 experience:0.067 robot:0.067 online:0.066

2021 Understanding the Interpersonal Space of Online Meetings: An Exploratory Study of "We-ness"*

2020 Performance, Power, and Place: User Experience of Contactless Object Manipulation in Robotic Telepresence*

2017 Mobile remote presence enhanced with contactless object manipulation: An exploratory study*

2017 A semantic scale for evaluating the UX of a MRP system*

Das Debojyoti 1/1/15

gene:0.696 regulatory:0.155 popularity:0.144 biological:0.129 reinforcement:0.090 historical:0.090 disease:0.090 feature:0.089 meta:0.080 relevance:0.072

2021 Meta-analysis of gene popularity: Less than half of gene citations stem from gene regulatory networks*

Dignum Frank 31/126/328

norm:0.040 agent:0.032 organization:0.020 electronic:0.016 social:0.016 model:0.016 simulation:0.015 practice:0.014 institution:0.014 structure:0.013

2023 Should we make predictions based on social simulations?*

2023 Agents Dealing with Norms and Regulations*

2023 Agent-Based Social Simulation for Policy Making*

2023 Towards a Social Artificial Intelligence*

2023 From fear to action: AI governance and opportunities for all*

2023 Model-based Player Experience Testing with Emotion Pattern Verification*

2023 First Step Towards a New Understanding of Radicalisation: Modeling Identity Fusion*

2023 Utilizing the Full Potential of Norms for the Agent?s Decision Process*

2022 Changing Perspectives: Adaptable Interpretations of Norms for Agents*

2022 Incorporating Social Practices in Dialogue Systems*

2022 Socially Aware Interactions: From Dialogue Trees to Natural Language Dialogue Systems*

2022 An Appraisal Transition System for Event-Driven Emotions in Agent-Based Player Experience Testing*

2022 How Culture Influences Individual Behavior During a Pandemic: A Social Simulation of the COVID-19 Crisis*

2022 Why Bad Coffee? Explaining BDI Agent Behaviour with Valuings (Extended Abstract)*

2022 Abstracting Minds: Computational Theory of Mind for Human-Agent Collaboration*

2022 Computational Theory of Mind for Human-Agent Coordination*

2021 Towards Fundamental Models of Radicalization*

2021 Drug Trafficking As Illegal Supply Chain?A Social Simulation*

2021 Social Rules for Agent Systems*

2021 Developers? Responses to App Review Feedback ? A Study of Communication Norms in App Development*

2021 Why bad coffee? Explaining BDI agent behaviour with valuings*

2021 Correction to: Analysing the Combined Health, Social and Economic Impacts of the Corona Virus Pandemic Using Agent?Based Social Simulation (Minds and Machines, (2020), 30, 2, (177-194), 10.1007/s11023-020-09527-6)*

2020 Analysing the Combined Health, Social and Economic Impacts of the Corovanvirus Pandemic Using Agent-Based Social Simulation*

2020 Simulations with Values

2020 Norms in Social Simulation: Balancing Between Realism and Scalability

2020 Learning to communicate proactively in human-agent teaming*

2020 Incorporating social practices in BDI agent systems*

2020 How to center AI on humans

2020 Agent-based Testing of Extended Reality Systems*

2020 Agents are dead. long live agents! Blue sky ideas track*

2020 Agents with Dynamic Social Norms*

2020 Social Models for Social Robotics*

2019 Analyzing creativity in the light of social practice theory

2019 Governance by glass-box: Implementing transparent moral bounds for AI behaviour*

2019 Incorporating social practices in BDI agent systems*

2018 Creating Dialogues Using Argumentation and Social Practices

2018 An Overview of Open-Source Chatbots Social Skills

2018 Querying social practices in hospital context

2018 Towards a generic framework for multi-party dialogue with virtual humans

2018 The influence of gender, personality, cognitive and affective student engagement on academic engagement in educational virtual worlds

2018 A social practice oriented signs detection for human-humanoid interaction

2018 Why bad coffee? explaining agent plans with valuings

2018 Design for values for social robot architectures

2018 On the pertinence of social practices for social robotics

2018 Explaining the emerging influence of culture, from individual influences to collective phenomena

2017 Changing habits using contextualized decision making

2017 Societal challenges need social agents

2016 A model of a social chatbot

2016 Social practices for social driven conversations in serious games

2016 The construction of impossibility: A logic-based analysis of conjuring tricks

2016 Social agents for learning in virtual environments

2016 Dialogues as social practices for serious games

2015 Modelling social agents: Communication as action

2015 Modeling culturally-influenced decisions

2015 On formalizing opportunism based on situation calculus

2015 A conceptual architecture for social deliberation in multi-agent organizations

2015 Contextualized planning using social practices

2015 Value-Sensitive Design of Self-Organisation

2015 Exploring social practices of peer-review in an agent-based simulation: The cost action peere

2014 Agent-based evolving societies

2014 From autistic to social agents

2014 Creating a world for socio-cultural agents

2014 A formal semantics for agent (re)organization

2014 Towards simulating the impact of national culture on organizations

2014 Social deliberation for organizations

2014 Integrating Cultures: An Introduction

2013 Simulating social behaviour implementing agents endowed with values and drives

2013 The social meaning of physical action

2013 An agent model for the appraisal of normative events based in in-group and out-group relations

2013 Agent-based evolving societies

2013 Social agents for serious games

2013 Social agents for serious games

2012 A logic of agent organizations

2012 A formal semantics for agent (re)organization

2012 Generating norm-related emotions in virtual agents

2012 The role of agents in Adaptive Service Oriented Architectures

2011 Implementing norms?

2011 Linking norms and culture

2010 Explaining and predicting the behavior of BDI-based agents in role-playing games

2010 Combining organisational and coordination theory with model driven approaches to develop dynamic, flexible, distributed business systems

2010 Simulation of intermediation using rich cognitive agents

2010 Practical reasoning using values giving meaning to values

2010 Normative, cultural and cognitive aspects of modelling policies

2010 ALIVE: A model-driven framework to develop dynamic, flexible, distributed service-oriented systems

2010 Making norms concrete


2009 From individuals to social and vice-versa

2009 ALIVE: A framework for flexible and adaptive service coordination

2009 Engineering social reality with inheritance relations

2009 Evaluating organizational configurations

2009 A logic for agent organizations

2009 A process-oriented approach to model agent personality

2009 A multi-agent simulation framework for the study of intermediation

2009 Emergence and enforcement of social behavior

2008 A generic architecture for a companion robot

2008 Theory and practice of social reasoning experiences with the iCat

2008 Regulating organizations: The ALIVE approach

2008 Achieving efficient and equitable collaboration among selfish agents using spender-signed currency

2007 Agent communication and social concepts

2007 Argumentation and persuasion in the cognitive coherence theory: Preliminary report

2007 Coordinating tasks in agent organizations or: Can we ask you to read this paper?

2007 A framework for Business Process Integration - An agent-mediated approach

2007 Achieving cooperation among selfish agents in the air traffic management domain using signed money

2006 Norms and electronic institutions

2006 Structural evaluation of agent organizations

2006 Argumentation and Persuasion in the Cognitive Coherence Theory

2006 Organizational structure and responsibility

2005 OMNI: Introducing social structure, norms and ontologies into agent organizations

2005 Organizing multiagent systems

2005 Task and social coordination in agent organizations

2005 Foundations of organizational structures in multiagent systems

2005 Structures for agent organizations

2004 Issues in multiagent system development

2004 Editorial: The use of logic in agent-based social simulation

2003 Formal specification of interaction in agent societies

2003 Modelling electronic organizations

2002 Trends in agent communication language

2001 From social monitoring to normative influence

2001 Modelling agent societies: Co-ordination frameworks and institutions

2000 A formal analysis of auditing principles for electronic trade procedures

2000 Towards socially sophisticated BDI agents

1999 Autonomous agents with norms

1999 Formal specification of automated auditing of trustworthy trade procedures for open electronic commerce

1999 Social interactions of autonomous agents: Private and global views on communication

1999 Integrating information systems: Linking global business goals to local database applications

1998 Intentional agents and goal formation

Dignum Virginia V. 23/112/249

agent:0.033 norm:0.024 organization:0.019 model:0.019 ai:0.017 institution:0.016 social:0.015 framework:0.015 human:0.015 system:0.014

