Tai Chi Austin 123

with Qigong Meditation

68 Years Old

If you want good Tai Chi

48 Years Old

You need a better body.

Lester Sawicki DDS

35 Years in Tai Chi

Tai Chi has the 1 Form...


If you already know several Tai Chi forms, you must condense them into the 1 Form.

You Must Read and You Must Listen...

...if You Want to Learn the Essence of Tai Chi.

If all you do is relax and imitate the movements of a Tai Chi teacher then you will never be more than as his skin, bones and flesh. Imitate a monkey, a tiger, a snake, a bird and you will never be more than as the animal. Bruce Lee said you should be like water. Tai Chi experts, however, say you will never be like water and never purify your water into steam if you don't read and listen. Read your position in space. Listen to both the inside and outside of your body.

This is why Tai Chi Qigong has always been considered a "smart exercise" as opposed to a "dumb exercise". Both smart and dumb, however, are critical to health, fitness, and longevity. Furthermore, do not totally eliminate "dumb exercise" from your weekly routine because, in a life or death situation, doing something in a dumb way can sometimes save your life. And in reality, there is no "dumb" exercise. Just different quality exercise.

You must also meditate with acute focus to create the heat and pressure necessary to "cook the rice" inside yourself. Cooking is work. It is also a pleasure, extremely satisfying and gratifying. In doing the work you will detox the body with sweat.

You must read, listen, contemplate and do the extremely difficult work. Only then will you make real progress in the art of Tai Chi Qigong. It is recommended to read a Tai Chi book before your first lesson so you are able to ask questions. A good book for reference is Tai Chi Classics by Waysun Liao, available on Amazon.

If you have no experience with Tai Chi Qigong then this is the best place to begin.

If you already know Tai Chi then we will help improve its quality.

The Essence of Tai Chi Qigong Meditation

Learning 108, 24 or even 10 Tai Chi forms may not be the best investment of your time if you are seriously interested in Tai Chi for health, fitness and relaxation. The only forms you really need to know are as easy as ..... +1 + 2 + 3 ..... in + out + spiral. The majority of your time doing Tai Chi should be in deep meditation, not trying to remember the various forms. Trying to remember a sequence of forms involves too much multitasking thinking and makes it extremely difficult to learn deep meditation.

In China, traditional Family Style Tai Chi forms were taught to children while the meditation part was taught to young adults and older. Meditation was not taught until you could first demonstrate good memory and automatic expression of the complex series of forms. The reason being the brain of a child needs thinking for its development. At a young age the wild horse should not be tamed into not thinking. Once the brain has reached a certain level of development, however, and puberty sets in then the right time has arrived to start meditating daily for short periods of time in order to stop the obsessive thinking that often comes with onset of sexual energy. Obsessive thinking also plagues adults trying to cope with everyday problems related with figuring out how to support and protect the family.

When you Stop the Thinking and Start the Being then you open a space for imagination and creative enlightenment, an avenue for problem solving through meditation. You also quicken all the vital mind-body biochemical pathways which promote health.

The original Chinese Tai Chi Family Patriarch used Tai Chi training as a method of self-defense to protect the family and also as a meditative psychological tool to help manage negative effects of obsessive thinking. Meditation has many scientifically proven health benefits beyond what exercise alone can achieve. It is an antidote for obsessive thinking which is very detrimental to the mind-body health connection.

It is the goal of Tai Chi Austin 123 to help you Stop Thinking and Start Being. That's why we do not teach complex Family Style Tai Chi forms to adults. It is our opinion that by age 25 your brain doesn't need more memory work such as learning 108 steps to a Chinese martial arts dance. We focus only on Tai Chi Qigong meditation which we believe is the quickest way to better health and fitness.

Tai Chi Qigong for Health and Fitness is Simple

All you need to do is Think, Choose and Feel. Doing this with positive emotion will influence and change every single cell in your body for greater health and fitness. Easy as...+1 +2 +3...when you focus only on...in + out + spiral...rather than trying to remember a complicated set of forms. Complicated movement, as presented in various Family Style Tai Chi instruction, makes it almost impossible for students to learn deep meditation. Place a Tai Chi Weapon in the hand, a sword, knife, broad sword, spear, staff, and you will fall further out of meditation. And if you want to completely destroy your meditation then be sure to get training in two-person push-hands.

Weapons and push-hands are useful only for advanced Tai Chi practitioners who are already adept at meditation, can extend chi beyond their fingertips, are looking for another challenge to relieve boredom, or are at the age of around 20 years old with extra time in their day and willing to pay hard earned dollars for outdated martial arts lessons that have almost no practical application in today's world.

Tai Chi Classic Principles state you should become like a baby. What does an infant do? It will suckle, swallow, spit, and poop. If you want to know the basics of Tai Chi then you have to understand how the swallow and spit is at its heart. Very simple because you already know how to do it but it's very hard to put into your Tai Chi without reading, listening, and practicing in order to get the meaning behind it.

Think, Choose. Feel. A slow deep meditation using the Mind-Brain connection. The secret to Tai Chi Qigong for health and fitness.

Fu Yachi Tai Chi Austin 123 Qigong


"Easy as +1+2+3"

Classes 7 days a week

(7am - 9pm)

12370 Alameda Trace Circle

Austin, TX 78727

Email: tummypinky2@aol.com

Call or Text: (512) 400 -1495

by Dr. Lester Sawicki with 35 years Tai Chi Experience

We have classes 7 days a week (7am - 9pm) for a fee of only $20 per class.

Appointment Only

Some Tai Chi teachers recommend you attend their classes 2 to 3 times a week. Week after week that adds up in dollars. In learning the Essence of Tai Chi we believe you will benefit more with personal instruction no more than 1 or 2 times a month. Without a commitment or contract that makes it affordable for everyone.

Reservations are required. Call, text or email to reserve.

Email: tummypinky2@aol.com

Call or Text: (512) 400 -1495

Ask us about personal instruction and group discounts.

Think, Choose, Feel

"Easy as +1+2+3"