腰でのハンガー反射 Hanger Reflex on Waist

腰ハンガー反射による歩行への影響 Effect of Hanger Reflex on Walking


When a wire hanger is placed on the head, the head rotates involuntarily. This phenomenon is called the “Hanger Reflex”, and it was also found at the waist and wrist. This paper focuses on the waist-type hanger reflex and its effect on walking. We found that the waist-type hanger reflex turn the direction of walking to the same direction as the rotation direction of hanger reflex, which can be applied to navigation interface.

  1. 今悠気, 中村拓人, 佐藤未知, 梶本裕之:腰ハンガー反射が歩行に及ぼす影響,日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2015,2015.5,みやこめっせ.[pdf] 若手優秀講演フェロー賞,受賞報告
  2. Yuki Kon,Takuto Nakamura,Michi Sato,Hiroyuki Kajimoto:Effect of Waist-type Hanger Reflex on Walking for Navigation, IEEE World Haptics Conference 2015, June 22-26, 2015, Chicago, USA. demo,[movie],[movie],[movie]
  3. Yuki Kon,Takuto Nakamura,Michi Sato,Hiroyuki Kajimoto:Effect of Hanger Reflex on Walking, IEEE Haptics Symposium 2016, pp.313–318, April 8-11, 2016, Philadelphia, USA. (Acceptance Rate 49%), Oral Presentation [ieeexplore],[movie]

空気圧アクチュエータを用いた腰ハンガー反射制御デバイス Development of Waist-type Hanger Reflex Device Using Air Driven Balloons


Hanger Reflex is a phenomenon that produces an illusory force and involuntary rotation of the body parts by skin deformation. We have confirmed that Hanger Reflex at the waist significantly affects walking direction. In this paper, we developed a device that control the waist-type Hanger Reflex by using pneumatic actuators, and confirmed that rotation and translational motion of the waist can be generated by the developed device.

  1. 今悠気,中村拓人,梶本裕之:ハンガー反射を用いた腰部への回旋・並進力提示デバイス,第21回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会,2016.9,つくば国際会議場.[pdf]
  2. 今悠気,中村拓人,梶本裕之:腰部ハンガー反射発生時の圧力分布の計測,第16回 公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門 講演会 SI2016,2016.12,札幌コンベンションセンター.[pdf]
  3. Yuki Kon, Takuto Nakamura, Hiroyuki Kajimoto:Interpretation of Navigation Information Modulates the Effect of the Waist-Type Hanger Reflex on Walking, IEEE 3DUI , pp.107-115, Los Angels, USA, March 2017. (Acceptance Rate 32%), Oral Presentation [ieeexplore],[[movie]:https://youtu.be/gaKdE0by22o]