2023 The Advanced Course on Human-Centered AI: Learning Objectives*

2023 From fear to action: AI governance and opportunities for all*

2023 ACROCPoLis: A Descriptive Framework for Making Sense of Fairness*

2022 Pervasive Autonomy: Humans-in-The-loop or Forget-About-Them? Panel Summary*

2022 How Culture Influences Individual Behavior During a Pandemic: A Social Simulation of the COVID-19 Crisis*

2022 Why Bad Coffee? Explaining BDI Agent Behaviour with Valuings (Extended Abstract)*

2022 Let it RAIN for Social Good*

2022 Good AI for Good: How AI Strategies of the Nordic Countries Address the Sustainable Development Goals*

2021 Trustworthy AI*

2021 The role and challenges of education for responsible ai*

2021 Do Habits Fade Out? Discerning Between Two Theories Using Agent-Based Simulation

2021 Developers? Responses to App Review Feedback ? A Study of Communication Norms in App Development*

2021 Why bad coffee? Explaining BDI agent behaviour with valuings*

2021 Correction to: Analysing the Combined Health, Social and Economic Impacts of the Corona Virus Pandemic Using Agent?Based Social Simulation (Minds and Machines, (2020), 30, 2, (177-194), 10.1007/s11023-020-09527-6)*

2021 The Myth of Complete AI-Fairness*

2021 Let Me Take Over: Variable Autonomy for Meaningful Human Control*

2020 Analysing the Combined Health, Social and Economic Impacts of the Corovanvirus Pandemic Using Agent-Based Social Simulation*

2020 Towards Agent-Based Models of Rumours in Organizations: A Social Practice Theory Approach

2020 Integrating Social Practice Theory in Agent-Based Models: A Review of Theories and Agents

2020 Bias in machine learning - what is it good for?

2020 How to center AI on humans*

2020 Agents are dead. long live agents! Blue sky ideas track*

2019 The value of values and norms in social simulation*

2019 Supporting and challenging learners through pedagogical agents: Addressing ethical issues through designing for values*

2019 Governance by glass-box: Implementing transparent moral bounds for AI behaviour*

2019 Can we build guidelines for trustworthy, ethical AI?*

2018 Querying social practices in hospital context

2018 Measuring moral acceptability in E-deliberation: A practical application of ethics by participation

2018 General data protection regulation: An opportunity for the HCI community?

2018 Why bad coffee? explaining agent plans with valuings

2018 Design for values for social robot architectures

2018 On the pertinence of social practices for social robotics

2018 Ethics by Design: Necessity or Curse?*

2018 Modelling the social practices of an emergency room to ensure staff and patient wellbeing

2017 Automated multi-level governance compliance checking

2017 Societal challenges need social agents

2017 Responsible autonomy

2017 Viewpoint: Social agents: Bridging simulation and engineering

2016 Group norms for multi-agent organisations

2016 Mind as a service: Building socially intelligent agents

2016 MOOD: Massive open online deliberation platform: A practical application

2016 When do rule changes count-as legal rule changes?

2016 OperA/ALIVE/OperettA

2016 Frameworks Comparison

2016 Introduction

2015 Modelling environments in ABMS: A system dynamics approach

2015 A framework for institutions governing institutions

2015 A conceptual architecture for social deliberation in multi-agent organizations

2015 Contextualized planning using social practices

2015 Value-Sensitive Design of Self-Organisation

2015 Exploring social practices of peer-review in an agent-based simulation: The cost action peere

2014 Model-driven agent-based simulation: Procedural semantics of a MAIA model

2014 Modeling the inuence of multiple social groups on agents behavior

2014 Social responsibility in system design

2014 Request driven social sensing

2014 Social support strategies for embodied conversational agents

2014 A formal semantics for agent (re)organization

2014 On technology against cyberbullying

2014 Social deliberation for organizations

2014 1st international workshop on intelligent agents and technologies for socially interconnected systems

2014 Integrating Cultures: An Introduction

2013 MAIA: A framework for developing agent-based social simulations

2013 A qualitative evaluation of social support by an empathic agent

2013 The social meaning of physical action

2013 Do underlying attitudes affect users' subjective experiences? The case of an empathie agent

2013 Shared strategies in artificial agent societies

2013 Robin, an empathic virtual buddy for social support

2013 The effect of variations in emotional expressiveness on social support

2013 Agent-based simulation for complex social systems: Support for the developer

2013 A qualitative evaluation of social support by an Empathic agent

2012 Human-agent teamwork in dynamic environments

2012 An analysis and design framework for agent-based social simulation

2012 Understanding compliance differences between legal and social norms: The case of smoking ban

2012 A logic of agent organizations

2012 On the engineering of agent-based simulations of social activities with social networks

2012 Human-agent-robot teamwork

2012 A formal semantics for agent (re)organization

2012 A conversational agent for social support: Validation of supportive dialogue sequences

2012 A conversation model enabling intelligent agents to give emotional support

2012 User validation of an empathic virtual buddy against cyberbullying

2012 Corpus-based validation of a dialogue model for social support

2012 A BDI dialogue agent for social support: Specification and evaluation method

2011 No smoking here: Compliance differences between legal and social norms

2010 Simulation of intermediation using rich cognitive agents

2010 Normative, cultural and cognitive aspects of modelling policies

2010 Simulating peer support for victims of cyberbullying

2010 When will I see you again: Modelling the influence of social networks on social activities

2010 Human-agent team formation: An empirical study

2009 From individuals to social and vice-versa

2009 ALIVE: A framework for flexible and adaptive service coordination

2009 Incorporating BDI agents into human-agent decision making research

2009 Evaluating organizational configurations

2009 A logic for agent organizations

2009 The effects of cooperative agent behavior on human cooperativeness

2009 A process-oriented approach to model agent personality

2009 Handbook of research on multi-agent systems: Semantics and dynamics of organizational models

2009 A multi-agent simulation framework for the study of intermediation

2009 Emergence and enforcement of social behavior

2008 Towards agent-based scenario development for strategic decision support

2008 The effects of cooperative agent behavior on human cooperativeness

2008 Regulating organizations: The ALIVE approach

2007 Coordinating tasks in agent organizations or: Can we ask you to read this paper?

2007 A framework for Business Process Integration - An agent-mediated approach

2006 Structural evaluation of agent organizations

2005 OMNI: Introducing social structure, norms and ontologies into agent organizations

2005 Organizing multiagent systems

2005 Task and social coordination in agent organizations

2005 Structures for agent organizations

2004 Towards agent-mediated knowledge management

2003 Formal specification of interaction in agent societies

2002 Agent societies: Towards frameworks-based design

2001 Modelling agent societies: Co-ordination frameworks and institutions

Drewes Frank 12/12/107

tree:0.187 automata:0.092 constituent:0.076 dag:0.072 hybrid:0.071 language:0.070 grammar:0.063 automaton:0.057 graph:0.047 replacement:0.044

2023 Hybrid tree automata and the yield theorem for constituent tree automata*

2022 Improved N-Best Extraction with an Evaluation on Language Data*

2022 Hybrid Tree Automata and the Yield Theorem for Constituent Tree Automata*

2021 Uniform parsing for hyperedge replacement grammars*

2020 Probing Multimodal Embeddings for Linguistic Properties: the Visual-Semantic Case*

2019 Language theoretic properties of regular DAG languages*

2019 Z-Automata for Compact and Direct Representation of Unranked Tree Languages*

2018 Weighted DAG automata for semantic graphs*

2017 Finding the N best vertices in an infinite weighted hypergraph*

2017 DAG automata for meaning representation*

2016 Between a rock and a hard place ? Uniform parsing for hyperedge replacement DAG grammars*

2013 Millstream systems and graph transformation for complex linguistic models (Extended abstract)*

Elmroth Erik 8/8/175

cloud:0.112 service:0.078 serverless:0.059 anomaly:0.058 placement:0.052 power:0.051 datum:0.046 toolkit:0.036 federation:0.032 constraint:0.031

2023 Semi-Supervised Range-Based Anomaly Detection for Cloud Systems*

2023 COGNIT: Challenges and Vision for a Serverless and Multi-Provider Cognitive Cloud-Edge Continuum*

2019 Graph-based interactive data federation system for heterogeneous data retrieval and analytics*

2019 Power shepherd: Application performance aware power shifting*

2016 Modeling and Placement of Cloud Services with Internal Structure*

2012 OPTIMIS: A holistic approach to cloud service provisioning*

2011 Demonstration of the OPTIMIS toolkit for cloud service provisioning*

2011 A cloud environment for data-intensive storage services*

Enarsson Therese 1/1/3

legal:0.215 hybrid:0.207 decision:0.131 algorithmic:0.125 moderation:0.112 welfare:0.100 policing:0.100 human:0.088 loop:0.073 dependency:0.068

2022 Approaching the human in the loop?legal perspectives on hybrid human/algorithmic decision-making in three contexts*

Enqvist Lena 2/2/2

oversight:0.201 legal:0.134 hybrid:0.129 human:0.102 decision:0.092 algorithmic:0.078 moderation:0.070 centrism:0.070 welfare:0.062 policing:0.062

