Tai Chi Qigong is Not a Cure-All

There is no cure-all. There is only Quality of Life (QOL).

You can choose either a Higher or Lower QOL.

What Can be Said about Tai Chi Qigong for Health and Healing?

Maybe, in regards to self-healing, we should spend less time meditating and more time improving the quality of our life with simple things like clean air, water, and food?

        • If you are deficient in vitamins such as B12, A and D, etc. then there is almost no chance that Tai Chi Qigong will remedy the deficiency. The quality of your Tai Chi Qigong will suffer. Your health will suffer even if you practice Tai Chi Qigong 24 hours a day. You will need to supplement with vitamins to improve your Tai Chi Qigong quality and your health.

        • If the air you breathe is polluted. If the water you drink is tainted with chemicals then Tai Chi Qigong will not supply the necessary oxygen to help you live your fullest life potential. Your Tai Chi Qigong quality will suffer. Tai Chi Qigong masters that live in polluted cities like Beijing China have shorter lifespans than those that live in the cleaner high mountains and forests of ChIna.

        • If the food you eat is inferior in quality then your Tai Chi Qigong quality will suffer. Your strength and conditioning will suffer and you won't be able to practice the exercises to your full capacity. You will be more susceptible to chronic diseases. Many people, especially vegans, may not admit to this fact and/or for religious reasons choose a nutritionally inadequate lifestyle. A natural whole food diet plentiful in animal nutrition is vital for everyone from breastfeeding infants to the elderly. Tai Chi Qigong will not overcome inferior food quality if we seek optimal health and longevity.

Animal nutrition will without a doubt improve your Tai Chi Qigong. Tai Chi Principles say one should return to the source. The source of nutrition for all humans is not plants but is Mother's placenta blood. Plus, Newborns burn mainly ketones for energy, not sugar. You cannot appreciate the unbelievable positive effect running chi with ketones has on your tai chi ability and power until you experience the switch of your body from burning carbs to burning ketones for energy. Eating mainly animal based food can help you make the transition from sugar burning to ketone burning for the highest quality of life and Tai Chi Qigong.

        • Buddha, who some believe gave the world qigong, and Jesus would not or could not purify the air and drinking waters of India, China and the Middle East to heal its poorest people. Do you think Tai Chi Qigong can do it for you in your little corner of the world?

What does Tai Chi Qigong do if it can't miraculously solve all the above issues? Tai Chi Qigong gives you additional energy and it gives your energy flow to help you improve your life. It helps you take control of your life; make healthy changes to your life. It gives you the energy to find clean air and water. The energy to help you choose nutritious food and supplements. It gives you energy and motivation to exercise. And the energy to find and hold a decent paying job that can afford you an income to provide all of the missing elements necessary for a long healthy life.

Tai Chi Qigong can kick-start a healing response. Qigong itself won't heal you but it can give you more energy so that you can heal yourself. It helps trigger your self-healing ability. Be assured though, that of the several hundred million qigong practitioners in the world, very few percentage wise will make significant health improvements because of their Tai Chi Qigong. Like acupuncture, it is hit or miss for significant positive results other than relaxation and pain relief. It seems to work for some of the people some of the time. A small percentage will claim they were cured of serious health issues but the rest of the millions get not much better no matter how much Tai Chi Qigong they practice, no matter the style. Even fewer get significant positive results when treated by so called special and gifted Qigong Healers. I am emphasizing "significant." Tai Chi Qigong, because of its energy benefit, gives some help when you are seriously ill, but all of the hundreds of millions would be better served with a delivery of fresh whole foods, herbs, supplements, clean water to drink and pure fresh air to breathe plus a stable political and economic environment suitable for emotional homeostasis.

In summary, I strongly urge you to study and practice Tai Chi Qigong for "Energy." We can all use more energy but do not neglect the simpler, usually more effective and therefore more valuable elements we have just discussed.

Tai Chi Qigong Meditation should be only one ingredient in your secret sauce for a higher quality of life. In reality, it plays only a minor role compared to the food, drink and air you ingest and breathe daily. The more significant components affecting quality of life include eating pesticide-free whole foods and supplements including vitamins/minerals/herbs, breathing clean air for oxygen, daily aerobic and/or anaerobic exercise, adequate sleep for restoration, balance in euthymia, and drinking chemical/toxin-free water for hydration and elimination.

Click HERE for more information on Tai Chi Qigong, Fit For Zip Fitness, and Fu Yachi Tai Chi.

Strophanthus is a Supplement Tai Chi Qigong Enthusiasts Should be Aware of

Dr. Thomas Cowan M.D. says most people over age 55 should use the Strophanthus Herb as a heart tonic and to prevent cancer.

Contact us if you are interested in trying it.

Strophanthus is the German name while Ouabain is the English name. It has many health benefits including:

1.) the prevention of lactic acid build up in the heart to help prevent a muscle cramping heart attack.

2.) balances the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system to aid rest and digest. Most heart attacks are preceded by an imbalance where the body is in a chronic state of sympathetic stimulation.

3.) facilitates the release of acetylcholine from the cell membrane for sharper brain focus and memory, and, more efficient muscle function (smooth, skeletal, and heart muscle).

4.) helps rid the body of aging senescent cells to help prevent cancer.

5.) improves micro-circulation which we lose with age.

6.) gives you more energy.

Contact us if you would like to try Strophanthus.

70 Years Old

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