3. DigiLog Miniature

Miniature Alive: Augmented Reality based Interactive DigiLog Experience in Miniature Exhibition


    • In this paper, we present Miniature Alive, a nextgeneration interactive miniature exhibition that provides a DigiLog experience that combines aesthetic/spatial feelings with an analog miniature and dynamic interaction with digitalized 3D content by exploiting augmented reality (AR) technology. Using our Miniature Alive, exhibition visitors can enjoy virtual storytelling in the physical miniature by turning a page of an e-book, interacting with augmented 3D objects through their mobile phones, and even change the original story. Our work is useful in guiding the design and implementation of new miniature exhibitions.


  • T. Ha, K. Kim, N. Park, S. Seo, and W. Woo, "Miniature Alive: Augmented Reality-based Interactive DigiLog Experience in Miniature Exhibition," ACM CHI Interactivity, pp. 1067-1070, 2012. 5. [Link]

  • 하태진, 박노영, 장영균, 이형묵, 우운택 "증강현실 기반 테이블탑 체험 기술의 현황과 전망: 디지로그 미니어처를 중심으로," 대한전자공학회, 39(4), pp. 304-310, 2012. 4. [Link]

  • 나세원, 하태진, 우운택,”감각형 객체를 이용한 이음매 없는 2D/3D 상호작용 시스템,” KHCI, pp. 264-269, 2007. [Link]