2023 ?Human oversight? in the EU artificial intelligence act: what, when and by whom?*

2022 Approaching the human in the loop?legal perspectives on hybrid human/algorithmic decision-making in three contexts*

Ericson Petter 4/4/5

parse:0.185 grammar:0.171 uniform:0.139 replacement:0.133 hyperedge:0.102 fairness:0.077 mildly:0.069 complexity:0.064 polynomial:0.062 membership:0.060

2023 ACROCPoLis: A Descriptive Framework for Making Sense of Fairness*

2021 Uniform parsing for hyperedge replacement grammars*

2016 Between a rock and a hard place ? Uniform parsing for hyperedge replacement DAG grammars*

2016 Uniform vs. nonuniform membership for mildly context-sensitive languages: A brief survey*

Fahlén Josef 3/3/33

sport:0.416 club:0.107 policy:0.080 government:0.067 performance:0.065 measurement:0.063 organise:0.053 participation:0.049 legitimacy:0.049 organisation:0.046

2017 The corporal dimension of sports-based interventions: Understanding the role of embedded expectations and embodied knowledge in sport policy implementation*

2017 The trust?mistrust dynamic in the public governance of sport: exploring the legitimacy of performance measurement systems through end-users? perceptions*

2016 Sport policy in Sweden*

Farahani Marzieh 1/1/1

multilingual:0.214 transformer:0.133 language:0.113 art:0.113 model:0.100 performance:0.088 nlp:0.088 task:0.086 state:0.084 surge:0.080

2021 ParsBERT: Transformer-based Model for Persian Language Understanding*

Fouladgar Nazanin 3/3/5

detection:0.090 respiration:0.089 explanation:0.072 sensor:0.069 multimodal:0.067 neural:0.064 affect:0.058 state:0.052 modality:0.052 fusion:0.050

2022 CN-waterfall: a deep convolutional neural network for multimodal physiological affect detection*

2021 Exploring Contextual Importance and Utility in Explaining Affect Detection*

2020 Decision explanation: Applying contextual importance and contextual utility in affect detection*

Främling Kary 13/16/129

explanation:0.087 explainable:0.058 decision:0.031 sensor:0.027 machine:0.027 learning:0.026 detection:0.024 advertisement:0.024 box:0.024 ai:0.023

2022 CN-waterfall: a deep convolutional neural network for multimodal physiological affect detection*

2021 Towards Explainable and Trustworthy Autonomous Physical Systems*

2021 Exploring Contextual Importance and Utility in Explaining Affect Detection*

2021 Assessing Explainability in Reinforcement Learning*

2021 Comparison of Contextual Importance and Utility with LIME and Shapley Values*

2021 Online Product Advertisement Prediction and Explanation in Large-scale Social Networks*

2021 Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Human Decision Support System in the Medical Domain*

2020 An OAuth-based Authentication Mechanism for Open Messaging Interface Standard*

2020 Explainable Agents for Less Bias in Human-Agent Decision Making*

2020 Decision explanation: Applying contextual importance and contextual utility in affect detection*

2019 Explanations of black-box model predictions by contextual importance and utility*

2019 Explainable artificial intelligence based heat recycler fault detection in air handling unit

2019 Explainable agents and robots: Results from a systematic literature review*

2019 Explaining Machine Learning-Based Classifications of In-Vivo Gastral Images

2018 MeDI: Measurement-based Device Identification Framework for Internet of Things*

2012 Instance-informed information systems: A pre-requisite for energy-efficient and green information systems

Gu Zonghua 2/3/108

spacecraft:0.090 routing:0.089 scheduling:0.084 embed:0.065 distribute:0.061 reinforcement:0.056 rendezvous:0.054 glossary:0.054 deadline:0.048 requirement:0.043

2023 Model-Based Reinforcement Learning and Neural-Network-Based Policy Compression for Spacecraft Rendezvous on Resource-Constrained Embedded Systems*

2021 Exploiting augmented intelligence in the modeling of safety-critical autonomous systems*

2011 HRS: A hierarchical routing and scheduling scheme for distributed real-time and embedded systems

Guerrero Rosero Esteban 6/10/27

activity:0.077 intention:0.049 persuasive:0.042 gamify:0.041 argumentation:0.034 software:0.033 formal:0.031 assistive:0.031 theory:0.029 person:0.026

2023 Forming We-intentions under breakdown situations in human-robot interactions

2022 What if gamified software is fully proactive? Towards autonomy-related design principles

2022 Gamification Strategies: A Characterization Using Formal Argumentation Theory

2021 Typologies of Persuasive Strategies and Content: A Formalization Using Argumentation*

2020 The STAR-C intelligent coach: A cross-disciplinary design process of a behavior change intervention in primary care*

2019 Design principles and action reflection for agent-based assistive technology*

2017 A pilot study on personalised coaching to increase older adults? physical and social activities

2017 Personalised persuasive coaching to increase older adults? physical and social activities: A motivational model*

2017 Practical reasoning about complex activities*

2016 An activity-centric argumentation framework for assistive technology aimed at improving health*

Hariz Marwan I. 1/3/345

brain:0.222 stimulation:0.159 ef:0.115 dbs:0.115 visualization:0.114 deep:0.114 analysis:0.101 tractography:0.077 patient:0.075 simulation:0.072

2022 Deep Brain Stimulation: Emerging Tools for Simulation, Data Analysis, and Visualization*

2012 Hyping deep brain stimulation in psychiatry could lead to its demise.

2008 Psychosurgery, deep brain stimulation, and the re-writing of history.

Hellström Thomas 6/7/58

robot:0.132 buy:0.077 sentiment:0.056 sell:0.048 human:0.046 trading:0.043 understanding:0.042 signal:0.042 action:0.040 triplet:0.039

2020 Bias in machine learning - what is it good for?

2020 How Can a Robot Trigger Human Backchanneling?*

2020 Tell Me Why You Feel That Way: Processing Compositional Dependency for Tree-LSTM Aspect Sentiment Triplet Extraction (TASTE)*

2019 Inferring robot actions from verbal commands using shallow semantic parsing*

2018 Understandable robots*

2017 Robots in contexts: Human-robot interaction as physically and socially embedded*

2002 Post processing trading signals for improved trading performance*

Henriksson Johan 2/2/24

gene:0.376 cell:0.188 single:0.100 biology:0.094 regulatory:0.084 popularity:0.078 biological:0.070 reinforcement:0.049 historical:0.049 disease:0.049

2023 Representing and extracting knowledge from single-cell data*

2021 Meta-analysis of gene popularity: Less than half of gene citations stem from gene regulatory networks*

Islam Zahoor Ul 1/1/2

ethical:0.225 engineering:0.116 responsible:0.112 ai:0.097 mechanism:0.083 stakeholder:0.079 sure:0.073 consequence:0.072 ensure:0.070 phd:0.065

2021 Software engineering methods for responsible artificial intelligence*

Janols Rebecka 2/2/9

motivational:0.134 activity:0.130 adult:0.123 physical:0.108 message:0.105 coaching:0.096 persuasive:0.080 personalisation:0.067 motivate:0.052 pilot:0.048

2017 A pilot study on personalised coaching to increase older adults? physical and social activities*

2017 Personalised persuasive coaching to increase older adults? physical and social activities: A motivational model*

Jensen Maarten 3/5/6

supply:0.182 chain:0.156 illegal:0.104 trafficking:0.094 intervention:0.056 theory:0.055 difference:0.050 abstract:0.049 universal:0.047 simulation:0.044

2021 Drug Trafficking As Illegal Supply Chain?A Social Simulation

2021 Social Rules for Agent Systems*

2021 Correction to: Analysing the Combined Health, Social and Economic Impacts of the Corona Virus Pandemic Using Agent?Based Social Simulation (Minds and Machines, (2020), 30, 2, (177-194), 10.1007/s11023-020-09527-6)*

2020 Analysing the Combined Health, Social and Economic Impacts of the Corovanvirus Pandemic Using Agent-Based Social Simulation*

2020 Simulations with Values

Jeppsson Sofia M.I. 4/4/9

illness:0.165 argument:0.096 manipulation:0.080 ambiguity:0.080 psychiatric:0.077 mental:0.073 pragmatism:0.070 madness:0.070 evidentialism:0.070 epistemology:0.070

2023 Radical psychotic doubt and epistemology*

2023 My Strategies for Dealing With Radical Psychotic Doubt: A Schizo-Something Philosopher's Tale*

2022 Solving the self-illness ambiguity: the case for construction over discovery*

2020 The agential perspective: a hard-line reply to the four-case manipulation argument*

Jiang Lili 11/11/20

datum:0.068 effluent:0.050 embedding:0.048 semantic:0.041 entity:0.041 analytic:0.031 task:0.030 tsse:0.030 po4e:0.030 markup:0.030

