Register Now!

Click drop-down button to read Registration Timeline.

Note: The soft deadline to register for SCOY for all the sessions is Thu 7 Jan 2021. Do consider registering within this window period to allow us to plan for a comfortable number of facilitators to participants ratio for the breakout room session, and to give us time to arrange for a diverse mix within each room.

That said, we do note some of us are only able to fix our schedule later. To accommodate for that, we also allow a hard deadline

  • Wed 13 Jan for the Sat 16 Jan session

  • Wed 20 Jan for the Sat 23 Jan session

  • Wed 27 Jan for the Sat 30 Jan session.

All registration to be done via the form below and options to register for specific sessions will be removed accordingly.

*The organisers are adopting a 'cooling-off' day on all Fridays before the Saturday sessions to rest and recharge for the actual sessions. Do understand we will not be replying to any emails or messages then.

Thank you.