1. DigiLog Book

DigiLog Book: Convergence of Analog Book and Digital Content


    • We first present the concept of the Digilog Book, an augmented paper book that provides additional multimedia content stimulating readers’ five senses using augmented reality (AR) technologies. We also develop a prototype to show the usefulness and effectiveness of the book. The Digilog book has the following characteristics: AR content descriptions for updatable multisensory AR contents; enhanced experience with multisensory feedback; and interactive experience with computerized vision-based manual input methods. As an example of an entertaining and interactive Digilog Book, this paper presents a ‘‘temple bell experience’’ book and its implementation details. Informal user observation and interviews were conducted to verify the feasibility of the prototype book. As a result, this case study of the Digilog book can be useful in guiding the design and implementation of other Digilog applications, including posters, pictures, newspapers, and sign boards.


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