2023 Data Protection and Multi-Database Data-Driven Models*

2022 SoBigDemicSys: A Social Media based Monitoring System for Emerging Pandemics with Big Data*

2021 A machine learning framework to improve effluent quality control in wastewater treatment plants*

2021 ICDAR 2021 Competition on Multimodal Emotion Recognition on Comics Scenes*

2020 KBot: A Knowledge Graph Based ChatBot for Natural Language Understanding over Linked Data*

2020 Winfra: A web-based platform for semantic data retrieval and data analytics*

2020 Multimodal Review Generation with Privacy and Fairness Awareness*

2019 Graph-based interactive data federation system for heterogeneous data retrieval and analytics*

2019 ETNLP: A visual-aided systematic approach to select pre-trained embeddings for a downstream task*

2018 Lexical-semantic resources: Yet powerful resources for automatic personality classification*

2017 Entity markup for knowledge base population*

Jingar Monika 4/4/4

interface:0.102 senior:0.079 tangible:0.069 digital:0.064 design:0.055 coach:0.052 companion:0.051 user:0.050 emotion:0.049 ageing:0.043

2021 Exploring limitations of user interface design to understanding the gap between technology and seniors*

2020 The STAR-C intelligent coach: A cross-disciplinary design process of a behavior change intervention in primary care*

2020 Preserving Personal Perspectives in Coaching Technology*

2019 Tangible communication of emotions with a digital companion for managing stress: An exploratory co-design study*

Johansson Olof 3/3/46

school:0.217 intervene:0.093 successful:0.078 country:0.069 translation:0.058 space:0.054 chain:0.043 leader:0.043 democratic:0.043 level:0.040

2022 Democratic governing ideals and the power of intervening spaces as prerequisite for student learning*

2016 Governmentality Through Translation and Sense-Making*

2012 Theme 9: Successful schools, successful leaders*

Jonsson Anna 3/3/4

semiring:0.100 algorithm:0.100 fairness:0.094 tree:0.090 weighted:0.088 wta:0.085 respect:0.073 good:0.065 hypergraph:0.056 compute:0.050

2023 ACROCPoLis: A Descriptive Framework for Making Sense of Fairness*

2022 Improved N-Best Extraction with an Evaluation on Language Data*

2017 Finding the N best vertices in an infinite weighted hypergraph*

Kammler Christian 6/6/6

norm:0.123 simulation:0.069 maker:0.057 covid:0.048 intervention:0.040 decision:0.039 perspective:0.037 culture:0.036 pandemic:0.034 architecture:0.033

2023 Agents Dealing with Norms and Regulations*

2023 Utilizing the Full Potential of Norms for the Agent?s Decision Process*

2022 Changing Perspectives: Adaptable Interpretations of Norms for Agents*

2022 How Culture Influences Individual Behavior During a Pandemic: A Social Simulation of the COVID-19 Crisis*

2021 Correction to: Analysing the Combined Health, Social and Economic Impacts of the Corona Virus Pandemic Using Agent?Based Social Simulation (Minds and Machines, (2020), 30, 2, (177-194), 10.1007/s11023-020-09527-6)*

2020 Analysing the Combined Health, Social and Economic Impacts of the Corovanvirus Pandemic Using Agent-Based Social Simulation*

Kampik Timotheus 10/12/30

process:0.053 business:0.035 sympathetic:0.032 explanation:0.031 blockchain:0.029 empathic:0.029 agent:0.028 bypass:0.027 human:0.026 decentralized:0.026

2023 ACROCPoLis: A Descriptive Framework for Making Sense of Fairness*

2023 Conversational Process Modelling: State of the Art, Applications, and Implications in Practice

2022 The quest of parsimonious XAI: A human-agent architecture for explanation formulation*

2020 Simulating, off-chain and on-chain: Agent-Based simulations in cross-organizational business processes*

2020 Ethical concerns and opportunities in binding intelligent systems and blockchain technology*

2019 MAS-Aided Approval for Bypassing Decentralized Processes: An Architecture*

2019 Implementing argumentation-enabled empathic agents*

2019 Empathic Autonomous Agents*

2019 Explaining sympathetic actions of rational agents*

2019 Empathic agents: A hybrid normative/consequentialistic approach: Doctoral consortium*

2019 Explaining Machine Learning-Based Classifications of In-Vivo Gastral Images

2018 Coercion and deception in persuasive technologies*

Kaptelinin Victor 15/18/60

interruption:0.059 existential:0.043 telepresence:0.042 museum:0.038 technology:0.037 remote:0.032 robotic:0.030 meeting:0.026 robot:0.026 control:0.026

2022 The social production of technological autonomy*

2022 Employing Futuristic Autobiographies to envision emerging human-agent interactions: The case of intelligent companions for stress management*

2021 Understanding the Interpersonal Space of Online Meetings: An Exploratory Study of "We-ness"*

2020 Performance, Power, and Place: User Experience of Contactless Object Manipulation in Robotic Telepresence*

2018 Technology and the givens of existence: Toward an existential inquiry framework in HCI research*

2018 Non-technical users' first encounters with a robotic telepresence technology: An empirical study of office workers*

2017 Negotiating Motives, Power, and Embodiment: Studies of Creating and Sharing Meaning in Social Context

2017 Mobile remote presence enhanced with contactless object manipulation: An exploratory study*

2017 Robots in contexts: Human-robot interaction as physically and socially embedded*

2015 Focus group foci: Employing participants? hci and application domain expertise in interaction design*

2015 Ecological perspectives in HCI: Promise, problems, and potential*

2013 Design and deployment of everyday UbiComp solutions at the hotel: An empirical study of intrinsic practice transformation

2013 Individual and collective activities in educational computer game playing*

2012 Affordances in HCI: Toward a mediated action perspective*

2012 Interrupting or not: Exploring the effect of social context on interrupters' decision making

2007 Unpacking the social dimension of external interruptions*

2007 MUSTEL: Framing the design of technology-enhanced learning activities for museum visitors*

2003 Post-cognitivist HCI: Second-wave theories*

Karlsson Johannes 2/2/17

dairy:0.238 cow:0.204 attraction:0.151 tourist:0.121 media:0.097 game:0.095 zoo:0.068 ultra-wideband:0.068 feeding:0.068 visitor:0.061

2021 Tracking and analysing social interactions in dairy cattle with real-time locating system and machine learning*

2011 Social media game concept within the digital zoo: New ways of connecting a tourist attraction with its visitors*

Karnouskos Stamatis 1/14/179

energy:0.066 autonomic:0.065 smart:0.054 grid:0.046 charge:0.037 e-government:0.033 service:0.032 metering:0.031 infrastructure:0.027 management:0.025

2022 Symbiosis with artificial intelligence via the prism of law, robots, and society*

2022 Advancing an Artificial Intelligence Ethics Framework for Operator 4.0 in Sustainable Factory Automation

2021 Engineering human-focused Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems in Industry 4.0 context

2021 Blockchain for Development in the Era of the COVID-19 Pandemic

2018 Industrial Cyberphysical Systems: Realizing Cloud-Based Big Data Infrastructures

2018 Charging Strategies and Implications for Corporate Electric Vehicle Fleets

2012 A survey towards understanding residential prosumers in smart grid neighbourhoods

2011 Nobel - A neighborhood oriented brokerage electricity and monitoring system

2011 Field trials towards integrating smart houses with the smart grid

2011 Monitoring and control for energy efficiency in the smart house

2011 Performance evaluation of a web service enabled smart metering platform

2009 Autonomic communication

2004 The need for a digital rights management framework for the next generation of e-government services

2003 Using a privilege management infrastructure for secure web-based e-health applications

Khelghatdoust Mansour 1/2/5

overlay:0.173 gossip:0.160 sampling:0.124 protocol:0.117 random:0.100 network:0.089 node:0.089 scalability:0.074 privacy:0.064 layer:0.062

2022 A Socially-Aware, Privacy-Preserving, and Scalable Federated Learning Protocol for Distributed Online Social Networks*

2014 Short: Gossip-based sampling in social overlays

Kieselbach Thomas 1/1/48

misinformation:0.783 combat:0.783 chatbot:0.523 person:0.442 nlp:0.429 power:0.403 build:0.285

2020 Jennifer for COVID-19: An NLP-powered chatbot built for the people and by the people to combat misinformation*

Knapic? Samanta 2/2/2

explanation:0.185 explainable:0.098 decision:0.093 human:0.072 medical:0.070 image:0.061 agent:0.055 method:0.051 bias:0.047 shap:0.045

2021 Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Human Decision Support System in the Medical Domain*

2020 Explainable Agents for Less Bias in Human-Agent Decision Making*

Lindgren Helena 24/25/111

activity:0.063 breakdown:0.031 adult:0.030 dialogue:0.024 persuasive:0.023 human:0.023 robot:0.021 theory:0.021 intention:0.021 argumentation:0.021

2023 Forming We-intentions under breakdown situations in human-robot interactions*

2023 Integrating Functional Status Information into Knowledge Graphs to Support Self-Health Management*

2022 Changing Perspectives: Adaptable Interpretations of Norms for Agents*

2022 Contextualising Goal Setting for Behaviour Change - from Baby Steps to Value Directions*

2022 Expecting, understanding, relating, and interacting-older, middle-aged and younger adults? perspectives on breakdown situations in human?robot dialogues*

2021 Exploring limitations of user interface design to understanding the gap between technology and seniors*

2021 Typologies of Persuasive Strategies and Content: A Formalization Using Argumentation*

2021 Younger and older adults perceptions on role, behavior, goal and recovery strategies for managing breakdown situations in human-robot dialogues*

2020 The STAR-C intelligent coach: A cross-disciplinary design process of a behavior change intervention in primary care*

2019 Design principles and action reflection for agent-based assistive technology*

2019 Implementing argumentation-enabled empathic agents*

2019 Empathic Autonomous Agents*

2019 Explaining sympathetic actions of rational agents*

2019 Tangible communication of emotions with a digital companion for managing stress: An exploratory co-design study*

2018 Older adults Co-creating meaningful individualized social activities online for healthy ageing*

2018 Coercion and deception in persuasive technologies*

2017 A pilot study on personalised coaching to increase older adults? physical and social activities

2017 Personalised persuasive coaching to increase older adults? physical and social activities: A motivational model*

2017 Practical reasoning about complex activities*

2017 Instrument-oriented approach to detecting and representing human activity for supporting executive functions and learning*

2016 An activity-centric argumentation framework for assistive technology aimed at improving health*

2013 Towards user-authored agent dialogues for assessment in personalised ambient assisted living*

2011 Agent-supported assessment for adaptive and personalized ambient assisted living*

2011 A model for interaction design of personalised knowledge systems in the health domain*

2011 Evaluation of a semantic web application for collaborative knowledge building in the dementia domain*

Lindstrom Tommy 1/1/1

laundering:0.216 financial:0.193 anti-money:0.144 detection:0.116 transaction:0.112 case:0.092 group:0.085 target:0.083 detect:0.083 assumption:0.080

2022 Detecting Group Behavior for Anti-Money Laundering With Incomplete Network Information*

Lindström Adam Dahlgren 1/1/1

embedding:0.354 probe:0.341 visual:0.215 semantic:0.210 task:0.121 image:0.073 workings:0.068 shortage:0.068 probing:0.068 distillation:0.068

2020 Probing Multimodal Embeddings for Linguistic Properties: the Visual-Semantic Case*

Lindvall Kristina 1/1/22

coaching:0.106 behavior:0.102 personalization:0.095 change:0.074 design:0.072 opposed:0.071 feed:0.071 cross-disciplinary:0.071 manage:0.071 relatedness:0.063

2020 The STAR-C intelligent coach: A cross-disciplinary design process of a behavior change intervention in primary care*

Ludescher Luís Gustavo 2/2/3

intervention:0.180 correction:0.133 Impacts:0.133 consequence:0.110 maker:0.107 government:0.103 analyse:0.085 economic:0.082 s11023:0.075 mistakenly:0.075

2021 Correction to: Analysing the Combined Health, Social and Economic Impacts of the Corona Virus Pandemic Using Agent?Based Social Simulation (Minds and Machines, (2020), 30, 2, (177-194), 10.1007/s11023-020-09527-6)*

2020 Analysing the Combined Health, Social and Economic Impacts of the Corovanvirus Pandemic Using Agent-Based Social Simulation*

Madhikermi Manik 2/5/22

explanation:0.085 advertisement:0.077 explainable:0.058 machine:0.048 fault:0.046 device:0.045 interpretable:0.036 image:0.036 learning:0.035 lime:0.034

2021 Comparison of Contextual Importance and Utility with LIME and Shapley Values*

2021 Online Product Advertisement Prediction and Explanation in Large-scale Social Networks*

2019 Explainable artificial intelligence based heat recycler fault detection in air handling unit

2019 Explaining Machine Learning-Based Classifications of In-Vivo Gastral Images

2018 MeDI: Measurement-based Device Identification Framework for Internet of Things

Maitreyee M. 1/1/1

dialogue:0.238 breakdown:0.169 robot:0.128 young:0.110 situation:0.104 adult:0.097 manage:0.077 thematic:0.073 record:0.073 role:0.072

2021 Younger and older adults perceptions on role, behavior, goal and recovery strategies for managing breakdown situations in human-robot dialogues*

Maralkait Gabija 1/1/3

gene:0.696 regulatory:0.155 popularity:0.144 biological:0.129 reinforcement:0.090 historical:0.090 disease:0.090 feature:0.089 meta:0.080 relevance:0.072

2021 Meta-analysis of gene popularity: Less than half of gene citations stem from gene regulatory networks*

Mejtoft Thomas 13/13/27

cookie:0.053 media:0.045 user:0.042 friction:0.038 app:0.037 business:0.037 notification:0.033 innovation:0.031 child:0.031 study:0.027

2023 Enhancing Digital Social Interaction Using Augmented Reality in Mobile Fitness Applications*

2023 The Impact of Scrollytelling on the Reading Experience of Long-Form Journalism*

2023 How work-related communication applications affect perceived stress levels among employees*

2023 Cookies and Trust: Trust in organizations and the design of cookie consent prompts*

2021 Opportunities and challenges of using socially intelligent agents: increasing interaction and school participation for children suffering from a long-term illness*

2020 The use of Twitter for innovation in business markets*

2020 Reclaiming control over personal data with blockchain technology: An exploratory study*


2019 Design Friction How intentionally added friction affect users? level of satisfaction*

2018 The Users' Time Perception: The effect of various animation speeds on loading screens*

2018 Evaluation of push notifications for social media applications*

2015 Designing for collaborative learning expeditions by using wearable technology and smart glasses*

2011 Social media game concept within the digital zoo: New ways of connecting a tourist attraction with its visitors*

Mellema René 5/5/5

norm:0.073 intervention:0.057 covid:0.057 culture:0.052 population:0.043 spread:0.039 consequence:0.037 pandemic:0.036 virus:0.034 infection:0.034

2023 Agents Dealing with Norms and Regulations*

2022 How Culture Influences Individual Behavior During a Pandemic: A Social Simulation of the COVID-19 Crisis*

2021 Social Rules for Agent Systems*

2021 Correction to: Analysing the Combined Health, Social and Economic Impacts of the Corona Virus Pandemic Using Agent?Based Social Simulation (Minds and Machines, (2020), 30, 2, (177-194), 10.1007/s11023-020-09527-6)*

2020 Analysing the Combined Health, Social and Economic Impacts of the Corovanvirus Pandemic Using Agent-Based Social Simulation*

Methnani Leila 3/3/3

ai:0.110 guideline:0.067 awkward:0.062 hybrid:0.051 ethic:0.045 reactive:0.044 responsible:0.043 operationalise:0.041 bod:0.041 autonomy:0.041

2023 Operationalising AI Ethics: Conducting Socio-technical Assessment*

2022 Embracing AWKWARD! Real-Time Adjustment of Reactive Plans Using Social Norms*

2021 Let Me Take Over: Variable Autonomy for Meaningful Human Control*

Mihai Ionut Sebastian 2/2/2

gene:0.376 cell:0.188 single:0.100 biology:0.094 regulatory:0.084 popularity:0.078 biological:0.070 reinforcement:0.049 historical:0.049 disease:0.049

2023 Representing and extracting knowledge from single-cell data*

2021 Meta-analysis of gene popularity: Less than half of gene citations stem from gene regulatory networks*

Mårell-Olsson Eva 2/2/13

child:0.194 illness:0.147 wearable:0.095 collaborative:0.077 suffer:0.066 school:0.066 expedition:0.066 participation:0.060 originality:0.052 socially:0.050

2021 Opportunities and challenges of using socially intelligent agents: increasing interaction and school participation for children suffering from a long-term illness*

2015 Designing for collaborative learning expeditions by using wearable technology and smart glasses*

Müller Dieter K. 5/5/87

tourism:0.305 transition:0.111 destination:0.085 region:0.076 economic:0.072 change:0.060 western:0.059 development:0.055 governance:0.052 Nordic:0.048

2020 Arctification and the Paradox of Overtourism in Sparsely Populated Areas*

2019 Destination development in Western Siberia: tourism governance and evolutionary economic geography*

2018 Tourism and Transition*

2016 Tourism and Arctic Observation Systems: Exploring the relationships*

2008 Nordic Tourism: Issues and Cases*

Naarttijärvi Markus 2/2/6

legal:0.211 policing:0.147 police:0.113 prioritisation:0.110 hybrid:0.102 limit:0.090 decision:0.072 reform:0.068 algorithmic:0.061 moderation:0.055

2022 Approaching the human in the loop?legal perspectives on hybrid human/algorithmic decision-making in three contexts*

2020 Legal limits to prioritisation in policing?challenging the impact of centralisation*

Najjar Amro 4/22/41

explanation:0.043 explainable:0.031 user:0.029 human:0.025 process:0.024 blockchain:0.023 xai:0.021 ai:0.020 business:0.020 robot:0.019

2023 User Requirement Analysis for a Real-Time NLP-Based Open Information Retrieval Meeting Assistant

2023 Reconsidering Deception in Social Robotics: The Role of Human Vulnerability

2023 Development of a Human-Agent Interaction System including Norm and Emotion in an Evacuation Situation

2023 Metrics for Evaluating Explainable Recommender Systems

2022 The quest of parsimonious XAI: A human-agent architecture for explanation formulation

2022 Enhancing Trust in Trust Services: Towards an Intelligent Human-input-based Blockchain Oracle (IHiBO)

2022 Risk and Exposure of XAI in Persuasion and Argumentation: The case of Manipulation

2022 IRRMA: An Image Recommender Robot Meeting Assistant

2022 Towards a Smart Robot Model for Traffic Signal Management in Developing Countries

2022 Human-Social Robots Interaction: The Blurred Line between Necessary Anthropomorphization and Manipulation

2021 Expectation: Personalized Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Decentralized Agents with Heterogeneous Knowledge

2020 Simulating, off-chain and on-chain: Agent-Based simulations in cross-organizational business processes

2020 Ethical concerns and opportunities in binding intelligent systems and blockchain technology

2020 In-Time Explainability in Multi-Agent Systems: Challenges, Opportunities, and Roadmap

2019 MAS-Aided Approval for Bypassing Decentralized Processes: An Architecture*

2019 Explanations of black-box model predictions by contextual importance and utility*

2019 Explainable multi-agent systems through blockchain technology*

2019 A historical perspective on cognitive science and its influence on XAI research*

2019 Social network chatbots for smoking cessation: Agent and multi-agent frameworks

2019 Great expectations & Aborted business initiatives: The paradox of social robot between research and industry

2019 Explainable agents and robots: Results from a systematic literature review

2017 Modeling User Expectations & Satisfaction for SaaS Applications Using Multi-Agent Negotiation

Ng Nawi 2/4/143

capital:0.137 neighborhood:0.127 suds:0.084 pandemic:0.071 covid:0.068 health:0.060 mdg:0.056 evidence:0.052 care:0.051 crisis:0.044

2021 Impact of COVID-19 on Neighborhood Social Support and Social Interactions in Umeå Municipality, Sweden

2020 Substance Use Disorders and COVID-19: Multi-Faceted Problems Which Require Multi-Pronged Solutions

2020 The STAR-C intelligent coach: A cross-disciplinary design process of a behavior change intervention in primary care*

2013 Bringing evidence to policy to achieve health-related mdgs for all: Justification and design of the EPI-4 project in China, India, Indonesia, and Vietnam*

Nieves Juan Carlos 10/11/105

sdg:0.039 sympathetic:0.037 human:0.035 action:0.033 theory:0.031 ai:0.031 reasoning:0.029 activity:0.029 service:0.029 emotional:0.026

2023 ACROCPoLis: A Descriptive Framework for Making Sense of Fairness*

2022 Emotional Reasoning in an Action Language for Emotion-Aware Planning*

2022 Good AI for Good: How AI Strategies of the Nordic Countries Address the Sustainable Development Goals*

2021 Modelling human mental-states in an action language following the theory of planned behavior*

2021 E-Friend: A Logical-Based AI Agent System Chat-Bot for Emotional Well-Being and Mental Health*

2019 Implementing argumentation-enabled empathic agents*

2019 Empathic Autonomous Agents*

2019 Explaining sympathetic actions of rational agents*

2018 Coercion and deception in persuasive technologies*

2016 An activity-centric argumentation framework for assistive technology aimed at improving health*

2009 ALIVE: A framework for flexible and adaptive service coordination

Nyholm Tufve 1/1/82

sct:0.280 proton:0.168 photon:0.140 mri:0.140 therapy:0.124 ct:0.124 stitch:0.112 scanner:0.112 protocol:0.109 acquisition:0.084

2021 An MR-only acquisition and artificial intelligence based image-processing protocol for photon and proton therapy using a low field MR*

Pastrav Cezara 2/4/7

fisher:0.127 intervention:0.062 norm:0.059 ecological:0.055 search:0.051 constraint:0.051 correction:0.045 Impacts:0.045 rationality:0.040 consequence:0.038

2021 Correction to: Analysing the Combined Health, Social and Economic Impacts of the Corona Virus Pandemic Using Agent?Based Social Simulation (Minds and Machines, (2020), 30, 2, (177-194), 10.1007/s11023-020-09527-6)*

2020 Analysing the Combined Health, Social and Economic Impacts of the Corovanvirus Pandemic Using Agent-Based Social Simulation*

2020 Norms in Social Simulation: Balancing Between Realism and Scalability

2016 Agent based model of fisher behavior as a dynamic constraint resolution problem

Pannu Husanbir Singh 1/10/42

image:0.069 blog:0.061 classification:0.052 sentiment:0.047 security:0.047 analysis:0.044 neuro:0.042 fuzzy:0.042 disaster:0.042 inference:0.033

2023 Sentiment analysis of linguistic cues to assist medical image classification

2023 Multimodal Classification via Visual and Lingual Feature Layer Fusion

2022 Time series sentiment analysis (SA) of relief operations using social media (SM) platform for efficient resource management

2021 Twitter for disaster relief through sentiment analysis for COVID-19 and natural hazard crises

2020 Aspect-based sentiment analysis using deep networks and stochastic optimization

2020 Security of vehicular ad-hoc networks: A comprehensive survey

2019 Multimedia blog volume prediction using adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system and evolutionary algorithms

2019 Explaining Machine Learning-Based Classifications of In-Vivo Gastral Images*

2018 Blog Response Volume Prediction Using Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System

2017 Anomaly detection survey for information security

Persichina Marco 1/2/2

interval:0.236 elicitation:0.133 naive:0.118 renewable:0.109 select:0.100 intertemporal:0.099 harvesting:0.088 biased:0.077 psychophysic:0.059 dual:0.059

2022 Self-selected intervals in psycho-physic experiments and the measurement of willingness to pay

2022 Present Bias in Renewable Resources Management Reduces Agent?s Welfare*

Ren Keni 1/1/9

dairy:0.399 cow:0.342 ultra-wideband:0.114 feeding:0.114 locate:0.094 farm:0.094 reach:0.074 interaction:0.071 track:0.065 analyse:0.065

2021 Tracking and analysing social interactions in dairy cattle with real-time locating system and machine learning*

Richter-Sundberg Linda 1/1/11

coaching:0.106 behavior:0.102 personalization:0.095 change:0.074 design:0.072 opposed:0.071 feed:0.071 cross-disciplinary:0.071 manage:0.071 relatedness:0.063

2020 The STAR-C intelligent coach: A cross-disciplinary design process of a behavior change intervention in primary care*

Sanches Pedro A.N. 1/12/27

biodata:0.067 design:0.060 body:0.052 affective:0.044 mobile:0.029 workshop:0.028 proto:0.027 datum:0.026 practice:0.026 wellbeing:0.025

2022 Diffraction-in-action: Designerly Explorations of Agential Realism Through Lived Data*

2021 Unpacking Non-Dualistic Design: The Soma Design Case

2020 Mental wellbeing: Future agenda drawing from design, HCI and big data

2020 From Biodata to Somadata

2020 Biosensing and actuation-platforms coupling body input-output modalities for affective technologies

2020 Challenges and Opportunities for Designing with Biodata as Material

2019 HCI and Affective Health Taking stock of a decade of studies and charting future research directions

2019 Ambiguity as a resource to inform proto-practices: The case of skin conductance

2016 Seeing mobility: how software engineers produce unequal representations

2013 Awareness, transience and temporality: Design opportunities from Rah Island

2008 License to chill! how to empower users to cope with stress

2008 Mirroring your web presence

Sandström Emil 1/1/1

molecule:0.410 molecular:0.269 desirable:0.180 property:0.178 translation:0.114 optimize:0.109 optimization:0.103 match:0.090 intuition:0.082 smiles:0.077

2021 Molecular optimization by capturing chemist?s intuition using deep neural networks*

Santosa Ailiana 1/2/28

neighborhood:0.243 capital:0.238 crisis:0.085 pandemic:0.068 instrumental:0.066 support:0.056 rate:0.052 health:0.051 care:0.048 change:0.046

2021 Impact of COVID-19 on Neighborhood Social Support and Social Interactions in Umeå Municipality, Sweden

2020 The STAR-C intelligent coach: A cross-disciplinary design process of a behavior change intervention in primary care*

Souihi Nabil 1/1/8

effluent:0.248 tsse:0.149 po4e:0.149 wwtp:0.124 basin:0.124 aeration:0.099 variable:0.076 tss:0.074 pdp:0.074 quality:0.074

2021 A machine learning framework to improve effluent quality control in wastewater treatment plants*

Sutherland Alexander 1/6/7

robot:0.094 sentiment:0.079 expression:0.073 emotion:0.070 symbolic:0.059 neural:0.048 target:0.046 triplet:0.045 affective:0.044 action:0.043

2020 The impact of affective verbal expressions in social robots

2020 Tell Me Why You Feel That Way: Processing Compositional Dependency for Tree-LSTM Aspect Sentiment Triplet Extraction (TASTE)

2019 Inferring robot actions from verbal commands using shallow semantic parsing*

2019 Leveraging Recursive Processing for Neural-Symbolic Affect-Target Associations

2018 The OMG-Emotion Behavior Dataset

2018 Disambiguating Affective Stimulus Associations for Robot Perception and Dialogue

Säljedal Klara 1/1/1

fab:0.230 stress:0.218 companion:0.218 futuristic:0.172 assistant:0.171 management:0.143 intelligent:0.133 Autobiographies:0.115 digital:0.086 theme:0.073

2022 Employing Futuristic Autobiographies to envision emerging human-agent interactions: The case of intelligent companions for stress management*

Söderström Ulrik 10/10/25

cookie:0.072 friction:0.051 child:0.042 user:0.039 prompt:0.036 marker:0.036 consent:0.036 facial:0.034 illness:0.032 personal:0.031

2023 Enhancing Digital Social Interaction Using Augmented Reality in Mobile Fitness Applications*

2023 The Impact of Scrollytelling on the Reading Experience of Long-Form Journalism*

2023 How work-related communication applications affect perceived stress levels among employees*

2023 Cookies and Trust: Trust in organizations and the design of cookie consent prompts*

2021 Opportunities and challenges of using socially intelligent agents: increasing interaction and school participation for children suffering from a long-term illness*

2020 Reclaiming control over personal data with blockchain technology: An exploratory study*

2019 Toward emotional recognition during HCI using marker-based automated video tracking*

2019 Design Friction How intentionally added friction affect users? level of satisfaction*

2018 The Users' Time Perception: The effect of various animation speeds on loading screens*


Tewari Maitreyee 2/2/2

breakdown:0.153 intention:0.123 robot:0.077 situation:0.075 conflict:0.052 young:0.051 age:0.051 human?robot:0.051 reparation:0.043 middle:0.043

2023 Forming We-intentions under breakdown situations in human-robot interactions*

2022 Expecting, understanding, relating, and interacting-older, middle-aged and younger adults? perspectives on breakdown situations in human?robot dialogues*

Theodorou Andreas 9/11/17

ai:0.105 sdg:0.044 autonomy:0.037 transparency:0.036 guideline:0.032 responsible:0.029 narrative:0.024 inequality:0.024 technical:0.024 behaviour:0.023

2023 Variable Autonomy for Human-Robot Teaming (VAT)*

2023 Operationalising AI Ethics: Conducting Socio-technical Assessment*

2023 From fear to action: AI governance and opportunities for all

2022 A sociotechnical perspective for the future of AI: narratives, inequalities, and human control*

2022 Let it RAIN for Social Good*

2022 Good AI for Good: How AI Strategies of the Nordic Countries Address the Sustainable Development Goals*

2022 Embracing AWKWARD! Real-Time Adjustment of Reactive Plans Using Social Norms*

2021 Let Me Take Over: Variable Autonomy for Meaningful Human Control*

2019 Governance by glass-box: Implementing transparent moral bounds for AI behaviour*

2019 The sustainability game: AI technology as an intervention for public understanding of cooperative investment*

2017 Robot transparency, trust and utility

Torra Vincenc 7/21/115

privacy:0.118 graph:0.103 network:0.050 datum:0.049 edge:0.039 attack:0.034 differentially:0.033 private:0.030 method:0.029 temperature:0.028

2023 Towards Measuring Fairness for Local Differential Privacy*

2023 Data Protection and Multi-Database Data-Driven Models*

2023 Data privacy for machine learning and statistics*

2023 Edge Local Differential Privacy for Dynamic Graphs*

2023 Data Reconstruction Attack Against Principal Component Analysis*

2022 PSOwp: Particle Swarm Optimisation Without Panopticon to Evaluate Private Social Choice*

2022 PSO + FL = PAASO: particle swarm optimization + federated learning = privacy-aware agent swarm optimization*

2020 Random dictatorship for privacy-preserving social choice

2020 Differentially private graph publishing and randomized response for collaborative filtering

2019 On network analysis using non-additive integrals: extending the game-theoretic network centrality

2019 Graph Perturbation as Noise Graph Addition: A New Perspective for Graph Anonymization

2019 Complex Data Analysis

2018 Synthetic generation of spatial graphs

2017 A survey of graph-modification techniques for privacy-preserving on networks

2017 k-Degree anonymity and edge selection: improving data utility in large networks

2017 User?s Privacy

2016 Data Protection for Online Social Networks and P -Stability for Graphs

2016 Improving the characterization of P-stability for applications in network privacy

2015 Advanced research on data privacy in the ARES project

2015 A summary of k-degree anonymous methods for privacy-preserving on networks

2008 Metastable effects on martensitic transformation in SMA part VII. Aging problems in NiTi

Tovedal Sofia 1/1/1

child:0.260 illness:0.198 suffer:0.089 participation:0.080 originality:0.069 socially:0.067 period:0.066 long:0.063 intelligent:0.062 school:0.059

2021 Opportunities and challenges of using socially intelligent agents: increasing interaction and school participation for children suffering from a long-term illness*

Trygg Johan 4/5/175

pls:0.126 variable:0.117 viop:0.073 mb:0.073 effluent:0.073 block:0.068 o2:0.058 latent:0.048 interpretation:0.044 tsse:0.044

2021 Multiblock variable influence on orthogonal projections (MB-VIOP) for enhanced interpretation of total, global, local and unique variations in OnPLS models*

2021 A machine learning framework to improve effluent quality control in wastewater treatment plants*

2021 L2S-MirLoc: A Lightweight Two Stage MiRNA Sub-Cellular Localization Prediction Framework*

2004 Three-block bi-focal PLS (3BIF-PLS) and its application in QSAR*

2003 O2-PLS, a two-block (X-Y) latent variable regression (LVR) method with an integral OSC filter

Tysklind Mats 1/1/213

effluent:0.248 tsse:0.149 po4e:0.149 wwtp:0.124 basin:0.124 aeration:0.099 variable:0.076 tss:0.074 pdp:0.074 quality:0.074

2021 A machine learning framework to improve effluent quality control in wastewater treatment plants*

Ur Réhman Shafiq 8/8/72

gaze:0.110 face:0.070 teleconferencing:0.061 facial:0.059 video:0.057 lip:0.055 3d:0.045 device:0.042 touch-less:0.041 head:0.040

2018 Action Augmented Real Virtuality: A Design for Presence*

2017 Moveable facial features in a social mediator*

2016 Gaze perception and awareness in smart devices*

2016 Telepresence Mechatronic Robot (TEBoT): Towards the design and control of socially interactive bio-inspired system*

2015 Touch-less interactive augmented reality game on vision-based wearable device*

2014 Vibrotactile TV for immersive experience*

2008 Vibrotactile rendering of human emotions on the manifold of facial expressions*

2007 Lipless tracking and emotion estimation*

Vanhée Loïs 7/19/25

anxiety:0.092 culture:0.061 simulation:0.031 model:0.030 influence:0.029 society:0.026 cultural:0.025 fishing:0.024 ethical:0.023 individual:0.020

2023 Agent-Based Social Simulation for Policy Making*

2023 Ethical By Designer - How to Grow Ethical Designers of Artificial Intelligence (Extended Abstract)*

2023 Models of Anxiety for Agent Deliberation: The Benefits of Anxiety-Sensitive Agents Blue Sky Ideas Track*

2023 From Threatening Pasts to Hopeful Futures. A Review of Agent-Based Models of Anxiety*

2022 Viewpoint: Ethical by Designer - How to Grow Ethical Designers of Artificial Intelligence*

2022 How Culture Influences Individual Behavior During a Pandemic: A Social Simulation of the COVID-19 Crisis*

2022 Anxiety-Sensitive Planning: From Formal Foundations to Algorithms and Applications*

2021 Correction to: Analysing the Combined Health, Social and Economic Impacts of the Corona Virus Pandemic Using Agent?Based Social Simulation (Minds and Machines, (2020), 30, 2, (177-194), 10.1007/s11023-020-09527-6)

2020 Analysing the Combined Health, Social and Economic Impacts of the Corovanvirus Pandemic Using Agent-Based Social Simulation

2020 Modelling the ?Captain?s Nose?: Exploring the Shift Towards Autonomous Fishing with Social Simulation

2018 Firefly: A social wearable to support physical connection of larpers

2018 Explaining the emerging influence of culture, from individual influences to collective phenomena

2015 Modeling culturally-influenced decisions

2014 Agent-based evolving societies

2014 Towards simulating the impact of national culture on organizations

2014 Understanding the impact of culture on cognitive trust-building processes: How to increase the social influence of virtual autonomous agents

2013 Artificial culture in artificial societies

2013 Agent-based evolving societies

2011 Implementing norms?

Vu Xuan Son 10/11/15

datum:0.072 embedding:0.058 pseudonymization:0.048 Vietnamese:0.043 semantic:0.037 task:0.036 word:0.034 privacy:0.034 analytic:0.033 comic:0.030

2023 Grandma Karl is 27 years old - research agenda for pseudonymization of research data*

2023 Privacy and Trust in IoT Ecosystems with Big Data: A Survey of Perspectives and Challenges*

2022 SoBigDemicSys: A Social Media based Monitoring System for Emerging Pandemics with Big Data*

2021 ICDAR 2021 Competition on Multimodal Emotion Recognition on Comics Scenes*

2020 Winfra: A web-based platform for semantic data retrieval and data analytics*

2020 Multimodal Review Generation with Privacy and Fairness Awareness*

2019 Graph-based interactive data federation system for heterogeneous data retrieval and analytics*

2019 ETNLP: A visual-aided systematic approach to select pre-trained embeddings for a downstream task*

2018 Lexical-semantic resources: Yet powerful resources for automatic personality classification*

2018 Improving recurrent neural networks with predictive propagation for sequence labelling*

2014 Building a vietnamese sentiwordnet using vietnamese electronic dictionary and string kernel

Wang Dong 1/1/3

effluent:0.248 tsse:0.149 po4e:0.149 wwtp:0.124 basin:0.124 aeration:0.099 variable:0.076 tss:0.074 pdp:0.074 quality:0.074

2021 A machine learning framework to improve effluent quality control in wastewater treatment plants*

Weinehall Lars 3/4/177

program:0.118 tractor:0.083 change:0.081 region:0.070 retrofitting:0.059 retrofit:0.059 strategy:0.052 health:0.050 marketing:0.046 message:0.038

2020 The STAR-C intelligent coach: A cross-disciplinary design process of a behavior change intervention in primary care*

2017 A roadmap for the implementation of mHealth innovations for image-based diagnostic support in clinical and public-health settings: A focus on front-line health workers and health-system organizations*

2013 Change and learning strategies in large scale change programs: Describing the variation of strategies used in a health promotion program*

2011 The social marketing of safety behaviors: a quasi-randomized controlled trial of tractor retrofitting incentives.

Westberg Marcus 3/5/6

ai:0.093 accountability:0.075 explanation:0.062 reinforcement:0.060 cognitive:0.046 healthcare:0.042 science:0.041 truth:0.034 fidelity:0.034 sector:0.033

2022 Accountable AI for Healthcare IoT Systems

2021 Assessing Explainability in Reinforcement Learning*

2021 Comparison of Contextual Importance and Utility with LIME and Shapley Values*

2020 Preserving Personal Perspectives in Coaching Technology*

2019 A historical perspective on cognitive science and its influence on XAI research

Wiberg Mikael 14/18/90

material:0.049 availability:0.029 object:0.028 place:0.028 media:0.026 technology:0.023 thinking:0.022 remote:0.022 texture:0.022 reflective:0.021

2022 Social Drones for Health and Well-being

2021 From "Explainable AI" to "Graspable AI"*

2020 On physical and social distancing: Reflections on moving just about everything online amid Covid-19*

2020 Performance, Power, and Place: User Experience of Contactless Object Manipulation in Robotic Telepresence*

2020 Design Sensibilities - Designing for Cultural Sensitivity*

2019 Designing places for reflection: An examination of social iot as a relational approach in designing spaces for reflective thinking*

2018 NEAT-lamp and talking tree: Beyond personal informatics towards active workplaces*

2017 Mobile remote presence enhanced with contactless object manipulation: An exploratory study*

2015 The practice of selfes*

2015 Sociala medier - ett nät av härskartekniker?*

2013 Materiality matters - Experience materials

2011 Making the Case for architectural informatics: A new research horizon for ambient computing

2010 Texturing the "material turn" in interaction design*

2008 Lost in translation: Investigating the ambiguity of availability cues in an online media space*

2007 Netlearning and learning through networks*

2006 Pervasive gaming in the everyday world*

2005 The emerging interaction society: A changed time and place Det framväxande interaktionssamhället en förändrad tid och plats

2005 Managing availability: Supporting lightweight negotiations to handle interruptions*

Wiberg Mikael 2/3/104

bus:0.186 automation:0.168 child:0.127 interaction:0.087 ride:0.084 intellectual:0.074 disability:0.074 experience:0.072 design:0.070 engage:0.053

2023 How Children with Mild Intellectual Disability Experience Self-driving Buses: In Support of Agency

2023 Automation of interaction?interaction design at the crossroads of user experience (UX) and artificial intelligence (AI)*

2022 User Experience (UX) meets Artificial Intelligence (AI) - Designing Engaging User Experiences Through 'Automation of Interaction'*

Wiklund Urban 2/2/98

Maps:0.156 traffic:0.156 gram:0.139 statistics:0.111 road:0.111 hyperdimensional:0.111 profiling:0.097 incremental:0.083 congestion:0.083 representation:0.067

2019 Trajectory clustering of road traffic in urban environments using incremental machine learning in combination with hyperdimensional computing*

2019 Distributed Representation of n-gram Statistics for Boosting Self-organizing Maps with Hyperdimensional Computing*

Woldemariam Yonas 4/4/5

lexicon:0.085 expertise:0.080 syntactic:0.075 sentiment:0.070 annotation:0.070 linguistic:0.061 parse:0.057 cloud:0.050 text:0.047 crowdsource:0.043

2021 Expertise Detection in Crowdsourcing Forums Using the Composition of Latent Topics and Joint Syntactic?Semantic Cues*

2019 A Cloud-Hosted MapReduce Architecture for Syntactic Parsing*

2017 Predicting user competence from text*

2016 Sentiment analysis in a cross-media analysis framework*

Yan Chunli 1/1/15

activity:0.151 ontology:0.142 instrument:0.092 detection:0.090 assistive:0.087 human:0.076 representation:0.073 core:0.071 domain:0.056 tailored:0.056

2017 Instrument-oriented approach to detecting and representing human activity for supporting executive functions and learning*

Yildiz Eren 1/1/1

dialogue:0.379 doctor:0.109 etc.:0.085 patient:0.080 management:0.077 incorporate:0.061 practice:0.060 system:0.059 predefined:0.051 suited:0.048

2022 Incorporating Social Practices in Dialogue Systems*

Zelvelder Amber 2/2/2

reinforcement:0.160 cognitive:0.122 science:0.108 ai:0.091 explainability:0.085 folk:0.080 mind:0.062 theory:0.061 learning:0.060 psychology:0.054

2021 Assessing Explainability in Reinforcement Learning*

2019 A historical perspective on cognitive science and its influence on XAI research*

Östberg Per Olov 4/4/41

cloud:0.129 serverless:0.103 power:0.088 computing:0.064 edge:0.051 budget:0.046 ai:0.046 cluster:0.041 server:0.038 consumption:0.036

2023 COGNIT: Challenges and Vision for a Serverless and Multi-Provider Cognitive Cloud-Edge Continuum*

2022 Lessons learn on responsible AI implementation: the ASSISTANT use case*

2019 Power shepherd: Application performance aware power shifting*

2017 A review of cloud computing simulation platforms & related environments*